Murumuru oil: useful properties, recipes

Murumuru oil has a number of useful properties, it contains many vitamins. It is produced in Brazil, extracted from palm trees. Murumuru is very revered by the inhabitants of the country, as it comprehensively affects the structure of the hair and skin. Many Brazilian girls also add oil to cosmetics that nourish and moisturize tissues.

What is it like?

Amazonian Murumuru Oil

The palm of Murumuru (Astrocaryum murumuru) has been known to the Brazilians since ancient times. The plant is a long and thin trunk, covered with black spines, which makes the oil extraction process very time-consuming. There are also small oval fruits. Inside, they contain kernels, from which later Murumuru oil is made. The resulting product has a pleasant aroma reminiscent of a nutty, as well as an interesting light brown color. Also, the oil may be whitish. Brazilians make high quality cosmetic products from the pulp of the fruit.

Amazonian Murumuru oil has a range of beneficial properties. It is able to kill bacteria, prevent inflammatory processes, destroy fungal infections. It also has a positive effect on hair and is suitable for absolutely all types. Oil nourishes and moisturizes the hair, giving it a healthy shine and splendor. It also contributes to the destruction of various wounds on the scalp.

Cooking process

One of the most famous and widespread methods for producing oils is the cold pressing method. Before extracting the product, a small amount of water is added and the core of murumur is pressed. The resulting oil is left to infuse so that it rises upward, separated from the water. Then it is collected.

The composition and useful properties of the ingredients

Light brown Murumuru oil

Thick Murumuru hair oil has a composition that is able to quickly heal hair. Its composition includes such acids:

  • linoleic - contains a lot of omega-6;
  • oleic - rich in omega-9;
  • lauric;
  • palm;
  • myristic.

All acids have a complex effect on the hair, making it soft and voluminous. They are also able to have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Murumuru oil is capable of making hair obedient, dense and radiant for a short course of therapy. The tool fills them with useful elements and minerals, which prevents brittleness and loss. A plus is the ability to destroy dandruff, soothing the scalp.

How to apply murumuru oil?

Muru-Muru Oil Cosmetics

The product acts on the "root" of the problem, that is, not only on the hair, but also on their bulbs and skin. The oil controls the process of moisture loss from tissues, which helps to avoid dandruff due to overdried skin. In action, it resembles a protein that instantly restores hair to its former beauty. The composition penetrates the scalp very quickly, activates the hair follicles, so the hair becomes thick. The oil is able to give the hair a pleasant aroma for several days.

Amazonian Murumuru is present in various means. The most popular is Matrix Oil Wonders Amazonian Murumuru Controlling Oil.

Also, the tool is actively used in cosmetology, as it has a thick structure and melts only at elevated temperatures. It is used as a base for creating lipsticks and balms, because it melts only on the lips, completely saturating them.

The recommended dose in the composition of cosmetics is 100%, in soap - 12%, in creams - 20%. The oil works perfectly in combination with other essential components. The product is highly soluble in them, so Murumuru is used in the preparation of various emulsions.

How else is it applied?

Palm of murumuru

Oil is used as the basis of many shampoos and hair balms, as well as various face cleansers. It can also be an excellent base for makeup, acting as a primer.

Murumuru shampoo easily makes hair shiny and healthy, all damage disappears. It also has a protective function, so the sun and strong wind will not spoil the hair. Lauric acid is responsible for this factor. She makes hair obedient, which makes it possible to create different hairstyles without fear for their appearance. The shampoo will be the most suitable option for owners of damaged, dry and coarse hair. Oil prevents possible brittleness or dandruff.

We recuperate hair ourselves: medicinal compounds

Murumuru oil has a thick consistency, so it is suitable for balms. To make the remedy, you need to mix Murumur with ordinary vegetable oil, where the first will be 7 parts, and the second - only 3. That is, 100 ml of balm needs 70 ml of Murumur and 30 ml of vegetable oil.

You can also make an effective hair serum, which consists of Brazil nut oil (25 g), murumuru (4 g), various aromatic extracts (10 drops) and oily vitamin E 2 (2 drops).

Serum is applied to damaged hair ends, making them softer. If the hair is very dry, you can use the product as a shampoo, if oily or combination, it is better to apply only to the ends. The mixture is stored in a cool and dark place, so it will stand for much longer.

Before use, the oil mixture can be heated in warm water and then shaken gently. Thus, all useful elements are activated.


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