Compress on the throat: indications, contraindications and reviews

Inflammation of the tonsils (in other words, tonsillitis) gives us a lot of discomfort. A sharp sore throat, tickle, fever and difficulty in eating can knock out even the most persistent people from the daily rhythm of life. If you do not start therapy in time, the disease progresses and gives a complication to the ears, heart, kidneys and other organs.

In such a situation, urgent medical treatment is required. To accelerate recovery, therapy can be supplemented with traditional medicine. One of the most effective is a compress on the throat. What is its beneficial effect on the body and how to put it correctly, we will tell in our article.

The principle of compresses

In acute inflammation of the tonsils, an accumulation of lymphoid fluid is observed both in the throat and in the nasopharynx. Tissues swell, blood circulation in the vessels is difficult. The causative agents of the disease actively multiply, the human body undergoes intoxication.

compress on the throat with angina

To stop an adverse process, a warming compress on the throat helps. Under the influence of heat, blood vessels expand, swelling of the tissues passes, normal blood circulation resumes. The causative agents of infection die, the patient notes a decrease in pain and an improvement in general condition.

The benefits of compresses are confirmed by many years of experience in their use and numerous positive reviews. Even the most skeptical therapists include such manipulations in the overall treatment regimen. However, this does not mean that anyone can use this treatment method. All health issues should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

In which cases you can not put a warming compress?

Wet and dry warming dressings on the throat can significantly ease the course of the disease, but there are a number of cases where their use can only do harm. To understand whether you can make a compress on the throat or not, study the list of main contraindications for its use. It includes:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • skin diseases;
  • problems with heart;
  • high body temperature;
  • an increase in lymphatic tissue;
  • vascular disease, blood;
  • oncological diseases;
  • elevated blood cholesterol;
  • thromboembolism;
  • tuberculosis.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to use compresses when identifying purulent varieties of angina. Increased blood circulation will cause the infection to spread rapidly throughout the body.

is it possible to do a compress on the throat

If the disease is caused by a fungal infection, the compresses will not do harm, but you will not get any benefit from them either. Before starting treatment, visit your GP and get tested for the causative agent.

How to make compresses on the throat?

To make home therapy useful, carry out the procedure in accordance with certain requirements. After all, improper use of thermal dressings will cause burns and other undesirable consequences. How to make a compress on the throat so as not to harm yourself? It is enough to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. If you are using a liquid compress, heat the main component to a pleasant body temperature. If solid components are used, prepare them in a specific way.
  2. Dampen gauze or a piece of cotton in a warm composition. Solid "drugs" are simply laid out on top of the fabric.
  3. Make sure that the temperature of the compress is within acceptable limits. Put a bandage on your neck.
  4. Place a plastic wrap or plain bag on top of the compress.
  5. Wrap your throat with a warm scarf.

The exposure time of the compress depends on the type of heating substance you choose.

how to make a compress on the throat

On average, it is 2-3 hours. Make sure that the scarf holds heat well, the bandage is tight. You can hold it until you feel the warming effect. If a burning sensation or other discomfort occurs, urgently remove the compress.

What can be used to prepare a warming dressing?

As the main ingredients for the manufacture of a compress on the throat, various products are used. In most cases, preference is given to medical alcohol and vodka. Also, vegetable oil and vinegar are well suited for these purposes.

compress on the throat of an adult

Dry compresses are prepared using boiled potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese. Often used soda, salt and ointments containing essential oils.

Each method has its own characteristics and rules of use. Let's consider them in more detail.

Recipe for Vodka Compress

To make a compress (throat) from vodka, use a multi-layer dressing. Take a piece of gauze or chintz and fold it several times. The fabric should absorb a lot of solution.

Follow these steps in the following sequence:

  1. Dilute the vodka with warm water in equal parts (1: 1). If the degree of homemade tincture does not exceed 40% vol., It can be used in pure form. Make sure that the temperature of the heating composition does not exceed 25 Β° C. Otherwise, a burn is likely.
  2. Soak the finished fabric in the resulting solution. Squeeze her.
  3. Apply a bandage to the larynx.
  4. Cover the compress with cling film.
  5. Wrap your throat with a scarf.

For an adult, the exposure time can reach 5 hours. You can carry out manipulations three times a day, observing the interval between procedures at 3 hours.

how to make a compress on the throat

Alcohol compress on the throat is made according to a similar algorithm of action. However, pure alcohol is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2.

Cottage cheese compress recipe

Cottage cheese is the safest and hypoallergenic product for a compress. Moreover, it contains a large number of trace elements and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

In order to enhance the warming abilities, vodka, mustard or vinegar is added to it. Gentle formulations include honey and onions. If you need to put a compress on the throat of a child, use this recipe.

The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Grind cottage cheese in a blender until pasty.
  2. Grind a couple of medium-sized onions.
  3. Mix both components together.
  4. Add a couple of tablespoons of fresh honey to the mixture.
  5. Spread the composition on the surface of the dressing.
  6. Apply a compress to your throat.
  7. Wrap it up with the above method.

The exposure time of the thermal dressing is 4 hours. Please note that warming compresses should be slightly shifted to the chest. Location in the area of ​​the thyroid gland and heart is unacceptable!

Potato Appliques

Potatoes also help to stop the inflammatory process. It is used in two ways. In the first case, two potatoes are grated. A tablespoon of vinegar is added to them (use a 9% solution). The mixture is placed on one side of the dressing, applied to the throat.

potato compress on the throat

In the second version, a teaspoon of sunflower oil and a few drops of iodine are added to mashed potatoes. The mixture is laid out on the fabric and applied to the throat.

There is also a vodka compress (throat) which also uses potatoes. To create it, you need to stretch the boiled vegetable along with the peel, pour 20 grams of vodka into the pulp. The mixture is used for applications on the neck 2-3 times a day.

Cabbage Compress

Cabbage leaves are famous for their ability to relieve puffiness and reduce inflammation. Therefore, they are actively used to treat mastitis, radiculitis, headache, joint diseases and, of course, with angina. Reviews about the treatment of cabbage make you think even people who do not trust traditional medicine.

The cabbage compress (on the throat) does not have an enhanced warming effect, which means that it can be used to treat children.

cabbage compress on the throat

To prepare a compress, heat one sheet in warm water. Attach it to your neck and wrap it with a warm cloth. Walk with such a bandage all day. Every 2 hours, change the sheet to fresh. By the evening of the first day you will feel a noticeable improvement.

Salt and honey applications

Salt dressings are considered the simplest method for relieving pain and swelling. They relate to the dry method of creating a compress on the throat. An adult and a child can apply such dressings without any particular fears. They will not cause allergies and will have the proper effect.

Preheat the salt in a pan. It is better to use the marine variety, it is more useful. Strongly heat it is not worth it. It is enough to achieve a pleasant warmth for the hand. Place the salt in a cloth bag and attach to the neck. Wrap yourself in a scarf and walk around until you feel warm. You can leave the bandage all night.

compress on the patient’s throat

Good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects are characterized by compresses from honey. They can be supplemented with other components. For example, alcohol and an aloe plant.

The medicinal mixture is made from 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, one tablespoon of crushed aloe leaves and two tablespoons of diluted alcohol or vodka. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, laid out on the fabric. The compress on the throat is fixed with a plastic film. Its exposure time is 4 hours.

Treatment of sore throat with asterisk and eucalyptus oil

The long-known balm "Asterisk" is also actively used in the treatment of tonsillitis. Modern recipes imply its simultaneous use with essential oils.

To quickly relieve pain, the balm must be rubbed into the skin of the neck. Act on those places where pain is felt most actively. After that, wrap the throat with a film, wrap it with a scarf. After a couple of hours, rinse off the ointment from the skin and repeat rubbing, but using eucalyptus oil.

Alternate the active ingredients every two hours. The exposure time of ointments is not limited.

Features of the use of compresses for children and pregnant women

Many future and newly made mothers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make a compress on the throat during pregnancy and for young children. If you want to cure a sore throat for a child, then remember that you can only use compresses after three years. Until this time, the child will not be able to tell you about the deterioration and the appearance of discomfort. Therefore, medicine does not recommend the use of such treatment in babies.

compress on the throat of a child

Older children tolerate thermal dressings well. But keep in mind that the time of their exposure should not exceed 2-3 hours. During the day, you can repeat the procedure no more than two times.

When choosing a compress recipe for pregnant women, preference should be given to those formulations that are not able to be absorbed into the blood through the skin. You should immediately abandon the essential oils. All other methods should be discussed with your doctor.

compress on the throat during pregnancy

Reviews about the treatment of throat with compresses are mostly positive. Patients note a significant decrease in the period of the disease and a quick analgesic effect. However, you should not base treatment only on the experience of other people. Each person is individual. Remember this and take care of your health. All the best!


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