Where and how to find out the organizationā€™s PPC for TIN?

Any businessman in the course of his entrepreneurial activity has to deal with various contractors. The key to good and trusting partnerships and the success of the entire enterprise is absolute confidence in those people with whom you conduct your business. Therefore, itā€™s not at all a sin to get useful information on how to find out the organizationā€™s checkpoint for TIN. But first, itā€™s worthwhile to figure out what PPC and TIN are.

What is an ITN organization

TIN (tax identification number) for legal entities consists of ten digits:

  • the first, second, third and fourth digits indicate the code of the tax authority, which is engaged in exactly what the TIN assigns in the process of registering the organization;
  • the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth digits are nothing more than the serial number of the taxpayer;
  • the tenth is needed for control (calculated strictly according to a specific algorithm).

how to find out an organizationā€™s checkpoint

Important! The TIN assigned by the tax organization once is unchanged, with the exception of cases, which will be discussed later.

What documents indicate the taxpayer TIN

There is a whole list of documents in which the TIN is presented:

  • first of all, in the certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • in a notice sent by mail (with notice) from the Federal State Statistics Service (Federal State Statistics Service);
  • in an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE);
  • in notifications and certificates of pension funds, medical and social insurance.

In which documents is it necessary to indicate the TIN

The identification number is assigned to a specific taxpayer, it is individual, and no one else can become the owner of this code. If suddenly, in some strange way, someone has several TINs, then only one is recognized as valid.

learn gearbox by tin organization

In what documents (messages and notifications) will you have to indicate your code:

  • on closing or opening a bank account;
  • on the creation, reorganization or liquidation of a separate division of the legal entity;
  • on changing the registration address of a legal entity;
  • on changes made to the charter and constituent documents;
  • on reorganization or liquidation of legal entities;
  • in all kinds of accounting reports;
  • in statements of a different nature.

When a gearbox change is inevitable

Cases resulting in the replacement of the TIN:

  • if there has been a change in the structure of the organization itself;
  • if the organization ceased its activity in one region, but resumed it in another (in a new place you need to register and get a new TIN);
  • if the company was reorganized in the form of a merger or division.

On a note! A TIN change does not occur if the company has changed its legal address.

PPC organization - what is it?

The checkpoint (reason code) is assigned exclusively to legal entities after they have applied to the tax authority for the desire to register their activities and register. Both codes (KPP, TIN) are assigned for a better and more coordinated taxpayer accounting system: so that the question of how to find the organizationā€™s KPP by TIN is resolved quickly and has a solid base.

how to find out a checkpoint of an organization by tax inn

On a note! Individual entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) are not assigned a checkpoint (for some reason they have not been awarded this honor) due to the fact that they are individuals. And, if someone from the IP claims that he has a checkpoint, then know that he is disingenuous. Knowing the organizationā€™s checkpoint, you can get information about the activities of a particular company: when it is registered (how long it has been ā€œafloatā€), in what area is entrepreneurship allowed, and so on.

On a note! A company may have several checkpoints if it has other branches in different cities.

Where and how to find out the organizationā€™s PPC for TIN

Why do I need to check the counterpartyā€™s checkpoint? The fact is that since 2015, when transferring certain funds and filling out a payment order, you must indicate not only your TIN and PPC, but also who will receive these finances. Many people ask about how to find out the organizationā€™s PPC for TIN. The tax advises to go the simple way - ask to see the certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service.

find out the tin and checkpoint of an organization by name

But this is not always possible. The Federal Tax Service warns entrepreneurs to be prudent when choosing counterparties and concluding contracts. The tax service will tell you how to find out the organizationā€™s checkpoint by TIN. To do this, go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service and search for checkpoints for residents of the Russian Federation in online mode by typing in the "Search" line the TIN of the organization that interests you. As a result of the request, you will receive all the necessary information.

Important! Keep in mind that the data obtained will not be the most, so to speak, ā€œfreshā€. The fact is that they come from information resources, and not from a source that has official status. Counterparty information is not always up to date.

If there are suspicions, how can I find out the organizationā€™s checkpoint by TIN? In order not to "strain" your companions with unnecessary questions, you can do it yourself.

We apply in person for an extract of register

Wanting to get reliable information, we can approach this issue from a different perspective. You apply directly to the tax authority with a request to provide you with an extract from the register. That is, if you need to know the checkpoint by TIN organization, you will have to be patient and wait about a week (only five business days) to get the data you are interested in on paper, which, by the way, is the most reliable. By the way, this service is paid: state duty - 200 rubles, with an urgent request - 400 rubles. When applying for an extract, do not forget your passport at home, because without it you are unlikely to get it.

How to find out an organizationā€™s checkpoint by information

How to find out the organizationā€™s PPC for TIN? Itā€™s easy to get this kind of information, just remember one thing: the data on the checkpoint (as opposed to the TIN) can change at any moment. Therefore, it is very important to receive timely information and clearly understand what exactly the counterparty could change.

On a note! Many companies registered with one tax authority and having identical grounds for registration may have the same check points, as this code carries information about membership in a particular Federal Tax Service and the reason for registration.

Separate enterprises

In the case of expansion of the companyā€™s activities, branches are formed (separate enterprises) that do not undergo the registration process as an independent legal entity. They are considered geographically allocated offices with equipped workplaces (this is what the Tax Code of the Russian Federation says). And the leaders of these additional units refer in their work to the regulations and provisions approved by the parent company.

Contacting at work (negotiations, conclusion of contracts and so on) with the director of such an institution, it is necessary to make sure that he has all the powers to exclude any suspicions. How to find out the organizationā€™s PPC for a separate ITN? It would not be out of place, if in any doubt, to order an extract of the register.

The nuances of separate enterprises

There are a number of features of the work of such units:

  • Within a month, a separate company must be registered at its place of deployment.
  • Its head receives a document certifying the TIN (it completely coincides with the identification number of the main office) and the checkpoint (now it is different). Therefore, when drawing up contracts, they use exclusively the TIN of the company itself.
  • Accounting at such enterprises is not carried out.

how to find out an organizationā€™s checkpoint by suspicion

  • All taxes and fees are made by the main office, that is, an additional branch is not considered as an independent taxpayer.
  • When creating separate divisions, there is no need to make any changes to the constituent documents.
  • When concluding an agreement with such an enterprise, it is necessary to request a power of attorney, with the powers listed in it, which are vested with the head.

PPC for separate enterprises

During initial registration with the tax authority, companies are assigned PPC and TIN. Moreover, the organization provides all reporting to the tax office only at its location. In the case of the formation of a separate additional unit, which is located at a different address, its registration will be carried out in the same tax office.

how to find out an organizationā€™s checkpoint by a separate suspicion

If the new enterprise, which has spun off from the main one, is located in another city or region, then the Federal Tax Service, in which the registration of the main company is carried out, will itself transfer all the necessary documents to the tax, supervising the territory of the location of the separate new unit. Moreover, the central office is ordered to notify the relevant authorities about the opening of a new branch within 1 month (no more). This can be done by personally visiting the Federal Tax Service, by mail or via the Internet. After a week (5 working days), the head office receives a notification about the registration of an additional unit with the assignment of its own checkpoint.

It is easy to find out the TIN and PPC of an organization by name

You can use several methods to get reliable information about the organizationā€™s checkpoint:

  • We turn to the registration documents of the company (of course, if you have such an opportunity).
  • If it is not there, then there is nothing to worry about. We leave a written request to the tax office. We have a passport and TIN certificate with us (we wonā€™t accept the application without them).
  • Do not want to go anywhere? Good. We look at the official website of the Federal Tax Service. Moreover, you can not even enter the TIN, just print the name of the legal entity.


We hope the question of how to find out the organizationā€™s checkpoint by TIN has already lost its relevance. And if not, then read the article again.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44296/

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