How to write poetry to a girl you feel like

Most girls are romantic natures, but even ladies who are far from poetry will appreciate the poem dedicated to them. Not every person is able to express their emotions, as the great classics did. In such cases, young people wonder: how to write poetry to a girl?

Verse content

The main thing in the future work is the meaning with which it will be filled. If you want to write a poem to a girl, you need to prepare a text about what exactly attracts you to her, what feelings you want to convey through poetry. Think about what she was interested in, what qualities of character you value and love in her. When writing a verse to a beautiful girl, you can focus on the features of appearance - facial features, hair, figure.

A man writes a text

Write down the things you would like to tell her. Such a story will further help in creating truly catchy lines that can shed light on your future relationship. No need to immediately try to create the desired structure of the future verse and pick up a rhyme. At this stage, the main thing is the feelings you have for the object of sighing.

The style of the work

If you want to write a poem to a girl that you like and impress her, you should think about what will be interesting to her. Lyrical works will delight the romantic nature, while the girl with humor will appreciate the cheerful and cheerful verse dedicated to her.

Book of love

In some cases, dramatic and even gloomy lines that speak about the depth of your feelings will do. Remember all the interests and preferences of your chosen one, stop your choice on the style that will be most suitable for her.

Verse formation

At this point, your carefully thought-out story should take shape. Decide on the size, pace of the poem, its syntactic structure. If you are far from the world of literature, do not give up.

Writing a verse

In the days of modern technology, almost everyone is able to find the necessary information in books. Ask for help with special literature, which will offer you a large selection of poems by different poets. Having studied some of them, you can choose for yourself the tricks that are used by more experienced authors. If your goal is to create your own unique work, it will not be superfluous to learn how to choose the right rhyme. Before you write poetry to a girl, find out how close she is to the world of poetry. The complexity level of your work will depend on this. In some cases, you can limit yourself to a well-chosen rhyme, to focus on the content. Read what you have written several times, make the necessary adjustments. Do not be afraid to use various literary devices, such as metaphor, epithet, or personification.


The verse is written, and you can’t wait to hand it over to the one for whom such a difficult job was done. So that your efforts are not wasted, you need to take care of a spectacular presentation. Be original and romantic, but do not embarrass a lady by suddenly reciting poetry in front of her friends. Meet her in a secluded place, before making sure that the girl is in a good mood and is ready to listen to you.

You have a choice - to read your creation in person or to hand in so that she does it herself. Choosing the first option, you will take a bold step towards your relationship, but you risk being misunderstood, taking a lady by surprise. If you prefer the second option, think in advance about the material on which your verse will be written. Notebook paper is not suitable for such purposes. A work written in a beautiful handwriting on a blank sheet will tell you about your accuracy. Put the letter in the envelope and give it to the girl. You can send the verse by mail if you know the address of your chosen one.

You should find out if she received your gift, but not be too intrusive and straightforward. Do not ask what the girl thinks about this and whether she liked the verse. Show patience, show respect for her feelings, and the desired result will not keep you waiting long.

Girl is reading

Now that you know how to write a verse to a girl, you can safely sit down at work. Approach the matter with all responsibility and seriousness, put your sincere feelings into it , and your lady will definitely appreciate this beautiful gesture.


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