I smell that is not there: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

“I smell that I don’t have” is a very common complaint from patients in the therapist’s office. The appearance of olfactory hallucinations can be caused by a variety of reasons, some of which are associated with internal pathologies, that is, cancer. In our article, we will talk about the most common causes of this symptom, as well as methods for their treatment and diagnosis.

Why do people think that there is no smell?

You ask yourself: "Why do I constantly smell that I don’t?" Then you should go to the clinic for medical help. However, the cause of this symptom can be identified at home. You just need to know the main reasons that contribute to this. For example, odor perception can change due to a violation of the structure of the nasal mucosa. That is, during a cold or sinusitis, a person can perceive the usual smells in a completely different way than in a healthy state.

The guy smells the phantom fish.

However, do not forget that if a person began to smell, which actually does not exist, this may indicate certain pathologies in the body. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a doctor who not only diagnoses the disease, but also prescribes a competent course of treatment. Although in most cases the smells are very real. Just the people around them do not feel them, since the source is in the patient's body. That is why it seems that the smell does not actually exist.

Causes of an unpleasant symptom

“At times I smell that I don’t have,” a complaint of this kind should be considered with special care, as the patient may be infected with pathological diseases. Among the most common diseases, the following are usually distinguished:

Nasal congestion with a runny nose.
  • pulpitis, periodontitis and carious lesions of the teeth;
  • sinusitis - sinusitis or frontal sinusitis;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • fetid runny nose.

As a rule, all of the above pathologies are accompanied by the release of purulent masses that can cause an unpleasant aroma in a patient. However, people around him are unlikely to feel it, except with close contact, for example, kisses.

Perhaps it is a violation of smell?

If you constantly ask yourself the question: “Why do I smell very much that I don’t have?”, You should also consider the fact that the cause of the disorder may actually lie in the violation of the olfactory analyzer. There may be several options for such a disorder:

Girl sniffs a flower.
  • hormonal fluctuations - most often observed during pregnancy;
  • the use of medications and various drugs after intoxication;
  • endocrine disorders of the body - diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism;
  • various psychological diseases, for example, schizophrenia;
  • brain tumor or traumatic brain injury.

Also, one should not forget about such a concept as phantom odors. Just try to imagine that you are smelling gas or fish. The nose immediately begins to pick up a familiar scent, right? If you do this trick all the time, then getting rid of phantom odors will be very problematic.

Which doctor should I go to?

If you suddenly began to smell at a distance or it seems to you that you are smelling a smell that is actually not there, then you should immediately visit the clinic to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole organism. Otherwise, you run the risk of learning about an unpleasant ailment when it is already too late. Any options for self-medication in this case are highly not recommended.

The doctor checks the throat.

In most cases, people seek the help of a physician or otolaryngologist. Diseases of ENT organs in this case are considered the most common option, but do not exclude the fact that a specialist can send you to another doctor if he does not find a problem in its part. For diagnosis, modern equipment or a classic examination of the organs of the respiratory system and oral cavity is used.

If we are talking about any psychological disorders, then the diagnosis can be complicated several times, especially if the patient experiences phantom odors. In addition to the anamnesis, the main tool for identifying psychological diseases is special equipment for the diagnosis of the nervous system.

Diagnostic procedures

Modern medicine represents a whole range of diagnostic measures aimed at identifying a specific disease. Here is just a small list of methods that allow you to recognize an ailment, the symptom of which is an unpleasant smell:

Modern MRI device.
  • electroencephalography - allows you to establish or exclude epilepsy;
  • computed tomography - detects skull fractures and brain tumors;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - reveals inflammation and hematomas in the brain.

And these were just the basic procedures that your doctor may prescribe. Do not forget about the usual diagnostic methods that have been used in clinics for several decades. Although it should be noted that modern medicine is gradually pushing them into the background.

Pathology treatment

"I constantly smell the blood - what should I do?" Still asking yourself a similar question? But in vain! Because you should immediately contact the clinic to undergo a comprehensive examination. There is a high probability that your body has some undetected pathology. If the terrible diagnosis is confirmed, then the treatment options for the disease can be as follows:

Girl is drinking a pill.
  • brain tumors - immediate surgical intervention;
  • schizophrenia or depression - psychotherapy and the course of taking antidepressants;
  • epilepsy - taking anticonvulsants and other tablets;
  • circulatory disturbance in the brain - metabolic therapy.

Also, as an additional treatment and prevention, a course of taking various vitamins can be prescribed to help normalize the level of trace elements in the body. As for the failure of hormones, special medications aimed at normalizing metabolism are prescribed.

Disease prevention

Everyone should understand that absolutely no one is immune from the disease, in which the patient begins to feel unpleasant odors, which are actually absent. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow certain rules in order to prevent the risk of developing various pathologies:

To give up smoking.
  • a complete rejection of bad habits (alcohol, smoking, and so on);
  • timely contact the clinic for help;
  • a course of psychotherapy (for mental disorders);
  • regular exercise and healthy eating.

It is also recommended to avoid contact with various chemicals in order to prevent intoxication of the body. Otherwise, you risk not only constantly smelling, which actually is not, but also a headache, nausea and many other unpleasant symptoms.

Video and conclusion

We hope our article helped you determine why people smell, which actually does not exist. If you still have any questions on this topic, we advise you to watch a short video that details how to recognize schizophrenia. Perhaps this particular mental disorder has been haunting you all this time?

As you can see, there are quite a few different reasons why a person can feel olfactory hallucinations. If you are concerned about this symptom, then we strongly recommend contacting the clinic for advice. Otherwise, you risk living for several years with a disease that will progress all this time. Remember that your health is only in your hands! Therefore, come to the clinic on time for help and follow the preventive measures described in our article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44223/

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