The fitting is a weapon, a connecting pipe and ... a nose

In the design of many machines and apparatuses, the task of connecting peripheral devices with a tank filled with liquid or gas is solved by connecting flexible hoses.

fitting this

A striking example of a hydromechanical scheme is the braking system of any modern car. The driver, having decided to stop the car, presses the pedal. This force is transmitted through the brake pipe fitting and the connecting hose to the cylinder, its piston is deflected and the position of the pads changes. Hoses are connected to the rigid elements of the system by means of adapters onto which mating threaded connections are screwed .

"Everything is clear, but what kind of fitting is this?" - Ask a person who does not know the meaning of this word.

Connecting element of hydraulic and pneumatic systems

brake pipe fitting

A fitting is a pipe (often of a sleeve type) of small length with threaded threads (internal or more often external). One of its ends is hermetically connected to a container filled with liquid or gas. It is designed to connect flexible hoses or rigid tubes equipped with an appropriate threaded receiving unit, providing the necessary seal and absence of leaks. Sometimes, various additional materials are used to improve sealing when screwing.

The gas fitting works similarly. It is installed on cylinders with liquefied propane, after which it is not difficult to connect a stove to them in the country kitchen.

Pneumatic automation circuits, devices for opening and closing doors in public transport and other systems, including flexible tube ducts, cannot do without such an important connecting element as a fitting.

gas fitting


In its original meaning, the word "fitting" is a designation of a class of small arms. Starting from the 16th century, direct-cut guns of this type were armed with infantry from different countries, including Russia. In contrast to the samples obsolete by that time, the choke had a number of advantages, among which were less weight, better combat accuracy and compactness, expressed in a shorter barrel. Obviously, therefore, the chopped nozzles were named after rifles. Some modern hunting rifles are called fittings today.

Other values

“Do not stick your fitting where they do not ask!” Such an insistent request should be heeded by overly curious representatives of the criminal world, especially if it comes from an authoritative criminal. Neither the hydraulics nor the guns in this context, the expression is relevant. According to the dictionary of slang expressions, the fitting is the nose.


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