How to tell about yourself at the interview?

There is a high probability that at the interview you will be asked to go beyond the standard questionnaire and just chat, introduce yourself. Therefore, the applicants and the question arises, how to tell about yourself in order to please the future employer. In fact, there are several important nuances to keep in mind.

You should not describe yourself as an ideal employee, say that you are ready to work around the clock for the benefit of the company and you are only interested in work in life. After all, this is not true. But you should not indicate your weaknesses, which can show you on the negative side. In this article we will try to consider how to tell about ourselves in order to make a good impression on the future boss and get the position that interests you. Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything, but the information provided will help you avoid some difficulties during the interview.

Before you go for an interview, you should carefully consider your answer to the request to tell about yourself. Try to write the text of the story without missing anything important, and work out the presentation at home to worry less.

Do not repeat all the information that is presented in the resume. Your potential boss clearly reviewed it before inviting you for an interview. It’s better to note some of the most important points and make a link to the text of the resume (“You could get more detailed information about my experience in the resume”, etc.). In the event that you are nevertheless asked to repeat this information, additional questions should be expected.

You should not be limited to the facts of your biography. This option is commonplace and not the most advantageous. It is best to solve the question of how to tell about yourself, in the context of the acquired skills. You can tell us what you learned at your previous place of work, what the people with whom you worked together gave you, how you worked in a team, what skills and what experience you gained.

It is worth presenting yourself as a professional. Most likely, your employer will wait for an answer from you why exactly you are suitable for this position. He will want to hear about your education, experience, and also about the reasons for the change of work. It is best to immediately share what exactly you expect from a new job, how you see yourself in a new place, what maybe scares you a little, and what pleases you.

Talk about your strengths in such a way as to show how exactly they intersect with the interests of the employer and the requirements of the new position. For example, if you learned to snowboard or play the piano, this is unlikely to help you in the work of a manager. But the fact that you were a headman at the institute will show you as a good leader and a serious person, able to solve various problems. Of course, you don’t need to talk about any family troubles, but a brief story about the family can be a plus for you, as family values will demonstrate your interest in stability.

Another piece of advice on how to tell your employer about yourself is to comply with the regulations. A laconic, clear and short story about yourself will be much better perceived, which will take two minutes and allow your potential boss to ask you various questions if the employer wants to clarify something for himself.

Still, the goal of your boss in conducting various assessment procedures during the hiring of a new employee is to answer the most important questions: “Will the new employee fit into the team?”, “Will he want to work?” and "Will he be able to carry out the tasks assigned to him?" If your short story allows the employer to answer all three questions in the affirmative, then you are likely to get a chance to work for the company.

We hope that this article helped you find the answer to the question of how to tell about yourself at the interview and make a good impression on the employer.


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