Halloween Cocktail Recipes

Halloween is a great occasion to organize a friendly party. To make the holiday a success, you need to not only develop a script, but also carefully consider the menu. This article will present an interesting selection of cocktail recipes for Halloween.

Decor guidelines

In order for the party organized by you to go as planned, you must try to do everything possible to create the appropriate atmosphere. And jewelry for glasses will help you with this. They do not have to be purchased at specialized stores. Today, there are many ways to turn an ordinary drink into a terrible potion.

halloween cocktails

For example, you can decorate a glass with a cocktail with eyes made from the Chinese lychee fruit. To do this, it is filled with bright red jam, stuffed with blueberries and pricked on a straw.

To create the appropriate atmosphere, glasses can be braided with cobwebs. To do this, melt the bitter chocolate with a small amount of milk or cream, and then draw into a syringe and draw a pattern. Such a web looks especially impressive on glass cups filled with a transparent drink.

You can make bloody smudges on the walls of glasses. For this, red juice is combined with swollen gelatin, warmed up and slightly cooled. The edges of the glasses are dipped in the resulting mixture and quickly turned over so that drops begin to flow down the glass walls.

A stunning effect can be achieved by pouring a little grenadine on the bottom of a glass of ice.

Spiced Pumpkin Drink

This unusual smoothie is completely alcohol free. Therefore, it can be offered not only to adults, but also to small guests. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 1.5 cups of cow or almond milk.
  • 2 ripe bananas.
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg.
  • A glass of ice and mashed baked pumpkin.
  • A large spoon of ground flaxseed.
  • ¼ cup oatmeal.
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • Honey (to taste).

alcoholic halloween cocktails

This is one of the simplest non-alcoholic Halloween cocktails. To prepare it, peeled bananas, ice, milk, pumpkin and other components are sent to the blender bowl. Beat everything well until smooth, pour into tall glasses and serve.

Berry cocktail

This delicious and sweet drink is sure to be appreciated by the little guests. It successfully combines berries, ice cream and fruit juice. To make a Halloween cocktail for children, you will need:

  • A dozen berries of strawberries.
  • 2 ¼ cups of natural orange juice.
  • 2/3 packets of blueberries.
  • 2 large tablespoons of ice cream.

halloween cocktails recipes

At the bottom of the glasses spread blueberries whipped in a blender. Strawberry puree diluted with a small amount of citrus juice is placed on top. All this is covered with the remains of an orange fresh mixed with ice cream.

Chocolate cocktail with spiders

Since alcohol is present in the composition of this drink, they should not be treated to children. To make this Halloween alcoholic cocktail you will need:

  • 110 milliliters of chocolate liquor.
  • 5 ice cubes.
  • Standard bar of dark chocolate.
  • 70 milliliters of vodka.
  • Chocolate spiders (for decoration).

non-alcoholic cocktails for halloween

First of all, you need to do the preparation of glasses. Their edges are carefully dipped in melted chocolate. Then the cocktail itself is carefully poured into the glasses, made of vodka, liquor and ice mixed in a shaker. A pair of chocolate spiders is thrown into each serving of the drink.

Witch's potion

This is one of the most popular drinks that is often served on Halloween. The recipe for an alcoholic cocktail involves the use of a not quite standard set of components, so prepare in advance:

  • 50 milliliters of vanilla vodka.
  • 30 ml of orange liquor.
  • 50 milliliters of schnapps.
  • 20 ml of lemon juice.
  • 100 milliliters of champagne.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • Dry ice and food coloring green.

Halloween cocktails recipe with photo

You need to start the process with the preparation of glasses. Their edges are moistened with water, and then carefully dipped in sugar mixed with green dye. A cocktail made of lemon juice, schnapps, liquor, vanilla vodka and champagne is poured into a glass processed in this way. Dry ice is carefully laid out from above, which will give the finished drink a frighteningly mysterious appearance.

Funny pumpkin

This delicious orange drink will be a real decoration for a party organized especially for Halloween. A cocktail recipe, the photo of which can be found in this article, provides for a certain set of ingredients. Therefore, make sure in advance that at the right time you have at your fingertips:

  • 500 milliliters of pumpkin juice.
  • 50 ml of Bianco vermouth.
  • 150 milliliters of vodka.
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper.
  • 300 grams of ice.
  • 3 sprigs of mint.

Vodka, pumpkin juice and vermouth are mixed in one dish. The resulting liquid is seasoned with black pepper, poured into glasses and decorated with mint. Serve such a drink with ice.

Jack lantern

We draw your attention to another interesting cocktail for Halloween. This drink has a bright orange tint and a pleasant citrus aroma. To prepare it, you will need:

  • The whole orange.
  • 5 milliliters of lime juice.
  • 60 ml of citrus vodka.
  • 30 milliliters of mango juice.
  • 10 ml of regular syrup.
  • 15 milliliters of orange juice.
  • Some ice.

halloween cocktails for kids

All liquid ingredients are mixed in a shaker, shaken and poured into glasses. A little ice is sent there, and the sliced ​​orange is laid out on top.

Ghoul Bite

This interesting Halloween cocktail consists of simple ingredients that are always found in every home bar. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 30 milliliters of absinthe.
  • 30 ml of lemon liquor.
  • 30 milliliters of pineapple juice.
  • 30 ml of lemonade.
  • A bit of grenadine (for taste and color).

halloween cocktails alcohol recipes

All ingredients except the last two are mixed in a shaker, shaken vigorously and poured into two small glasses. Lemonade and grenadine are also added there.

Lollipop Cocktail

The process of preparing this interesting drink takes a certain amount of time. Therefore, you need to start it a few hours before the proposed party. To do this, at your fingertips should be:

  • Half a glass of Montpensier candies.
  • The protein of one egg.
  • A glass of vodka.
  • 60 milliliters of orange liquor.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Ice.

Some of the available candies are poured with vodka, covered with a lid and left for the whole night. Then, egg white, orange liquor and lemon juice are combined in a shaker. There also add 100 milliliters of vodka and ice. All this is shaken vigorously and poured into glasses. In the finished drink add the remnants of vodka with candy.

Poisoned apple

We recommend that you pay special attention to another unusual cocktail for Halloween. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 700 milliliters of apple soda.
  • 2 glasses of vodka with salted caramel.
  • Apple slices (for decoration).

All liquid ingredients are combined in one container, mixed and poured into glasses. Ready cocktail is decorated with apple slices. Those who want to achieve an unusual effect can be recommended to add ice cubes to the drink. Then it starts to bubble.

Enchanted Highball

This delicious and reasonably strong drink is perfect for a Halloween party. The cocktail is simple in composition and has a milky hue. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 30 ml white cocoa cream.
  • 30 milliliters of milk-cream mixture.
  • 30 ml of liqueur “White Chocolate”.
  • 30 milliliters of vanilla vodka.
  • Hazelnut liquor (to taste).
  • Ice.

The faces of the ghosts are drawn on the glasses with a black marker, and then they are filled with ice and a drink made from a mixture of all liquid ingredients. Ready cocktails are served to guests.

Apple Caramel Sangria

Halloween party parties can offer another interesting cocktail. To prepare it, you will need:

  • A liter of white wine.
  • 250 ml of caramel vodka.
  • 1.5 liters of fresh apple cider.
  • 60 ml of caramel syrup.
  • 5 apples.

Washed fruit is cut into small cubes and stacked on the bottom of a large jug. Caramel syrup, vodka, apple cider and white wine are added there. All is well mixed and cleaned in the refrigerator. Not earlier than four hours later, the drink is poured into glasses and served to guests.

Goblinsky Mimosa

To prepare a drink with such an unusual name, no expensive or rare ingredients are needed. This time you will need:

  • 75 milliliters of orange juice.
  • 40 ml of black vodka.
  • 75 milliliters of champagne.
  • Black olives and mozzarella (for decoration).

Chilled champagne is poured into pre-prepared glasses. Then there is added orange juice and black vodka. The finished cocktail is decorated with olives impaled on skewers, inside which a little mozzarella was placed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44303/

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