An argument is ... The meaning of the word "argument"

the argument is

Using the word "argument" every day, we do not even think about its meaning and origin. But if you "dig" deeper, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

The word "argument": interpretation and meaning

What if you look into the dictionaries? They can tell a lot about the origin and use of words. The meaning of the word “argument”, taken from the most authoritative sources, will help to understand when and how to use it.

We take in hand the Dictionary of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegova. According to him, an argument is a thought or a judgment given in evidence of something. A synonym for the word “argument” is “argument”. The word is used in combination with adjectives. For example: "convincing arguments."

Term history

In the encyclopedic dictionary you can find the meaning of the word "argument". In ancient Russia, the so-called denunciation. We learn from the same source that in ancient Russia, the argument is the reason for the increase, the receipt of monetary compensation, and even the appropriation of the nobility. The historical meaning of the word is interpreted in two ways. As follows from the extract to the order of March 12, 1582, mentioning the boyar slaves, the latter go in arguments for their sovereigns and are hired in the courts of others. (Source - Historical Acts, Volume One, page 134, article XX). It is believed that the decree mentions the first lawyers in Russia. From this meaning the modern interpretation of the word "argument" has gone. Since ancient times, there is the use of this concept. The word is pronounced in conjunction with the verbs: reinforce, represent, bring. It can be assumed that the boyars on ships brought with them lawyers and witnesses for the defense. Hence the expression "to argue."

meaning of the word argument

How is the word used?

Often you can find the phrase "good reason." What this means is few remember. Here is what Ozhegov’s dictionary says about this word:

  1. Vesky - weighty, significant weight with a small volume.
  2. Vesky - convincing, significant, serious.

To date, the phrase "good reason" is a stable expression that is used everywhere. However, there are other definitions with which to use the word "argument". These are mostly quality adjectives. They can be divided into words with a positive and negative connotation:

Important, weighty, evidentiary, principal, sufficient, logical, skillful, logical, visual, incontrovertible, irresistible, indisputable, substantiated, thorough, practical, positive, striking, striking, reasonable, reasonable, resolute, strong, serious, respectable, skillful , convincing, bright, clear.

Baseless, unsubstantiated, worn-out, childish, beaten, low-weighted, unreasonable, unjustified, unweighted, insolvent, unpersuasive, unreasonable, inadequate, unconvincing, unreasonable, unreasonable, insolvent, weak, shaky.

In the dictionary of epithets such a list is indicated, although the use of other parts of speech is also allowed. You can find such combinations: clear, vague, formulated and unformulated, correct, incorrect, significant, non-essential, insignificant arguments.


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