Exercises for the calf muscles at home

Flabby and underdeveloped legs do not look quite beautiful, but especially their bottom. To improve the appearance of their limbs, people often look for exercises for the calf muscles, which could be done at home without additional equipment. Thanks to them, you can make your figure more balanced. In addition, strong calf muscles will make great strides in cardio and fitness.

exercises for the calf muscles at home

Working muscles

In the process of performing one or another exercise for the calf muscles, their various zones are involved. The main muscles are:

  1. Calf The biceps is located on the back of the leg. It consists of an external and internal head. They are located next to the knee and attach to the tendon, which, in turn, connects to the heel. It is this that is the link. Usually, due to work with the calf muscle, an increase in calves is achieved. It’s easier to work out than other muscles. But caviar can be increased only within the limits of genetic predisposition. The calf muscle also includes movement of the foot, as well as stabilization of the entire body during running or walking.
  2. Anterior tibial. Its tissues occupy about 2/3 of the area between the tibia and fibula. It is located in the outer surface of the anterior leg. This muscle helps a person to maintain balance. During dancing or any other activity, it works great. You can feel it under the skin in the transition zone of the lower leg to the foot.
  3. Flounder. The last thing to consider is a muscle located under the calf. Visually, it stands out a lot. Its beginning is located at the upper tibia, and it ends at the junction with the calf tendon, approaching the calcaneal tuber. This muscle takes an active part in flexion of the foot. When it is stretched, painful points will be felt on the back of the calf.

Warm up before training

Before the main training, it is necessary to perform exercises for stretching the calf muscles. They will help to warm up so as not to get injured during classes. In addition, this small complex will make the joints mobile, and the muscles strong and fully prepared for any load. Special equipment for warming up is not required, so you can do it both at home and on the street. Basic exercises are:

  1. Stretching. For its implementation, you will need to sit on the floor with legs stretched forward. Then you need to press the body to the legs from a sitting position and grasp the socks of the hands with your hands. In this case, the back must be straight, and in the hips should be felt stretching. In this position, you need to hold out for about 3 seconds, then return to its original position and repeat another 7 times.
    calf exercises for girls
  2. Mahi. An excellent exercise for warming up calves is done in a standing position. To do this, lean your hand against a wall or any other surface that will help maintain balance. With a flat back, you need to perform 15 swing legs to the side, forward and backward. At the highest point, the foot should be clearly parallel to the floor surface. Having made one approach, you need to change the side and repeat all the same actions. If at home there are weighting materials for the legs, then they must be used to perform this exercise.
  3. Lunges. Having stood upright, you need to take a step forward with one foot and transfer the entire body weight to it, bending at the knee until the thigh is parallel to the floor. The second leg should remain motionless. After 15 seconds, you need to change legs. In total, 10 repetitions for each side are recommended.

Main program

After a full complex of preparation, you can safely proceed to the basic exercises for the calf muscles at home. This training will differ from the others in that the target muscles have a rather weak strength potential. Greater effectiveness classes can be given with the help of weighting. They may include dumbbells, sand or water bottles, and other equipment that can be used within the home.

For the workout, you will not need the help of other people. The only caveat is that from sudden exertion, your head may begin to feel dizzy. To quickly stop this, just put chewing candy on the cheek. It will not prevent the continuation of the workout. This applies only to those who are just starting to play sports, as experienced athletes do not experience such situations.

exercises for stretching the calf muscles


Effective training should begin with an exercise for the calf muscles, aimed at working out the superficial muscle. Perform it is required in a standing position. Being in a level position, you should rise on socks as high as possible, feeling the tension in the target muscles. Once the top point is reached, you need to smoothly go back down, but do not put your heels on the floor. An ideal option would be to perform an elevation exercise, which should only be socks. This is explained by the fact that when lowering the heels on the floor, the calves do not strain at all, so there will be no effect from these movements.

It is possible to carry out springs both on two legs at the same time, and in turn on each separately. In total, 3 sets of 30 reps on each side should be done. For hardy young men and women, experienced athletes offer to test their strength and complete 100 lifts without rest, or do the exercise in one rhythm for two minutes.

exercises to increase the calf muscles

Toe walking

Exercises for losing calf muscles are quite simple. For example, one of the movements accessible to all people is walking on toes, which is often called the "ballerina". Thanks to her, you can perfectly work out the inner surface of the calf muscle. You can walk anywhere.

Having stood on socks, you need to follow the usual trajectory, taking the usual steps. At runtime, you need to monitor your back and knees - they should be even. The duration of the exercise, each person must determine for himself. Since the "ballerina" is not very difficult, you can do it as much as possible.

Climbing stairs

Oddly enough, walking and running up stairs is a wonderful exercise for calf muscles at home. Thanks to them, you can not only perfectly work out these groups, but also provide yourself with decent cardio training. Residents of multi-storey buildings perform the exercise easier, as they can climb to their homes on foot without using the elevator. But those who live in the private sector will have to look for steps nearby and devote time to training in the area.

This practice makes it possible to lose weight, develop your stamina and significantly improve well-being. The simulator in the form of an ordinary ladder burns an order of magnitude more calories than ordinary walking, even at a fast pace. Throughout the day it will be enough to make 4 lifts to the 10th floor and descent from it. Over time, you should increase the pace.

exercises to reduce calf muscles

Using step platforms

Exercises for the calf muscles for women can also be performed on the well-known stepping platform. Of course, it is rarely found in homes, but you should not be upset. This device can easily be replaced with a low and long stool or a blanket folded several times. Exercise on such a simulator will help to burn subcutaneous fat and improve the relief of calves.

To do this, you need to put one foot on a raised platform, and then pull the other to it. Next, you need to go downstairs in turn in the same sequence. Follow should be 20 steps with each foot.

Jumping with a load

Another effective exercise for the calf muscles allows you to work them out and increase volume. To do this, you need to pick up weights in the form of dumbbells or bottles filled with sand or water. If there are special weighting materials for the legs, then it is worth using them.

The technique for performing an exercise to increase the calf muscles is very simple:

  1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, just lower your arms with dumbbells and do a regular squat.
  2. Straining the muscles of the legs jump up, and then, landing on your toes, again lower yourself into a squat.

Such jumps are required to be made about 10-15 in 3 approaches. If at first it is not possible to maintain balance, then you can take the load in only one hand, and hold the other for a chair or wall.

Sitting up

Especially for the soleus part, exercises are also developed. To improve your stamina, lifting from a sitting position is ideal. It is carried out only with its own weight, since there is no need for additional shells.

The first step is to sit down so that your hips are parallel to the floor. The back should be flat, and the arms should be locked into the lock in front of you. Next, you need to climb toes at a smooth pace and lower to the starting position, as was done standing up. If the voltage is weak, then at the top you can linger for a couple of seconds. In total, it is worth doing 20 climbs in 2 sets.


Calf exercises for girls, such as squats, are known to all people. They are made quite easily, but are designed for endurance. Very often, beginners, even having the strength to perform the exercises, simply can not do everything right for unknown reasons. It is here that the level of endurance plays a role.

During the squat, the knees should in no case go beyond the borders of the socks. In this case, the legs should be clearly shoulder width apart, since any change in position will give a load on completely different muscle groups. Squats will be enough to perform 3 sets of 10 times.

exercises to strengthen the calf muscles

Heel lifts

An exercise in which the front part of the lower leg works well is done on an elevation. To do this, you need to put both heels so that the socks are in the air. Then, at a smooth pace, you should make movements with your socks up and down.

Total should be done 20-30 times. To get a greater effect, you can perform the exercise even more slowly. It is on the amplitude that the load on the necessary muscles depends. This can easily be felt by slowing down both on the rise and on lowering to the starting position.

calf exercises for women

Training program

In order for the exercises to strengthen the calf muscles to give a positive result as soon as possible, it is necessary to do 3-4 times in 7 days. At each lesson, it is required to use all the movements provided above, including the warm-up in front of the main complex. A positive effect can be obtained if you listen to the advice of professionals:

  • rest time between sets should be exactly one minute (30 seconds will be enough for more advanced athletes);
  • the right technique is very important, because without it not only the desired result will not be obtained, but also a chance to earn an injury;
  • physical activity should be regular and desirable;
  • getting to the goal faster will help you switch to proper nutrition.

Aerobic exercises to reduce calf muscles are very effective. A large number of repetitions without weighting will burn excess fat.

Given all these points, it will be possible to achieve the goal very soon. The most important thing is not to give up and always go forward, even if at first something fails.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44206/

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