How to wash your hair without water: recipes at home

Thick beautiful hair is an adornment of any girl, but, unfortunately, not accessible to everyone. But life does not stand still. The modern beauty industry is developing rapidly, offering new effective skin care products. With them, almost any problem is solvable.

how to wash your hair without water
Brittle weakened hair, devoid of shine and volume, can easily turn into a luxurious mop and make its owner a queen. The main thing is to know the basic secrets and skillfully use them.

Choose volume

When buying a new hair product, select with the mark โ€œVolumeโ€. This applies not only to shampoos and conditioners, but also to mousses, foams, varnishes and other products.

We use the hair dryer with benefit

For short hairstyles, a diffuser is good. Long hair is harder to style. To begin with, a foam or spray for volume is applied to the roots, and a special volume brush is used during drying. You can dry your hair upside down - super-volume is provided.

Correct fixation

Fixing varnish should be very light, do not weigh down the hairstyle.

cocoa for hair
Not only the roots, but also the inner layers of the hair are processed, otherwise the upper ones will spoil everything with their weight.

Don't let it fall

During the day, the hair may become oily at the roots, look stale, lose volume. In this case, use dry shampoo or mousse. If there is a problem with how to wash your hair without water, in a few minutes they will help to refresh your hair and eliminate unpleasant moments.

More recently, these tools were used mainly by stylists before a fashion show. Today, almost every well-known brand has such an arsenal. Let's try to determine how to use dry shampoo, to whom and in what cases it is more suitable.

What is dry shampoo?

This is a set of substances that give freshness and purity to hair, remove excess fat secreted by the scalp. With them, the question of how to wash your hair without water is simply solved. After them, the hair looks clean and well-groomed. The composition of dry shampoos - ethyl alcohol, starch, clay, organic powder. Alcohol degreases and refreshes, and starch absorbs fat and sebum. However, if the hair is thick and curly, it is better to use a mousse that does not contain alcohol or starch. The latter is very difficult to remove from the hairstyle.

Can dry shampoo replace regular?

Not. This is just an express wash. Such a product cannot be an alternative to conventional washing, as it does not remove dirt, dust and styling products. It can be used for a long trip, when access to water is limited, and there is no other way to wash your hair.

wash my head with beer

But sometimes dry shampoo can be a kind of therapy if the hair is weak. Daily washing, the use of various shampoos, drying with a hot hairdryer, styling can damage them, make them brittle and dull. In this case, washing should be carried out no more than 3 times a week, and in between use dry shampoos and their analogues.

Natural substitutes

Dry shampoo appeared about half a century ago, and before that, our ancestors used flour, starch, cocoa for hair and even beer. For all this time, the principle of use has not changed. The powder is rubbed into the hair roots, and after 10-15 minutes it is thoroughly combed out with a comb. With it leaves dust, dirt, dry skin and other troubles. Hair becomes shiny, well-groomed and grow in volume.

To strengthen the hair follicles, be sure to wash my head with beer. To begin with, rinse the hair with warm water and rub the heated drink into the roots. It is better to use dark varieties. We leave for a short while, wrapping the head with foil and wrapping a towel, then rinse. After regular procedures, the hair becomes thicker and longer. The beer smell quickly disappears, and the hops remaining on the hair envelop the hairs, making them more elastic and dense.

Beer can be used with every wash by mixing it with shampoo. Instead of shampoo, you can use egg yolk. A pre-beaten egg-beer mixture is applied to the hair, wrapped in a towel for several minutes, then rinsed with warm water and apple cider vinegar. It gives a beautiful gloss and smoothness to the hair.

washing my head with flour

Hair masks with cocoa for hair also strengthen hair, make it beautiful and shiny. Beans contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and plant proteins. After regular use, the hairstyle attracts looks, becomes shiny, smooth and well-groomed. Damaged tips should be well treated with a mixture of cocoa and olive oil. Half an hour before washing, the damaged areas are treated, wrapped in polyethylene and a towel, and then washed off with ordinary shampoo.

Sometimes you can hear on the forums: "If there is no water in the house, then my head is tormented." Fantasy or reality? No, itโ€™s possible. Flour acts as an absorbent. It is rubbed into the roots, and then thoroughly combed out. Blondes are easier, but girls with dark hair will have to work hard. So, the option of how to wash your hair without water with flour, we take into service. Only it should be remembered that the hair can not be wet, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

When choosing a dry shampoo, one of the criteria is its price. With a lack of funds, there is always an alternative. For example, an ordinary baby hair powder will help to remove excess fat and greasy, unpleasant odors, and make curls shiny. And it costs less, and is more affordable, and consists of natural components. It should be applied not to the hair, but to the palm of your hand, and then gently rub into the roots. After 10 minutes, remove everything with a comb. This method is more suitable for blondes.

baby hair powder
If the brunette does not know how to wash her hair without water, then she is recommended to mix the powder with cocoa or grated cinnamon, they are not so noticeable on the hair.

Terms of use

Dry shampoo must be sprayed to the roots, massage gently and spread over the entire length. After a few minutes, comb, removing the remnants of the product. By the way, stylists have their own secret: it is used to give root hair thin hair. But do not abuse it and use it too often, otherwise the hair will fade and lose its softness and elasticity. We use it only in emergency cases and apply only to dry hair.

Well, on other days - shower, water and your favorite shampoo!


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