What is self-control? Definition and Concept

What is self-control? The definition sounds like this. As a psychological phenomenon, it includes internal processes that allow you to fully control yourself and give a healthy account of your actions. A well-developed ability to control your thoughts, words and actions allows you to positively experience great physical and psychological stresses on the body.

what is self-control

Definition and concept in psychology

Let's figure out what self-control is. Each person sets himself certain goals that he seeks to achieve in order to get what he wants. You can be in your imagination a mega-successful person who succeeds. But in reality it often turns out the other way around. Even a fully compiled detailed action plan sometimes does not find a way into reality. Why it happens? The answer lies in the mechanisms of human consciousness: procrastination, laziness and indulgence to any desire to escape from the intended road. And the most important reason is the lack of self-control.

  • Purposeful people know what self-control is. First of all, this is the ability to control oneself regardless of external circumstances.
  • Owning your own emotions at the highest level.
  • Strength of will. It is vital for anyone who seeks to achieve something worthwhile in life. The occupation of a person is not important, most importantly - focus on results.
  • What is self-control? This is a situation management and constant monitoring of the situation, the ability at any time to direct things to the advantageous for themselves.
  • Colossal ability to muffle your own emotions and feelings.
  • Life skill to put the mind in the first place, not giving vent to passion.

what is self control definition

What is a high level of self-control?

Self-confidence allows a person to feel comfortable in society. It is the level of self-control that affects external behavior and actions. Possessors of a high level of personal self-control always feel calm, look restrained and respectable. Usually, being close to such people gives others a feeling of trust and complete confidence in the possibility of getting rid of all problems. From strong personalities it exhales success in all matters. It is impossible to create a conflict or a brawl with such a person. Usually people of serious professions possess the consistently high level of self-control: heads of large enterprises, intelligence officers, and teachers. Other people, imperceptibly for themselves, begin to submit to the influence of a calm opponent under the impression of spiritual power.

self-control is a definition in psychology

Possible danger

Therefore, self-control is in psychology the definition and awareness of all ongoing mental processes, as well as full awareness in decision-making. People who constantly monitor their behavior are on the verge of constant mental tension. Increased attention to their actions and regular analysis of actions can lead to the development of various health problems. Often these are cardiovascular diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the total suppression of emotions, which gradually accumulate and find a way out through a painful state.

In order not to drive the body into a frenzy, it is important to learn how to carry out preventive measures to maintain good health. The most effective method recommended by psychologists is to release the accumulated energy through a scream. It is enough to come to a deserted forest or park and, without hesitation, throw out emotions through sounds, not sparing the vocal cords. Also in big cities there are special unloading rooms in the form of entertainment. For example, indoors, you can crush surrounding objects or beat plates. After such therapy, a surge of strength and vigor is felt, and lightness is felt throughout the body. Various martial arts classes are also useful, which allow the release of energy due to strength training.

level of self-control

Autotraining and meditation

Independent pronunciation of the mantra, mental tranquility help to live in harmony with your body and thoughts. You can choose any method convenient for you that will help you feel relieved. Developed self-management abilities are well supported by proper meditation, yoga and the ability to concentrate.

How to learn to control yourself

Ideally, parents should teach the child self-discipline from an early age. The ability to maintain self-control helps to get well in life. Growing up, independent and owning their emotions, children occupy significant positions and make a successful career. As an adult, it is much more difficult to learn to control yourself, but it is quite real for any person. What is self-control and how to achieve it?

  • Parenting. Children imitate parents, so it’s more logical for adults to start with themselves, setting an example for the younger generation.
  • It is important to observe self-control techniques. The most effective of them is the regime. Compliance with the daily routine maximizes the sense of responsibility. In addition, you can compose it yourself, taking into account personal workload.
  • Proper nutrition. To maintain the figure, one should not give slack, there are a lot of sweets and junk food, otherwise everything is in vain.
  • Punctuality development. It is recommended to have a diary where you can record all your affairs and important meetings. Gradually, you can accustom yourself to fulfill all the promises and bring the job to the end.
  • Self-development. If you are given the opportunity to attend a training or seminar on self-monitoring, you must get on it. In the lessons they offer various exercises that will help in managing your emotions.

self-control techniques

Physical self-control

Athletes have to be especially gathered, because they need to regularly go to training, to observe a certain diet and lifestyle. Physical self-control at the household level helps to avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings, helping to soberly assess the situation and find a compromise. This system operates both in the family and in the team. A person is able to independently regulate his life, achieving those goals that will fully satisfy his needs. Everyone can make desires and needs coincide. It’s enough just to work on yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44287/

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