Talka (vodka): consumer reviews

A pure Siberian drink with a 40 ° fortress attracts connoisseurs of primordially Russian alcohol products with an amazing taste and softness.

Due to the infusion of the main component in melt water, the drink got its name - “Talka” (vodka). The reviews of both specialists and consumers are rather favorable.

Where is quality vodka produced?

talca vodka reviews

Vodka "Talka" is produced at the Siberian Distillery. As the name implies, it is located in the heart of Siberia - the Novosibirsk region. The company is very young. Its discovery occurred in September 2008.

Using modern unique production technologies, high-quality vodka “Talka” is produced. The manufacturer warrants for its top-notch properties. The production of this brand of strong drink began in 2011.

Products are poured into a glass container. The bottle design has a square section with slightly rounded corners. Glass is transparent white. Relief components are required on the vessel in the form of a small necklace on the neck. The cover is screw and there is an opening indicator on it. There is a special dispenser under the cap.

Naturally, the inscription “Excise duty paid” and “Siberian distillery” should be present on the bottle from the back.

vodka talka fake

To decide on a product such as Talka vodka, a photo of its bottle can be considered in advance (in order to protect yourself from acquiring a fake).

Quite an interesting fact: the plant has special equipment - a high-speed line, the fastest in the world. With its help, 24 thousand bottles per hour are produced.

Production of vodka "Talka"

Production is based on grain alcohol. Its category is luxury. Also, the raw materials are saturated with various herbs, such as tansy, thyme, and Ivan tea. As a result, at the expense of these plants the soft taste of such a strong drink as Talka is produced. Vodka reviews are mostly positive. The drink is called quite light, saturated, note its fresh taste.

In addition to herbal plants, only pure artesian water is necessarily used in the manufacture . Its use is almost the main condition in production.

Wheat, which insists on melt water, gave the name to this vodka. In addition to these ingredients, sugar syrup and honey are also added.

The entire manufacturing process takes place under the control of specialists and therefore there is no doubt about the quality of such a product as vodka “Talka”. The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of his products and warrants that the consumer properties of the drink are very high.

"Talka Lux"

vodka talc maker

This species is considered a fairly refined drink. Of course, its strength meets the necessary parameters. But due to some components of the drink, the taste is softened, and it is quite easy to use.

Vodka "Talka Lux" is the clear purity of meltwater, Siberian morning freshness and an invisible aroma of blueberries. Berry grows in the endless forests of taiga. It is she who gives the drink a refined aftertaste.

Vodka is made from the highest quality alcoholic raw materials with the addition of herbal infusion in melt water (thyme, fireweed, tansy). Alcohol is filtered by silver.

It is best to try this vodka in combination with any appetizers, such as caviar, spicy meat dishes. In addition, slicing from lemon and a little pickled crispy cucumbers is perfect.

Before using the product, it must be cooled, but do not serve it completely frozen. After all, this will not convey the whole taste of a strong drink.

Special vodka "Talka"

Berries that grow in Siberian forests are known for their beneficial properties. On their basis create many folk recipes. It is these berries that underlie such a drink as vodka "Talka Osobaya".

Like all other strong products of the Siberian factory, vodka is made from alcohol of the highest luxury category. Also, herbal infusion of thyme, Ivan tea and tansy is added to it. They are quite clearly felt in the drink. But this does not spoil it at all, but on the contrary, gives a certain zest.

Soft and fresh vodka with a touch of meadow plants - this species really lives up to its name - “Special”. Crystal clear and with a pleasant herbal shade.

At any holiday table, this alcohol will be appropriate. They serve it chilled.

To more clearly feel the inconspicuous aroma and astringent taste of the drink, it can be supplemented with various snacks, such as sliced ​​meat, salted or pickled mushrooms that grow in Siberian forests are also suitable.

vodka talka photo

In addition to drinking in its pure form, various cocktails are made with such a product as Talka (vodka). Mixed drink reviews are the most flattering. Vodka with an infusion of herbs gives them a more pronounced taste.

How to distinguish quality vodka from a surrogate?

Unfortunately, the more popular the product becomes, the more often it starts to fake. This applies to almost absolutely all products, especially hard liquors.

In order not to run into low-quality goods, it is necessary to distinguish real vodka from a surrogate. First of all, as proof that the products are of high quality, shops should have a special certificate for it.

Also, if it seems that Talka vodka is a fake, you should carefully examine its cork. When scrolling the lid, the goods should not be purchased. If you turn the glass container and look through it at the clearance, then with poor quality you can notice a cloudy precipitate and barely noticeable impurities. Vodka should be as clean as a baby's tear.

Surrogate can give a slight yellowish tint. This is due to the fact that untreated water is used for illegal spirits.

You must carefully inspect the special stamp, which indicates the date of bottling. Numbers are also on the cork or label. Many people think that vodka does not have an expiration date, but this is not so. The alcoholic beverage is stored for 1 year.

Close attention should be paid to the label. If it is glued crookedly, then the product is clearly of poor quality. Also, before buying such a product as vodka "Talka", photos (for example, given in this article) should be studied very carefully and pay attention to the label, cork and other nuances.

Use advice

vodka talka luxury

In all countries there is a so-called culture of drinking alcohol. Somewhere they are drunk diluted, and in some countries they are practically pure without any snack.

As for vodka, it is not consumed in one gulp, in one fell swoop. This is considered bad manners. Strange as it may seem, this alcohol is a little sipped in the mouth and only then swallowed. Of course, not many can withstand the high strength of the drink, so it is recommended that before eating a product, eat, for example, a slice of citrus. This will distract taste receptors.

If you follow this advice of specialists, then the drink "Talka" (vodka) reviews will receive only the best.

Also, special attention is paid to snacks, probably this is the main component in the culture of drinking vodka. To help unleash some potential of this alcohol, you can offer various pickles, red fish or caviar to the table.

Hot dishes with high calorie content (rich solyanka, borsch) will help not to get drunk after the first glass. But lamb, boiled fish, cheeses and sausages are an undesirable tandem with this drink.

Vodka "Talka" and various cocktails

This type of alcohol is added to numerous cocktails in which the main component is vodka.

Its softness will give the mixed drink a distinctive flavor. Also, due to the fact that Talka is infused with herbs, the cocktail will receive a barely noticeable aroma of Siberian plants.

The product is recommended to be added as one of the constituents to complex multicomponent drinks. Then the cocktail will have a rather rich aftertaste.

The price of vodka "Talka"

special vodka

Pricing policy is very democratic in comparison with similar alcoholic beverages.

Glass containers in which vodka is supplied differ in their volumes: 0.250, 0.375, 0.500, 0.700 and 1000 ml. Their minimum price varies from 280 rubles for 0.5 liters.

If the goods are sold at a lower price, then it is possible that this Talka vodka is a fake. Before purchasing such a product, it is better to think a few times and double-check everything.


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