"Sparrow Sparrow": the meaning of phraseology, meaning, synonyms and examples of use

This is usually called the experienced person - "Sparrow." The value of phraseologism we will consider in the article on accessible and understandable examples from everyday and cinematic life.


arrow sparrow the meaning of phraseology

An amazing thing: few people remember the proverb "You can’t hold a sparrow on a chaff." Its meaning is this: an experienced sparrow will understand what is edible and what is not. If you project value on human society, then an experienced person understands when they try to deceive him.

During the historical development of the language, the proverb broke up into independent phrases, not even statements. Such, for example, as the "shot sparrow" (we consider the meaning of phraseology through the prism of history) and "you won’t get it on the chaff." But it turns out that initially two, at the moment independent, phrases were once one. We pass to examples.


arrow sparrow meaning phraseology sentence

Experience, on the one hand, is an ordinary and understandable thing, and on the other hand, it is absolutely magical. Because the chemistry of the process is completely hidden from others, they can only see the result: a person knows what is needed.

For example, the student is brought to the honored teacher and asked to give him a mind, but not in the negative sense, as usual, but in the positive. Simply put, people are asked to teach a child something. The teacher is not in a hurry to give his consent, he asks for one or two lessons in order to assess the student's capabilities, so to speak, the quality of the material with which to work.

The required time has passed, and the teacher gives his consent or, on the contrary, refuses to cooperate if the parents or relatives want too much from their child. Here the expression “shot sparrow” (the meaning of phraseology is investigated by us) is uniquely suitable: a good and honest teacher does not chase a long ruble and values ​​his reputation very much.

Just a little more about the experience

arrow sparrow meaning of phraseology examples

Of course, the linguistic meaning of phraseology is very important, but even more important is what is behind linguistic reality, namely, intuitive knowledge. Usually an experienced person does not even need to look at a person in business. The teacher from the previous example simply had to transfer his sensation from an unconscious level to a conscious one. If the student is good, then you need to praise him, and at the same time tell your parents not only about strengths, but also about weaknesses.

But this kind of “test” and “experimentation” is needed for those around him, and the professional’s eye is set on, as they say. True, everyone is mistaken, and no one is safe from self-deception. Self-deception here means confidence in one's own greatness and infallibility. The main moral of the section is that even if someone considers himself an over-experienced person, i.e. the phrase “shot sparrow” (the meaning of phraseology is more or less clear to us) suits him as well as possible, all the same he should not revel in his professionalism, but constantly improve.

Tonality of expression

There can be no two points of view - the meaning of phraseology is, of course, enthusiastic.

For example, Ivanov tells Petrov:

- I immediately realized that Sidorov wants to deceive me, so I did not give him a loan!

- How did you understand it?

- Very simple: he was very nervous and looked around all the time.

- Well, yes, you are in this sense a sparrow shot. You won’t just be fooled by it, ”Petrov remarked admiringly.

The dialogue fully illustrates the expression "shot sparrow." The meaning of phraseology the sentence will help to formulate correctly. Knowing the meaning of speech, it is not so difficult to do so. For example: “Captain Larionov has been working in the criminal investigation department for several years. He was a shot sparrow and immediately realized: he was a criminal! ”

When the adjective "shot" takes on literal meaning

Arrow sparrow phraseological meaning briefly

We will not describe extreme situations, it’s better to turn to what is close and understandable to many, namely Hollywood action films. There is no need to name just one film. In almost all, without exception, the main character is a shot sparrow (examples help to understand better the meaning of phraseology), past fire, water and copper pipes. Of course, in the films the main character is usually wounded, and sometimes he even dies. Damage and death are necessary for more drama. However, enough examples - we turn to synonyms.

Synonyms of phraseology

Since we have defined the meaning of the expression “shot sparrow” (the meaning of phraseological unit can be briefly designated as “experienced man”), then, taking into account this statement, synonyms can be selected both among phraseological units and among ordinary words.

So, for example, the words that are more or less the same as the phraseological unit under analysis carry words: sensible, knowledgeable, wise, experienced, “old” in the meaning of “experienced”.

Arrows sparrow meaning phraseology synonym

Phraseologisms: shredded kalach, who had seen, through fire, water and copper pipes. In the latter, by the way, fire and water symbolize the trials that this or that person passed, and copper pipes - glory. He got it after the ordeal. And by the way, the test of glory is much more severe sometimes than the experienced horrors. Glory usually completes what they were not able to create difficulties - nevertheless conquers a person. And, unfortunately, there are many examples of such.

As the reader understands, any of the words and expressions presented here can come in handy when the question arises: "" Arrows sparrow "- the meaning of phraseology, what is its synonym?"

Is it good to be a shot sparrow?

If you think about public honor, then, of course, it’s good. But you can look in another way: remember the lessons of A.S. Pushkin and understand that experience does not get otherwise than through pain and suffering.

Of course, many people want the respect of others. But some of our brothers are lucky with teachers and counselors, the latter give valuable lessons and, thus, relieve their students from suffering.

In general, the "shot sparrows" have no Hamletian choice: to be or not to be. They become those who do not have experienced and knowledgeable mentors. Conditional "street children" in the world have to learn, figuratively speaking, on their own abrasions, cuts and injuries. But they will probably tell their children what is good and what is bad.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44283/

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