How to master the art of oratory?

In order to be interesting in communication and to feel confident in front of any audience, you need to be able to speak competently and beautifully. This skill is especially important for counseling, teaching people, as well as for representatives of public professions.

Since ancient times, the art of oratory has been given a lot of attention. He was taught in special educational institutions. Today, there are many theoretical and practical recommendations that will become a good basis for self-honing oratory skills.

The ruins of ancient Greece

The Origin of Oratory

If you ask questions: "Where does the formation of the art of oratory come from?" and "What culture feature is it?" - for many, the answers will be obvious. Of course, all this refers to the culture of Ancient Greece.

In those days, oratory was considered the pinnacle of art. It made it possible to exert a very effective influence on decisions that were made even in relation to public affairs. Therefore, oratorical skill and art of speech were given very close attention.

It was in Ancient Greece that the first annals appeared dedicated to the development of speech and the formation of stylistic images. It was here that the first school of oratory was born, where the laws of logic, the rules of spoken language, and the mechanisms of influence on the public were taught and studied.

The theories that have survived and have survived to this day are largely relevant today. They are rightly referred to the golden fund of rhetoric as a separate independent science.

A man with a microphone and a raised hand

Mastery of oratory

To be able to speak beautifully, to defend one’s point of view and to convince people is necessary not only on the air and on stage, but also in life. Everyone can learn oratory and communication skills.

The main thing in this matter: to have a desire, not to be afraid of difficulties and to be focused on the result. These or other difficulties always arise in the learning process. Therefore, you need to tune in and remember that patience, zeal, and perseverance will certainly bring the expected results.

This is confirmed by practical examples. Many famous people were able to overcome the initial difficulties and succeed in honing their oratory skills.

Margaret Thatcher and Mirabeau

The well-known political figure Margaret Thatcher was able to work out and change his voice, which by nature was characterized by a certain shrillness. Thanks to her hard work, which consisted in studying and mastering the basic principles of acting, she was able to get the desired result.

The famous French speaker and politician Mirabeau learned so vividly and expressively to present the texts he had learned by heart, that they began to seem like a real spontaneous improvisation.

Oratory Training

Oratory and the art of speech and rhetoric exercises are taught in specialized centers and schools. For them, there are specially designed long-term training programs.

There are also short-term courses for mastering the basic principles of oratory. Training on the development of a particular skill is their most common form. All training options are aimed primarily at freeing a person from stiffness, fear of public speaking and gaining self-confidence.

Training programs also contribute to the development of memory and thinking, the replenishment of the vocabulary, and the expansion of speech techniques. Here a person is taught how to correctly formulate thoughts, how to attract and retain the listener's attention, how to speak beautifully on various topics, including impromptu.

They also teach artistic skills, help to choose the right intonation, learn to skillfully use different speech techniques. Experts will highlight unproductive forms and models of conversation, teach to evade the so-called uncomfortable questions.

People in a theatrical image


Learning acting and oratory primarily helps a person overcome stiffness, shyness and shyness. Man learn to control himself. He masters the mechanisms of possession of his body and voice. Learn to remove excessive gestures. Works out the fear of speaking to a small or large audience. This contributes to a more complete and free expression of the individual.

Mastering acting and oratory for teenagers is especially useful. After all, they are only preparing for entry into adulthood. Trying on roles that are unusual for everyday life allows you to broaden your horizons and replenish the arsenal of potential behaviors. The acquisition of new ways of responding increases the confidence and effectiveness of the individual.

Be confident in yourself, clearly articulate your thoughts and express them expressively - these are basic skills that will help the teenager to successfully learn and professionally fulfill themselves in the future.

A man with a microphone bites his fist


Mastering the art of oratory can be done independently, although, of course, classes in specialized centers will be more effective. Typically, those who wish to independently master the skill come to the aid of online resources, periodicals and scientific literature on this topic.

What you need to train

The ability to speak does not mean that you just need to chat without a break. As practice shows, a good speaker is one who speaks less, but better. It is very important that words be handled carefully and with due responsibility. The word itself is neither good nor evil. However, the word can both help and do harm. As A. Gues said: "The word should be a bridge, although it can be a wall."

According to H. Lemmerman, the foundation of beautiful and free speech is laid at the expense of good breathing control, clear pronunciation and effective speech thinking. Continuous memory training is also an important skill for any speaker.

Girl sniffing a chain


As the ancient Indian proverb says: "Breath rules everything." Managing it more than all other features of speech needs external control.

Inhaled air is a prerequisite for the pronunciation of sounds, groans, speech and singing. The lungs cannot breathe on their own. Rather, they are ventilated due to the work of the respiratory muscles.

Numerous alveoli of the lungs may not be active; they depend on the muscles that are located around the lungs. The task of a person is to learn how to grab air, but to slowly gain it into the lungs. It is advisable to do this through the nose. In this case, the air is heated and filtered. When only oral breathing occurs, the larynx quickly dries up, which leads to a hoarse voice and inflammation of the airways.

In addition, you need to strive for deep breathing. It is also called diaphragm or abdominal. You should not be content with shallow breathing. Since its consequences can be spasms, especially when the shoulders are raised. Breathing can be considered correct if the abdominal wall is rounded and the sides are stretched.

It is recommended to use deep breathing and, if possible, with fresh air. The emphasis is on exhaling and leaving the air inside in a calm, quiet state to fill oxygen in the most distant corners of the lungs. It is useful to imagine inhaling the scent of flowers.

Child with a book and flying letters around.


The speaker's speech should be distinct and meaningful. The sound of the voice should also be good. First of all, it is necessary to achieve a smooth speech. But the strength of the voice, timbre, tempo, emphasis and resonance must be adjusted according to the context of the situation.

Exercises aimed at the formation of speech should be performed systematically over a sufficiently long period of time. For example, weekly for six months. It is important to make rational progress towards a given goal.

Such exercises are, for example, reading the text aloud and conveying the meaning of what they read in their own words. At the same time, you need to read loudly and periodically cast glances at imaginary viewers. When retelling the text, it is important to remember the details and convey them as verbatim as possible, or in your own words.

For the development of free speech, it is recommended to regularly practice the formation of a skill based on abstracts with keywords and to develop the ability of speech thinking, that is, the ability to think while making a speech.

Memory training

As Quintillian wrote: "Memory is the treasury of eloquence." Therefore, anyone who wants to develop their oratory skills needs to train their memory. For these purposes, it is recommended to perform any exercise daily. For example, memorize poems or memorize newspaper articles.

A modern speaker does not have to become a walking encyclopedia, but this skill would be very useful. With a well-developed memory, he will have at his disposal more facts and knowledge necessary for broadcasting and keeping the attention of the public. To participate in discussions and negotiations, a well-functioning memory is even more in demand than for presentations.

In general, it is important for the speaker: firstly, to remember the basis of his speech, composed of keywords, secondly, to present in very detail the causal relationships and contours of the design of the text with which you have to work. In the case of simply memorized speech, there is a possibility that a little excitement can break the main thread of the topic.

Currently, there is an overabundance of information due to the media. The human brain is literally choked with incessant streams of information. This leads to inhibition of the processes of its processing by the mind. To strengthen memory in such conditions, the combined effect of three factors is recommended:

  • concentration - increased ability to perceive;
  • the creation of associations or memory bridges;
  • reiteration.
Wedding toast

Good speaker skills

Mastery of the word, competent and fascinating presentation of the material, the ability to attract and hold the attention of the audience, the ability to hold oneself during public speaking are necessary skills that a good speaker should possess. As a rule, this is a very erudite and freely oriented person in many matters.

Mastery of the art of oratory will never hurt anyone. After all, human life is unthinkable without communication. It permeates all spheres of life. Therefore, more chances for success, whether in school or work, in business or politics, in the creative or personal sphere, are in the hands of those who can speak well: confidently, beautifully, clearly and intelligibly, interestingly and fascinatingly.


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