Management of federal property is carried out by the government of the Russian Federation

Federal property management is the exclusive competence of government agencies. The legislation defines the circle of these authorized institutions, the procedure and conditions for use, disposal, ownership of property. Let us further consider who is involved in the management of federal property.

federal property management

General information

At the federal level, various authorities operate . Close relationships are established between them. At this level, in particular, the president, the government, the Federal Assembly, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, fiscal and other departments and ministries, funds and so on are working. In the existing system, a special role belongs to the Head of State. It is the president who ensures consistency in the actions of all institutions of power through the issuance of decrees and orders. These acts, in particular, coordinate the management of federal property. Such decrees and orders have repeated or permanent effect.

Government (federal) property management bodies

The key role in resolving issues related to state property belongs to the executive institutions of power. The supreme body in the system is the government. It is vested with the relevant powers of the Constitution and the Federal Law. The government manages federal property in cooperation with various government institutions, state-owned enterprises, institutions, and joint-stock companies. Ministries have also been created in the system of government, the powers of which include issues related to state property. The Ministry of Economic Development is given special competence. It should be noted and the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management. This institute solves a huge number of tasks, including providing services to the public, and ensuring the implementation of state policy in the property sphere.

Higher Executive Institute

As indicated, the federal government manages the federal property. In the process of exercising its powers, this institution interacts with other structures in two directions: from top to bottom and from bottom to top. In the first case, the initiative comes from the government, and in the second - from the local executive branch.


In progress:

  1. The unity of the socio-economic space and the freedom of economic activity are ensured.
  2. An investment policy is being developed and measures are being taken to implement it.
  3. Socio-economic development is projected, programs are being drawn up to expand the priority sectors of the national economy.
  4. Developed and implemented state policy in the field of international, financial interaction.
  5. Provides management of federal property.
  6. Measures are being taken to protect the interests of the Russian manufacturer.
  7. A mobilization economic plan is being formed, and the functioning of the defense industries is ensured.
    federal property management

Key Tasks

Since the Government of the Russian Federation is primarily responsible for managing federal property, a large amount of work is entrusted to this institution. In its activities, this structure takes into account the need for stabilization and expansion of production at state enterprises, the application of antitrust and other measures. Providing management of federal property, the supreme executive institution considers draft privatization plans, resolves issues related to the provision of subsidies, subventions, and other types of assistance on a gratuitous and repayable basis.

Ministry of Economic Development

It has extensive powers in the field of national economy. The tasks of the Ministry include the management of federal property. Among its key functions, it should be noted:

  1. Development of proposals for the development of the public sector of the economy together with other executive structures, analysis and forecasting of development.
  2. Drawing up plans for reforming state-owned enterprises, general methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of other government institutions in this area.
  3. Participation in the formation of privatization policies and state property management.
  4. Monitoring the activities of natural monopolies, developing forecasts for production volumes.

In the process of its work, the Ministry of Economic Development closely interacts with other Ministries (agriculture, energy, ecology and natural resources, trade and industry, regional development, and so on).

federal property management refers

Accounts Chamber

It was noted above that management of federal property is carried out not only by the executive branch of government. Authorized in this area include the Audit Chamber. It is a permanent institution that provides financial control. The Accounts Chamber is formed by the Federal Assembly. One of the key tasks of the structure is the determination of the feasibility and effectiveness of spending budget funds and the use of state property.

Federal Agency for State Property Management (Federal Property Management Agency)

This structure is managed by the Ministry of Economic Development. Direct management of federal property is carried out by the central apparatus of the Federal Property Management Agency. This structure works in the field of land relations, implements the functions of providing state. services. Federal Property Management Agency:

  1. Provides management of federal state property, analyzes processes related to its privatization and disposal. For these purposes, sociological, marketing, scientific, technical and other studies are carried out. Based on the results obtained, proposals are developed to improve economic methods and mechanisms for reforming property and land relations.
  2. Considers issues related to optimizing the number of shares of state-owned JSCs. When implementing this task, the government policy is maintained and regulatory mechanisms are maintained in the relevant economic sectors.
  3. It analyzes the performance indicators of unitary state enterprises by sectors of the economy to optimize their number and increase competitiveness.
  4. Summarizes the existing proposals regarding the improvement of the processes of disposal and management of property.
  5. Develops, with the participation of interested executive structures, a land reform program.
  6. Draws up draft laws and other normative acts relating to issues of accounting, disposal, ownership, privatization and control of the use of state property.
  7. Prepares proposals to the Government on the delimitation of state property. This work is carried out jointly with regional and local authorities.
    the government manages federal property

Central office of the Federal Property Management Agency

Its structure includes:

  1. Management (chief and his deputies).
  2. Advisers (assistants).
  3. Structural units.

The latter include the following departments:

  1. Register, analysis of the use of state property.
  2. Land fund.
  3. The property is state-owned, providing the material basis for the functioning of power structures, organizations and public entities.
  4. Privatization of state property.
  5. For work with property under arrest.
  6. Legal management.
  7. By order of property seized in favor of the state or converted into federal property.
  8. Infrastructure industries and defense industry enterprises.
  9. Property of law enforcement, law enforcement agencies, courts.
  10. Organizations of state property assessment and audit.
  11. Innovative technologies and industrial complex enterprises.
  12. Socio-cultural organizations and foreign ownership.
  13. To coordinate the work of territorial structures.
  14. Logistics and government procurement.
  15. Property of enterprises in the scientific field.
  16. Information Policy.
  17. Finance.
  18. Secret office work.
  19. Pre-sale preparation and sales of privatized property.
    Federal Agency for Federal Property Management

Territorial units

They are formed by the Federal Property Management Agency in accordance with applicable law. Territorial units make up a single system of institutions of management and privatization of state property. They are created by order of the Federal Property Management Agency in a particular municipality, according to a scheme approved in the established manner. All those involved in the management of federal property are vested with rights and obligations, as well as the authority to implement them.


Each territorial division of the Federal Property Management Agency, providing management of federal (state) property, carries out:

  1. Maintaining a register of material assets located in a specific region.
  2. Accounting for joint-stock companies formed during the privatization of unitary state enterprises located on the territory of the subject.
  3. Coordination of actions for organizations to bring property into the authorized capital of economic entities, as collateral, and maintain relevant registers.
  4. Accounting for leases, the subject of which is federal property.
  5. Organization and control of the implementation of the privatization program.
  6. Seizure of unused or improperly exploited state property transferred to operational management.
  7. Providing reports on the implementation of tasks related to the formation of the revenue side of the budget by proceeds from the use and privatization of state property
  8. Registration and transfer to Rosimushchestvo of certificates for blocks of shares owned by state enterprises.
  9. The lease of state property transferred to federal institutions and state-owned enterprises for operational management, as well as unsecured state property.
  10. Giving consent to the provision for use of facilities under economic management.
  11. Ensuring control over the safety and targeted use of state property. Territorial structures are taking the necessary measures to eliminate identified violations of the rules for the disposal and operation of facilities.
  12. Assignment and performance of inspections (inventories, audits), including audits, to ensure control over the proper use and preservation of state property. In the framework of this activity, territorial units have the right to require the necessary information and documentation from unitary state enterprises and institutions.
  13. Organization and implementation of expert appraisals for assessing the value of federal property.
    state federal property management bodies


The activities of the territorial divisions of the Federal Property Management Agency are carried out in accordance with applicable law. The head of the executive structure approves the Regulation on structural departments in accordance with its standard form, adopted by order of the Ministry of Economic Development. The appointment and removal from office of the head of the territorial unit is carried out by the Minister upon the recommendation of the Federal Property Management Agency in compliance with the requirements established by law. Other employees are hired and dismissed in accordance with the rules provided for by local regulations (orders).

federal state property management agency


All the above federal authorities, as well as their territorial divisions, carry out the most important tasks in the sphere of state property management. The legislation gives them a certain range of powers and rights. Along with this, responsibility is provided for these structures to ensure the proper fulfillment of the tasks set. The heads of the territorial bodies of the Federal Property Management Agency organize their work, monitor compliance with established requirements. At the same time, they are personally responsible for the implementation of the functions assigned to the units. The management of territorial structures is obliged to send reports to a higher authority (Federal Property Management Agency) on the work done.


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