In the word "clog" stress how to put

Surely everyone in life at least once felt awkward embarrassed when he doubted whether he correctly emphasized one or another word. And how many times we are trying to literally memorize the correct option. But all attempts are in vain ... But how does the wrong pronunciation hurt your hearing? I want to close my ears at this moment. One of the difficulties in the correct pronunciation is that in the Russian literary language there are no uniform rules. So, for example, in the word "clog up" we usually put the emphasis incorrectly. We will discuss this.

clog stress

What is stress?

Highlighting one of the syllables in a word using a voice is called stress. In order to pronounce a stressed vowel, one should strain the organs of speech and phonation. Percussion is the syllable that is pronounced with the greatest voice power.

One of the important parts of linguistics is orthoepy, a science that studies pronunciation. In pronunciation, the stressed syllable is longer if compared with other parts of the word. The vocal height of a vowel can vary. Often there are cases when the stress is double. In other words, you can say so and so. Typically, such cases are recorded in an orthoepic dictionary.

Who usually has difficulty pronouncing?

Of course, if a person was born and grew up in the circle of speakers of pure literary Russian, surrounded by writers, professors and other representatives of the intelligentsia, then problems with stress almost never arise. As they say, the stress is literally absorbed with mother's milk. However, how many of these people? Russia is a huge country in which a large number of other nationalities live. It is they who speak surzhik or use dialecticism in speech. With a literary speech, they have a hard time.

how to put emphasis in words

It is even more difficult for those who emigrated to other countries, where Russian language is immediately “shackled” by elements of another language. One cannot but pay attention to foreigners who come to the Russian Federation for permanent residence or temporary work. Such people do not understand how to "cope" with stress, because there are no laws of their arrangement in words.

Uncovered Problem

Where does the correct stress in the word “clog” fall? The question that not only foreigners in Russia often ask themselves, but also originally Russian people. Often there is an emphasis on the third syllable - “buy-off”. However, this is the most common speech error. Moreover, many reference publications (in the Dictionary of Pronunciation and Stress Difficulties) draw readers' attention to this problem.


If you comply with the literary norms of the modern Russian language, then in the verb “uncork” the stress must be placed only on the 2nd syllable - on the vowel letter “u”. Uncupture is the only correct option to adhere to.

Philologists explain the pronunciation errors by the fact that this verb is rarely used in oral speech. And in rare words it is difficult to remember where to put emphasis. There is another version of the pronunciation: the word “procurement” is similar to the word “corruption”. However, not a single orthoepic dictionary regards this stress variant as an acceptable form.

Conjugation stress “uncork”

When conjugating the verb “uncork,” the stress on the second syllable is preserved. In other words, “Uncourage” is preserved in all forms of the verb. The emphasis also remains constant when the participles and germs are formed.

Common phrases:

  • they opened a bottle of champagne;
  • open canned food;
  • you open the jar;
  • Having opened the bottle, Anton poured wine;
  • open up, be kind.

In the word “clog”, conjugation and stress also remains unchanged - on the second syllable: “Locked, Locked, Locked. The answer to the question of how to correctly stress the words to uncork, clog, can be found in orthoepic dictionaries. In such root words as “blockage”, “uncorking”, “uncorking”, “uncorking”, the stress falls on the stressed vowel “u”. Therefore, it should be pronounced as follows: “Uncork”, “Cork”, and nothing else.

How to remember the correct stress?

When memorizing something, I immediately want to transform the proverb known to everyone: “Repeat seven times, remember once”. Correctly put the emphasis on “Lock” in spoken language will help one clue (quote from Pushkin): “Open the champagne bottle. // Il scrolls “The Marriage of Figaro” (from the play “Mozart and Salieri”).

clog conjugation and stress in a word

Not to be mistaken in the correct accent “Spoil” will help a little poem. It’s easy to remember: “The Dwarf gathered sawdust in the forest // And locked it in bottles.”

Cork: stress, examples of use

In order to remember the correct stress once and for all, it is necessary to speak aloud such examples:

  • Ignat filled barrels with herring and sprinkled with coarse salt, while Fedor carefully corked them and rolled them under a canopy.
  • You have Cooled the child in the apartment - he needs to walk on the street.

It’s best to print and hang these examples above the desk or over the bed so that they are always in front of your eyes.

where the accent in the word drops correctly

After all, a working morning is best started competently. For efficiency, it is advisable not to read about yourself, but to say it out loud. And loudly and several times in a row. After a couple of weeks, the correct emphasis “clog” will harmoniously fit into your oral speech.

Another effective method that you can use is the speed memorization technique. You can download tutorials on memory development to your computer.

Remember that everywhere and always you need to make an effort. Then everything will turn out! Be literate and improve your speech every day! After all, speech is the first indicator of our intelligence.


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