Close-set eyes: physiognomy and character

Sometimes one wants to know more about a person, but there is no data other than appearance. And you ask yourself: what do these closely set eyes, thin lips, narrow and long nose mean ? Oddly enough, but there is a whole science that allows you to reveal the nature of the individual, relying solely on facial features.

close set eyes

Physiognomy - the history of occurrence

Like palmistry, this science arose very, very long time ago. In those ancient times, it belonged to occult directions. And gypsies, sorcerers, magicians, priests, fortune tellers and other charlatans and scammers used it for their own purposes.

It is these people who possess the skills of influencing the human psyche that laid the foundation for the emergence of a unique direction in science that studies the difference in the characters of people depending on facial features. Now, engineering psychology gives concrete and precise answers about what personality traits are inherent in people who have close-set eyes, how brunettes differ from blondes, and what temperament most people with a large, chubby mouth have.

Eye spacing

closely set eyes speak of

In compiling the characteristics of a person by his face, an engineer-psychologist pays attention to every dash. How far the inner corners of the eyes are from each other is a very important fact. If this distance is not more than the width of a finger, then it is considered that these are closely set eyes.

close-set eyes photo

Similarly, if the distance between them is greater than two fingers, then they will be widely set.

Are close-set eyes a sign of a lack of intelligence?

No matter how it sounds rude and blasphemous, but that's what many people think. Most physiognomists claim that close-set eyes speak of problems with the memory of their owner, his narrow horizons, and the inability to make their own decisions.

close-set face

In addition, in the same works, such not very pleasant character traits as vindictiveness, conservatism, pettiness of vital interests are indicated. And often such people have no hobbies or hobbies at all.

Killers and maniacs with close and deep set eyes

Moreover, there is an opinion that deep and close-set eyes speak of criminal inclinations of the personality. And historical facts can even confirm this. The face of the notorious serial maniac Andrei Chikatilo, like no other, matches these parameters. The same can be said of Edward Heine, a necrophile, a murderer who made clothes for himself from female skin, and dishes from human skulls. Their deep and close-set eyes leave a heavy impression. Photos of maniacs practically did not survive - the people tried to erase any memory of these nonhumans.

deep and close set eyes

33-year-old Andres Bering Breivik from Norway, who killed 77 people, also has close-set small eyes, which are also located quite deep.

close set eyes

And, of course, Adolf Hitler, who unleashed the most terrible war in the history of mankind. The obsession with becoming the ruler of the whole world awakened a real monster in him.

The eyes of Adolf Hitler and his character

But not all of the few individuals mentioned above who have done evil on Earth have a lack of intelligence. Hitler, for example, could not have launched such a massacre, enslaved so many countries if he had been absolutely not smart. Yes, and having no hobbies artist Adolf can not be called.

close set eyes

And here is just a slightly different characteristic of people with a similar type of eye. She emphasizes high ability to concentrate, emotional sensitivity and low tolerance. Well, the facts that the story about this man brought to us fully confirm this statement.

Presidents of great powers with deep and close-set eyes

The presidents of the United States and Russia are a clear refutation of the allegation of lack of intelligence and hobbies in people with this type of eye. And the words that such individuals can only be performers who do not know how to make important decisions on their own are also untenable. The assumptions that the owners of small and closely spaced eyes usually see only trifles, not being able to fully cover the situation, are also questioned - this is also not about the presidents.

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Wounded and closed? Hiding from the outside world and trying not to show their feelings? Is it hard for them to get along with people? All these statements are easy to refute, even superficially familiar with the biography, for example, of V.V. Putin. But the fact that he is a perfectionist, demanding and stubborn - yes, here physiognomists do not lie a bit. Or maybe such accuracy in the description is because it was compiled quite recently, so to speak, deducted from a person who is all in plain sight?

closely set eyes speak of

Stereotype of character determination by external data

After reading the comments of physiognomists, many ask themselves: why are so many unpleasant features attributed to people with small deep and close-set eyes? Perhaps because such persons have long been considered not very attractive? After all, it is much more pleasant to admire the appearance corresponding to the generally recognized canons: large eyes, a smooth forehead, a straight nose, a beautifully defined mouth. Looking at such a person, you involuntarily ascribe to its owner or possessor all the most positive qualities. Although the witch is often hidden under the angelic appearance - and this is not a secret. Yes, and cosmetics, successfully applied, sometimes manage to hide this flaw.

close-set face

Here is an example. How do writers traditionally describe a positive heroine? "Her huge, wide-open eyes looked at the world gullibly and affectionately." And if in the description there is an expression “This person had a face with close-set eyes under overhanging eyebrows”, then it’s immediately clear - we are talking about some kind of not very kind person.

Meanwhile, the stereotype of linking appearance with character is very preventing many people from living. For example, an actress with a naive doll face will never play serious and purposeful women. And comedian Louis de Funes seems to everyone a kind of near-minded simpleton, funny and ridiculous. And, thanks to his appearance, everyone thinks that in real life he is like that. It is unlikely that an artist who plays a rapist and a murderer in a film just because his facial features (by stereotype!) Are suitable for this role, even possesses a fraction of all the shortcomings of the individual whose character he portrays.

closely set small eyes

According to physiognomists, then all doubles are simply obliged to have the same character, temperament, talents. Why does one become famous, successful, and the second, with the same external data - does not even exist at all? And even if this science is so accurate, it is possible to immediately “diagnose” the baby at birth and, since its features indicate a criminal future, act immediately in order to protect humanity from harm? But does this smell like the ideology of Adolf Hitler, who destroyed everyone whose skull shape did not meet the standard?

deep and close set eyes

I want to end the article with the same words with which it began. Only past time needs to be replaced by the present.

close set eyes

“Like palmistry, this science“ ... ”refers to occult directions. And they use it for their own purposes "..." predictors and other charlatans and scammers. "


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