Parkinson's disease: treatment with folk remedies. New in the treatment of Parkinson's disease folk remedies

The work of the human body is based on many reflexes: when we touch the hot, we involuntarily pull our hand, when a ray of bright light hits our eyes, we involuntarily squint, and so on. There are a lot of external stimuli, and if the body responded to all of them, we would constantly itch, shudder, scream ... However, this does not happen. Why? The fact is that the nervous system has so-called brakes, due to which the reaction occurs only when exposed to the most powerful stimuli.

Parkinson's disease, the treatment of which we will discuss in this article, is characterized by the suppression of such natural brakes. As a result of this, a person begins to react with movements even to those impulses that are suppressed in a normal state. This is manifested in involuntary twitching, twisting. The patient's muscles become lethargic, and the psyche is suppressed.

parkinson's disease treatment

Why it happens?

Accumulation of nerve cells in the brain is responsible for motor reactions. These cells are extremely sensitive to various adverse agents. For proper functioning, they need nervous strength; if it is absent, Parkinson's disease occurs. The treatment methods for the disease are diverse, but a universal remedy has not yet been found.

Cells lose their strength due to poor blood circulation in the brain due to age-related vascular sclerosis. Also, the causes of the disease can be stress, traumatic brain injuries, colds, parasites in the body, chronic poisoning with household chemicals and heavy metals.

new in treating parkinson's disease

How was the disease treated in the old days

In the old days, people with Parkinson’s disease were given very unusual treatments. They underwent a rite of purification, accompanied by proofreading in the church, anointing and communion. Before this, for several days a person had to observe the strictest fast, some were allowed to be limited to a lean diet. And this is true, because nutrition in Parkinson's disease should be low-calorie. Someone of the patient's relatives must have ordered a prayer service in the church for health.

After such events, popular methods of treating Parkinson's disease were used. The man was bathed in potions, watered with medicinal teas, fumigated with smoke of medicinal herbs. The patient was allowed to drink holy water, and it washed the body. They did this until an unfortunate illness left the body.

Nowadays, most of these rituals are already forgotten and not used. However, the practice of various purifications is still welcome. This is especially true when a person is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Treatment with folk remedies of this ailment gives good results. Let's talk about the methods used in more detail.

Parkinson's disease treatment with folk remedies

Parkinson's disease: treatment

Reviews of people who have tried all kinds of cleansing technologies on themselves are ambiguous. Many patients complain that they do not notice any positive result. And all because the specific method of treatment should not be chosen anyhow, but based on age, the form of the disease and its prescription, existing concomitant pathologies and other factors.

Most often, older people overtake Parkinson's disease. The treatment of those over sixty is complicated by the fact that at this age there are already many other pathologies that, of course, have to be reckoned with. In this case, therapy should primarily be aimed at eliminating tremor, stiffness of joints, tightness of muscles. Improving metabolism and blood circulation in nerve cells is already a secondary event.

parkinson's disease treatment reviews

Treatment for mild stage parkinsonism

Now let's talk about therapies that can help improve the condition of people who have not long-standing Parkinson's disease. Treatment with folk remedies, described below, will be effective if there are no concomitant ailments.

Oat decoction is able to eliminate the symptoms of the disease . It should be a glass of grains, not peeled, poured into an enameled bowl and pour three liters of water. Then you need to put the container on the stove, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for an hour. Cooked broth must be drunk instead of water. You should drink it for two days, and then prepare a new one. Continue treatment for three months.

With normal acidity of the gastric juice and the absence of constipation, you can use freshly squeezed cherry juice or juice from spinach leaves. Make a drink immediately before use. Drinking twice or thrice a day for 1/3 cup of one or the other juice, you will ease Parkinson's disease.

parkinson's disease treatment methods

Treatment with folk remedies of this ailment also includes the use of propolis. It should be chewed every day for a month and swallow saliva. In the first fifteen days, two to three grams of propolis is used daily, and in the next fifteen, one and a half grams are used.

Healing Infusion Recipe

Decoctions and infusions of herbs give a very good result in the treatment of parkinsonism. Gather alfalfa during flowering, dry and chop it (you can buy ready-made powder at the pharmacy), and then place one tablespoon of grass in a thermos and fill it with boiling water in the amount of half a liter. Leave to insist on the night. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink it during the day three times in equal portions. Every day you need to cook and take a fresh infusion. Continue treatment until the condition improves. Alfalfa helps a lot when Parkinson's disease is caused by liver problems, poisoning, or hypertension.

Severe Parkinsonism Therapy

Stronger drugs must be used if there is advanced Parkinson's disease. Treatment with folk remedies described above, in this case, may not be effective. When other methods are ineffective, you can try to use poisonous plants, such as hemlock, fly agaric (mushroom), aconite, datura, belladonna, and bleached. But you need to choose the dosage very carefully so as not to harm yourself. We will not give prescriptions for potions from these plants in the article; consult a specialist to calculate the dose that is right for you.

Parkinson's disease nutrition

Bee subpestilence treatment

In the spring, when beekeepers in bee farms clean up, ask them for a can (3 L) of death (dead bees). Dry them in the oven to such an extent that when rubbing them with your fingers they turn into dust, then erase all the bees into powder, which they then sift through a sieve. You will receive flour, which will need to be mixed with honey until a homogeneous mass, similar in texture to toothpaste. Leave the mixture to mature for three days. After this time, daily after eating take one to three teaspoons of the medicine with water. The mixture contains a lot of silicon, which with an advanced stage of Parkinson's disease is very necessary for the body. In bee subpestilence, there are substances that contribute to blood thinning, therefore, with a tendency to bleeding and high blood pressure, the medicine should be taken in minimal doses. Continue taking for at least three months.

folk treatments for parkinson's disease

Theory of the parasitic origin of parkinsonism

In scientific circles, there is an opinion that parasites cause Parkinson's disease. Indeed, after cleansing these pests in some people, the symptoms of the disease decrease. In the evening, put in a thermos two tablespoons of bitter wormwood, pour it with boiling water (0.5 l) and add there a little sugar to taste. Leave to insist on the night, and in the morning strain and drink one tablespoon of the infusion, after three hours - another and so on. You can adjust the dosage for yourself in the direction of increasing or decreasing, however, during the day you should drink the entire infusion. Every day you have to cook it again.

New in the treatment of Parkinson's disease

Today, scientists around the world are looking for means that would influence molecular activity so that not only the manifestations of the disease are mitigated, but also the degenerative processes responsible for its progression stop. Currently, another new direction in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is actively developing. It involves the introduction of neurotropic factors into the brain of sick people, which protect neurons from the negative effects and even restore previously damaged cells. However, while such methods of treatment, except experimental, can not be called. Therefore, folk methods of combating parkinsonism continue to be relevant. Be healthy!


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