"Watercolor" is a dolphinarium in Alushta. Description, schedule, address and reviews of visitors

Crimea, Alushta, dolphinarium - these words return us to childhood. The Crimean peninsula, especially the southern coast, has always been a favorite vacation spot of many generations of our compatriots. The imperial family and the first persons of the Russian Empire always rested here. Children's sanatoriums and recreation camps have always cordially welcomed young guests from all over the country. Picturesque mountain landscapes, endless beaches and today attract tourists who are tired of the bustle of the city and long winters. This place is unique not only for its climate and beauty: the very atmosphere of these places is conducive to relaxation. Alushta, dolphinarium, work schedule, price and duration of the presentation - these are the questions that will interest you during your holidays in Crimea. Where to go and what to see, where is the best beach and the most delicious baklava. ... It is a pity that vacation time flies by unnoticed.

Dolphinarium in Alushta

A bit of history

Crimea has always been a tidbit in the struggle for supremacy in the Black Sea. This semi-island was important for the Tatar-Mongols, and for the Ottoman Turks, and for the British, and for Russian emperors. Cities of the coast still retain the imprints of centuries past on their streets and in the surrounding area. One of the oldest cities in Crimea is considered Alushta.

Mention of Alushta can be found in sources related to the VI century. It is also known that Taurus tribes lived on this territory. The remains of their villages can still be found in the vicinity of the city.

dolphinarium watercolor alushta

In the era of Catherine the Great, Alushta was a small village on the way to Yalta, and the title of city was awarded to her only in 1902. At first it was a very small town, later its infrastructure developed, neighboring villages joined, hotels and pensions were built, and later, at the beginning of the two thousandth, the first dolphinarium was opened in Alushta.

Black Sea basin

The climate of the southern coast of the peninsula differs from the climate of Turkey and Montenegro. It is not so hot with moderate humidity. The mountains surrounding the coast protect the cities from piercing winds. A mixture of sea air and ozone, which is rich in mountain forests, heals the body, energizing for a long time.

The local area is rich in different animals. Along with a huge amount of fish, dolphins are found in the waters of the Black Sea. It is here, when walking on a ship or swimming, you can see their backs shining in the sun. Indeed, warm waters are great for the life and breeding of these mammals. Two species of dolphins live in the Black Sea: white cask and bottlenose dolphins. It is they who delight vacationers with their beauty and dexterity during boat trips. According to beliefs, the dolphin is the king of the sea, the savior of sailors and drowning people. It combines the two elements - water and air. It is a symbol of goodness, love and balance in nature. Dolphin is considered a friend of a person, but sometimes such a friendship can scare. Dolphins are very emotional and outgoing animals. They can easily swim up to you while swimming and start playing with you. The main thing in this case is not to be afraid, but simply turn around and head for the shore. Dolphin will be happy to accompany you.

dolphinarium in alushta prices

A piece of sea on land

Of course, it’s wonderful to admire dolphins on the high seas! But you must admit, where it is better to see this beautiful animal near, and even being on land. And not only to see, but also to touch, and play. Given the wishes of vacationers, a dolphinarium was opened in Alushta.

Convenient location, a noticeable facade of the building and the original design of the dolphinarium itself attract a large number of guests of the Crimea. It was built 200 meters from the central city beach, it will be quite difficult not to notice it.

Dolphinarium Nemo Alushta
Dolphinarium "Watercolor" Alushta can rightfully be called his pride. The new modern building with a transparent dome-hemisphere and a huge auditorium, which can accommodate 700 spectators, met the first visitors at the end of August 2013 and immediately gained regular customers. The name was not chosen by chance, because everyone knows the ability of dolphins not only to circus art, but also to painting. The dolphinarium exhibited several works drawn by dolphins in watercolor.

Theater stars

Here, in "Watercolor", you can see the talented performances of bottlenose dolphins and fur seals. Judging by the reviews, an interesting and rich entertainment program is liked not only by children, but also by adults. In addition to acrobatic stunts, dolphins demonstrate the ability to "sing" and draw, perform various tasks on logic, guess objects.

alushta dolphinarium work schedule Price

The entertainment program includes boating and swimming with dolphins. For such an unusual communication with brothers in mind, it is undoubtedly worth a visit to the dolphinarium in Alushta. Ticket prices need to be clarified, especially in the midst of the holiday season. On average, the cost of a ticket ranges from 250-300 rubles, but the pleasure received from attending a performance cannot be measured in money. On the territory of the dolphinarium there are playgrounds and cozy cafes where you can eat deliciously and relatively inexpensively.

The day when the Nemo Dolphinarium opens, Alushta was looking forward to several years. This is not just a dolphinarium, it is a huge recreational and entertainment complex with indoor and outdoor pools, in which, like in Watercolor, you can not only play with dolphins, admire their performances, but also get one of the drawings as a gift. At the dolphinarium dolphin therapy courses are held, which anyone can visit. The cost of one course of therapy ranges from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Dolphin therapy

To keep the dolphinarium in Alushta all year round in absolute order, one holiday season is not enough.

In addition to performances, which last mainly from May to October, the administration of Aquarelle, like other dolphinariums, offers dolphin therapy courses.

This method of treating disorders of the nervous system was first tested about 35 years ago by American psychotherapists. It helps even in the most seemingly hopeless cases. The best treatment result is achieved in the early stages of the disease, this method of therapy is most useful for children from 6 months to 16 years.

What diseases does it cure?

Dolphin therapy is indicated not only for children but also for adults. It can be used to treat depression, enuresis, Down syndrome, mental and emotional development retardation in children and cerebral palsy of any severity. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the stage of the disease and the condition of the patient's body. The course includes swimming with a dolphin in a separate pool, as well as treatment with ultrasound, which publishes a dolphin. Communication with marine life helps to socialize, cheers up, gives inspiration. It was noticed that after such sessions the children improved their appetite, there was a desire to engage in creativity, and fears passed.

We can’t say that such procedures are useful for dolphins: after a session that lasts no more than 15 minutes, the animals go to rest. Sometimes the rest can last 40-50 minutes. In the process of working with the patient, dolphins give a lot of energy, so they need time to recover.

Crimea Alushta Dolphinarium

Dolphinarium "Watercolor" (Alushta) offers two types of dolphin therapy:

- Communication of a dolphin and a person (the patient communicates with the animal without the help of a specialist, relationships are built, contact is made).

- Communication between the doctor and the patient, in which the dolphin is present as a "background".

Based on the results that are observed in the patient after treatment, it is recommended to repeat it either after 12 months, or after 6, depending on the stage of the disease.

Objective of the project

The main task of dolphinariums, in addition to attracting tourists, is caring for dolphins, preserving their population. At the beginning of the last century, marine mammals were mercilessly exterminated. This led to the fact that the Black Sea dolphins were almost on the verge of extinction. Employees who came to work at the dolphinarium in Alushta understand the importance of this issue and are fully committed to their favorite cause. They hold classes for their young visitors, which teach them to love and protect nature and dolphins, documentaries about the life of marine life are offered to the attention of the audience, quizzes and competitions for the most attentive and active are held. Children are happy to take part in the entertainment program and take pictures with their favorites.

dolphinarium in alushta schedule

Join now!

Our life is so arranged that all of us, in fact, need dolphin therapy. The pace of life, accelerating every day, the excess of information and stress lead to prolonged depression, even for those people who, it would seem, are a sin to complain about life. We all want relaxation, warmth and sun. Idle lying on the beach will give rest only to the body, communication with nature will balance emotions. All that is needed is to visit the dolphinarium in Alushta. Schedule for winter time: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, the beginning of the performance - at 15.00. During the fifty-minute performance, you will receive a huge positive charge from these beautiful, affectionate animals! Agree, it's hard not to smile in response to a dolphin smile!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44293/

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