Airfield lighting equipment: types, placement and purpose

It is now customary to provide a safe landing or take-off of air transport with a whole range of protective preventive measures, one of which is the presence of light-signaling equipment on each strip of the airfield. The most effective devices show themselves when performing operations at night, at dusk or in conditions of poor horizontal and vertical visibility.

The main types of MTR

These primarily include the so-called OMI and OVI. The former are decoded as low-intensity lights and are used for approaching aircraft whose maneuver is not included in any category, while the latter imply high intensity and are included in similar operations of category I, II or III. JVI is usually represented by a white light stripe. The length of such gates can reach 500-700 meters. The main purpose of these signals is to provide timely warning to the pilot of the aircraft, who can thus visually control the position of his own ship relative to the runway.

The runway end is usually indicated by a continuous line of green lights. They are located on the threshold of the strip and are located at an angle of 90 degrees to the white gates laid along. The runway may also have other aerodrome lighting equipment. In particular, the center line of the strip is equipped with white lights, and its edges are yellow. To simplify the pilot's visual contact with the runway surface, all signals are placed in a clear sequence.

Runway landing lights

Composition and characteristics of MTR

The system consists of three main parts, listed below.

  1. Remote control devices. KDU is used to control the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the air. For this, certain groups of lights are used, activated from their workplace by the duty engineer, as well as one or more dispatchers.
  2. Lighting equipment of the airfield, including wind direction and intensity indicators, in-depth and elevated lights, as well as passive and active signs.
  3. System power supply equipment. This set of equipment includes elements such as cable networks, transformers and switchgears, backup shield units, thyristor dimmers (TRY), as well as guaranteed power panels (SHGP), control panels and power panels.

The characteristics of the aerodrome lighting system depend on the type in question. Lamps with power from 150 to 200 W with a luminous intensity of at least 10 thousand candelas are used for OVI, the lamp power does not exceed 100 W for OMI, and the luminous intensity is 10 thousand candelas.

Airfield lighting system

Purpose and Tasks

If we consider in more detail the benefits of using modern systems, then it consists of several points at once:

  • the general class of the airport as an object rises;
  • the meteorological minimum decreases;
  • safety level improves;
  • the category of the aerodrome at which takeoffs and landings of aircraft is being increased.

The range of tasks performed depends on the specific part of the MTR. For example, airfield lighting equipment is designed to provide clear and distinguishable contact between aircraft pilots and the surface of the runway, that is, the entire area of ​​the landing site. The level of safety is also increased with insufficient visibility or night procedures on the runway. Signals and other lighting equipment operate in the area of ​​heliports, airfields, as well as helicopter and landing sites.

Power supply units give a full guarantee of stationary and autonomous energy supply for all control systems and MTR. In addition, they are able to adjust the brightness of individual lighting elements if necessary. At the same time, remote control equipment is the main unit with which operators and engineers control the remaining parts.

Barrage Management

Description of categories I and II of the MTR

There is an international classification of all systems of lighting equipment called ICAO. The division of the obstruction lights is made according to the weather conditions under which these or other of them can be used.

The first category includes such equipment, the presence of which gives pilots permission to land and land, provided that the decision height does not exceed 60 meters directly above the runway. In this case, the vertical and horizontal range of visibility should not be less than 800 and 550 meters, respectively.

The second category of lights is designed for more severe weather conditions and allows landing aircraft whose pilots are able to make a decision at an altitude of 30 to 60 meters above the runway. The horizontal range of visibility should remain at a level not lower than 350 meters.

Landing on a strip with landing lights

Description of Category III MTR

In this case, an additional division is made into three subcategories. A detailed description can be seen in the list below.

  1. Category III A. Runway equipment allows pilots to land and land in situations where the decision height is less than 30 meters above the surface of the runway, as well as in the absence of a decision height and horizontal visibility of at least 200 meters.
  2. Category III B. It implies a landing with a decision height of 0 to 15 meters and a horizontal visibility range of 50 to 200 meters.
  3. Category III C. The only option in which the landing lights allow you to approach and land without any restrictions on the height of the decision or horizontal visibility. In such a system, an autopilot of an aircraft is used.
Landing lights in bad weather

Types of signal lights

The most complete classification includes 17 groups of equipment. At the same time, all constructed and currently functioning airfields in Russia follow international standards in terms of applied MTR systems.

A complete list of equipment includes the following types of lights of a signal system:

  • aerodrome light indicators;
  • landing zone lights;
  • barrage;
  • light horizons;
  • input;
  • lights approaching constant and pulsed radiation;
  • preventative;
  • touchdown sign lights;
  • lateral and axial taxiing;
  • restrictive;
  • stop lights;
  • glide paths;
  • side lights KPB;
  • axial;
  • fast exit lights;
  • boarding;
  • CBT, or end brake light.
Runway Obstruction Lights

Features of Runway-3 at Sheremetyevo

This runway is capable of accepting night flights only in a limited mode. The reason for this is the close location of several settlements at once. High levels of aircraft noise can cause discomfort to residents of the surrounding area. However, official sources from the Ministry of Transport claim that the media misinterpret the fact that the runway will be used in a limited mode. According to representatives of the structure, modern aviation technology provides for a sufficient reduction in noise levels without any impact on driving performance and safety in flight.


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