Allan and Barbara Pease, “Why do men want sex and women want love”: summary, reviews

The book "Why do men want sex and women want love" is well known today. Its authors are spouses who were able to successfully overcome the crisis of family relations, to cope with depression and despair. In fact, preserving marriage is a whole art. The book of Allan Pease and Barbara is popular precisely because it addresses the pressing problems of living together. And everyone has difficulties, just few people talk about it out loud.

Book of Allan and Barbara Pease

Each person who seeks to build honest and trusting relationships should read this text. The book "Why do men want sex and women want love" is the answer to the question of how to stay happy, despite external circumstances.


To know whether to buy this book, it is important to have an idea of ​​what questions it answers. So it will be easier to draw preliminary conclusions. Some people need to remain confident that the money they bought was not spent in vain. The summary “Why do men want sex and women want love” will allow readers to draw independent conclusions and come to a meaningful decision. Consider the main points of this work.

Different perceptions

Men and women do not see the world the same way. They have different ways of perceiving, which are sometimes fundamentally different from each other. If most representatives of the stronger sex do not consider physical intimacy a betrayal, then a woman understands this question clearly. Girls cease to be faithful to the chosen one when he really becomes indifferent to them.

Quarrels and misunderstandings

A young man may feel a sense of affection for one, but at the same time allows for sexual intercourse with other women. Men often take life easier and prefer to live exclusively for themselves. Girls care more about parents and children. For most women, the habit of sacrificing themselves often becomes a kind of habitual pastime.

What attracts men?

Without a doubt, the representatives of the stronger sex primarily pay attention to the external data of the partner. A beautiful figure, a pretty face, long legs - all this matters. A man wants to enjoy life, because he is focused on pleasure. He will not be satisfied with the role of a patient martyr who constantly sacrifices himself. The book “Why Men Want Sex, And Women Love” shows how strongly guys underestimate emotional impulses and some values.

Romantic relationship

They do not want to wait, in some cases they do not want to be tactful, to limit themselves to anything. The guys are more optimistic about what is happening, which gives them a chance to better notice the emerging opportunities and not miss them. This is very important for building a successful and dizzying career.

What do women value?

The most popular books on psychology sometimes cannot explain why the fair sex acts in a certain way. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a girl to understand. Women are too much influenced by their own emotions. If something really shocked or surprised them, then they need to share their impressions with others. Men are often not interested in such thoughts at all, so they are not able to maintain a dialogue. Women really appreciate coziness, attention to themselves and genuine sincerity.

Good mood

Girls quite often make mistakes in men and are deceived precisely because they want it. They tend to paint the image of a partner in the imagination, fitting it to their ideal ideas. Unlike men, ladies rarely see the world in real light and often abide in illusory fantasies. Girls consider character traits as responsiveness, loyalty, and selflessness to be the most important. They themselves want to sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one, even when there is no particular need for it.

Reasons for Random Sex

This question interests many. Women ask him indignantly, and men with a certain interest. Random sex is what happened in the life of almost every person. Subsequently, people can hardly explain to themselves why they allowed it to themselves. As a rule, girls, allowing such a relationship, were disappointed. Feminine nature is such that it wants to feel protection. A normal girl will never be satisfied with a one-time relationship in which there is no prospect for the future. A man receives a certain charge of vivacity, but is unlikely to subsequently recall the details of a random short-term relationship. With the help of spontaneous sex, people often realize their hidden desires. For example, if people are unhappy in a marriage, then it is quite possible that they will begin to look on the side for exactly what they lack most.

Perfect relationship

Many are convinced that such a pair does not exist in nature. Can I find the perfect partner? The romantic idea of ​​the halves often makes people approach a potential partner with exaggerated requirements. Girls are especially interested in this: they look at a particular guy appraisingly, as if they want to immediately understand whether it is possible to have a serious relationship with him.

A beautiful couple

The image of an ideal life partner sometimes lives in the head for many years, gradually transforming into something specific. This book shows well examples that can lead to complete loneliness.

A way to relieve nervous tension

Physical intimacy as such helps to free oneself from disturbing experiences. The authors emphasize the idea that people sometimes experience intense stress due to the presence of all sorts of problems. Family troubles, conflicts are incredibly unsettling. One must possess great wisdom in order to be able to recognize this.

How to improve your personal life

Most people, one way or another, strive for a harmonious and fulfilling life. In order to find happiness in partnerships, you often have to work on yourself, revise your ideas. The book "Why do men want sex and women want love" provides effective recommendations on how to improve personal life. Debunking certain myths, the authors show how often we make mistakes following false beliefs. Sometimes you need to learn how to openly express your feelings in order to prevent the formation of all kinds of grievances and misunderstandings.


“Why Men Want Sex, And Women Love” is a book that provoked conflicting opinions. Most users respond positively about it, but there are also those who consider the information contained in it to be not entirely appropriate. The authors quite sharply indicate some features of relations between the sexes, show the truth too convexly. Meanwhile, reading this text can really be useful at any age. After all, in order to learn to better understand your partner, you need to know some features of behavior that are characteristic of him.

Book reading

Thus, the book “Why do men want sex and women want love” is interesting and oriented to a wide range of readers. If you want to keep your family relationships worth the time and money. Having received useful recommendations, you must immediately begin to implement them. Reading is good, but the most important thing is action. Take responsibility for the changes that are about to happen. In life, sometimes you need to act actively.


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