Vodka “Vysota Lux”: quality reviews

For a Slavic person, almost every holiday is accompanied by a traditional drink - vodka. Everyone who has tried this strong drink at least once knows that it is very important to choose a quality product.

Who is the manufacturer and can you trust the brand?

Vodka "Height" is produced in Russia. The distilleries of the Gross Alcohol factories enterprise are located in several regions, and one of the main distilleries is the distillery, which is located in the city of Ulyanovsk, Moscow Region. He produces several prestigious brands of vodka, including Russian Diamond, Slavyanskaya and Vysota. The obtained certificates and quality marks indicate that Vodka Vodka has found its consumers throughout the country and is safe for health with moderate consumption.

Taste indicators of vodka and its differences

Vodka "Height" is available in several classes:

  • "Lux".
  • "Premium."

The first is a crystal clear liquid with a moderate aroma of ethyl alcohol. According to chemical indicators, the alcohol content is 40%. Vodka does not freeze, but after cooling in the freezer it becomes more viscous and slightly changes the taste indices.

vodka height

The taste of alcohol becomes less pronounced. Upon contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth, the burning sensation is practically absent. After drinking vodka, heat throughout the body diverges slowly and evenly, while the state of intoxication occurs gradually.

Vodka “Altitude Premium” has similar tastes, but its main difference is that it is more “light” and “fresh” in taste. Although the alcohol ratio is also 40%. A homogeneous liquid does not crystallize at sub-zero temperatures, but becomes more viscous compared to water or alcohol. Upon contact, vodka does not burn the oral cavity, although it has a warming effect.

Vodka "Height" has gained popularity among people

Various polls have shown that people like Vodka “Vysota” vodka, only positive reviews will be left, the number of satisfied customers is growing steadily.

vodka height luxury

Buyers say that this vodka is great for the holiday table and has an affordable price. It is also worth noting that the appearance of the bottle looks decent and looks good on the festive table in combination with snacks.

Regular customers noted that the vodka is good, there are no flaws, it is easy to drink, and in the morning you feel good, even if you drink a lot of it.

Based on the positive reviews about Vysota vodka, we can safely conclude that this is a product worthy of attention and tasting.

Glacial water vodka deserves special attention

As the manufacturer promises, vodka “Vysota Premium Lux” has an incredibly light taste. The composition of this vodka is different from others, because the following components are used in the manufacture:

  • Rectified ethyl alcohol "Lux", made from food raw materials.
  • Natural drinking water "Glacial coolness" with the restored structure by a method of freezing.
  • Natural mountain honey and cane or beet sugar.
  • Alcohol tincture of almonds for a special aftertaste.

vodka premium height

Thanks to the unique combination of components, manufacturers managed to achieve a harmonious and mild taste. At the same time, vodka has a pure aroma without impurities. It is drunk easily, and the aftertaste leaves a pleasant, without bitterness and burning sensation. As noted by consumers, after a feast, provided that only vodka “Height Premium Lux” is consumed, there is no hangover in the morning.

Appearance: design and decoration

The bottle itself is made of transparent glass without color shades and has a tetrahedral shape with rounded corners. The height of the vodka bottle allows you to clearly read the name from a distance of 2 meters. You can also easily see the quality mark. The label itself shows mountain peaks covered with glaciers, which immediately causes associations with coolness and cleanliness. Vodka “Vysota” tastes exactly like this: pure, fresh, cool without a specific alcoholic aroma.

vodka height reviews

Therefore, design and decoration occupies a leading position in the ranking. Such vodka can be proudly displayed on the festive table, as well as large companies purchased for corporate events and anniversaries. At the birthday party, wedding, christening and other holidays vodka “Height” will be a great addition to the festive table.

Decent value for money makes vodka popular among people with an average income. People who can afford to buy high-quality alcoholic beverages at a nice price, opt for vodka “Vysota”.

To verify the quality, just read the reviews

Vodka "Vysota Lux" is sold throughout Russia, so there are millions of consumers. As they say, there are so many people, so many opinions, but in the case of vodka “Height” they are mostly positive.

vodka height premium luxury

Vodka “Vysota Lux” has a mild taste and light aroma, product reviews do not differ much. An anonymous survey of respondents about the quality of vodka showed that 337 consumers rated vodka “excellent”, so you can observe the following indicators:

  • Rating: 4.3 out of possible (6.1).
  • Odor: 7.0 out of the possible (7.0).
  • Taste: 5.3 points.
  • Softness: 6.0 points.

While gustatory qualities will remain at this level, the product will gain popularity among the population of Russia.

What snacks are best combined with vodka?

Festive tables are notable for the abundance of dishes, but not everyone knows what to eat with vodka. Food that does not combine with alcohol can cause food poisoning due to a chemical reaction and spoil the whole holiday. Therefore, it is better to choose the right snack for vodka.

vodka bottle height

A few products that blend perfectly with vodka:

  1. Pickles. These include mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes and canned vegetable salads. Due to the content of salt and vinegar, the alcohols in the body do not give the effect of “fermentation” and other negative reactions, therefore, by eating vodka with cucumber, you help the body cope with alcohol faster.
  2. Light salads. Such dishes slow down the process of intoxication, so that vodka is drunk easily, and alcoholic intoxication comes slowly, it is better to give preference to light salads with vegetable oil.
  3. Baked and boiled meat and fish dishes. The meat in its taste is excellent with vodka, and at the same time the products are “friends” with each other. But such nutritious meals are best consumed before taking alcohol, so that the body can more easily cope with intoxication.

To make the feast fun, observe the measure and, of course, have a good snack!

Why is vodka "Height" better?

Everything is simple here: the manufacturer complies with the technology for the production of an alcoholic beverage. The vodka that came to your table has come a long way:

  1. Water for the drink has undergone purification by sedimentation, aeration and filtration through carbon and quartz filters. An additional molecular purification is also used to mitigate. If the water is poorly prepared and the content of minerals and salts is higher than normal, vodka will turn out to be hard.
  2. Alcohol is most often obtained from wheat; barley can also be added to the wort; after fermentation, raw alcohol is sent for rectification.
  3. At the third stage of production of Vysota vodka, alcohol is mixed with ingredients such as honey and almond tincture.
  4. Next, the mixture is purified by carbon filters from aldehydes and ethers, by the method of cyclical filtration.
  5. The finished mixture settles for 3-5 days, during this period the taste of vodka is finally formed.
  6. Last stage: bottling, labeling and excise stamps on the product. And vodka is sent from the factory to wholesale and retail outlets.

vodka height luxury reviews

How not to buy defective vodka?

  • Check the integrity of the excise stamp; it should fit snugly to the top of the cap and the neck of the bottle. Basement manufacturers are often in a hurry and save on adhesives.
  • Check the tightness of the adhesion of the cap with the ring on the neck, if integrity is broken, do not put such vodka in the basket.
  • The label must contain the composition, address of the manufacturer and the license number that permits the production of the drink.
  • It should be noted that the bottle should also be without visible defects, and the vodka itself should be crystal clear.
  • Before pouring alcohol into glasses, make sure that vodka does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor and impurities such as acetone.

Having analyzed, we can say that Vysota vodka is a quality product on the Russian market. Excessive consumption is harmful to health, but in small quantities, it is useful for the body: it kills harmful microbes and viruses, especially in the autumn-winter period.


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