Life in Australia: the pros and cons. How to relocate to Australia

Australia is one of the most prosperous and wealthy countries in the world. In the ranking, which includes the most comfortable states for life, it has for many years left behind Canada and the United States. At the same time, Australia (one of the few) has developed and is implementing an open immigration program for qualified professionals.

Australia continent painted in flag colors

Such circumstances, together with other advantages of this state, attract a huge number of people who have the intention to move to another country. Indeed, nearly a quarter of Australia ’s locals are immigrants. Among the rest of the country's population there are a lot of descendants of those who came here a little earlier.

How to move to Australia? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of living in this country? Judging by the reviews of Russian immigrants, being in Australia, as, indeed, in any other state in the world, has its advantages and disadvantages. That is why, before deciding to leave their home country, it is worthwhile to study in detail all the nuances of living in a new place.

Standard of living

The pros and cons of living in Australia should begin to consider the state of the country's economy. Based on the available data, industry and agriculture are well developed in this state. The continent country, whose population is only twice the number of Moscow residents, is in the 12th place in the world in terms of GDP and the second in such an indicator as the human development index, taking into account education, longevity and the standard of living of people. Australia was hardly affected by the crisis that erupted in the early 2010s. The state economy continued its steady growth. In 2013, the world community recognized Australia as the second country in terms of welfare. Only Switzerland overtook this state.

The country has deposits of diamonds, gas and coal. However, despite these natural resources, service companies make the bulk of the state’s GDP. The Australian government also pays great attention to the development of the IT industry and education. The taxation system created here, which is considered quite democratic, has an important influence on the country's high standard of living.

Considering all the pros and cons of life in Australia, one can not help but mention the banking system. It is so well developed that residents of the country are given the opportunity to obtain loans for the purchase of housing. Of course, for this it will be necessary to collect a rather large package of documents confirming the possibility of paying off the necessary amount. But this does not scare the inhabitants of the country. They buy almost everything on credit. For those who have a good job, it is not difficult to get money from the bank for the purchase of a house, apartment, car, etc. Moreover, loans are issued subject to repayment within 25 years. The high standard of living in Australia is also affected by the fact that almost everyone can find a job here. Moreover, the unemployment rate in the country is constantly falling.

It should be noted that the average salary in Australia is in the range of 600-650 US dollars for one week. A rich family is considered to be earning over 100 thousand US dollars during the year.

As of March 1, 2013, Australia had a population of just over 23 million. Most people live in cities along the west and east coasts. The average life expectancy for men is 75 years. Women live five years longer. In terms of living standards, the country is in third place in the world.

Judging by reviews of life in Australia, almost every family has one or two cars here. However, this is practiced in many countries of the world where the economic system is developed. The family uses one car for country walks, and on the second, which belongs to the executive class, local residents go to work. Many of them still have speed boats and yachts.

Prices for products in Australia are low. On average, people spend about 20% of their salary on food. And this already speaks of good living conditions in Australia. The low cost of products is explained by highly developed agriculture. Australia practically does not import goods for food, and at the same time harvests several times a year.


The pros and cons of living in Australia must be considered in terms of the weather conditions of the continent. It is worth noting that the climate of this area has a positive impact on the life of the local population. All arriving here note that they forget about diseases such as allergies and asthma. It breathes easily and freely, and water can be drunk even from the tap.

Australia city view

It is also interesting that everyone can choose in this country the most suitable climate for themselves. Queensland, as well as almost all regions of the country located in the western part of the continent, are suitable for those who like warm weather. There are also tropics in Australia. They are located in the northern territory, as well as in the aforementioned state of Queensland, only in its northern regions. Anyone who prefers a temperate climate zone goes to the southern part of the mainland.

Australia has a large number of sunny days. Throughout the year, you can observe a clear sky for almost 300 days.

The warm period in Australia lasts 7 months. It is marked by a rather comfortable average temperature of 25 degrees. Only three months a year on this continent lasts winter. It falls on this remote continent in our summer months, that is, in June, July and August.

The sun sets here early. It gets dark in Sydney at almost 8pm. In Melbourne, the night comes a little later, and in Brisbane - earlier.

Due to the warm climate, house construction in Australia is carried out without laying a heating system. In this regard, in winter, the indoor temperature is equal to outdoor temperature and ranges from 12 to 16 degrees.


What is life like in Australia through the eyes of Russians? Amazingly clean. Of course, it is impossible to say that people in Australia do not litter. However, at night, all the streets will certainly be swept, and those that are in the city center are even washed. In addition, if construction is underway within the settlement, then special workers will be required to be involved here. Their duties include washing the asphalt after each machine that has left the territory where the building or structure is being built. Such cleanliness leads to the fact that people in Australia are much less likely to wash shoes compared to Russians. Without removing it, they can safely enter the house.

Judging by the reviews of those who were employed in this country, work as a garbage collector here is considered one of the most prestigious. In terms of salary, it even equates to a ministerial portfolio.

boats in the ocean

The waters of the ocean washing the coast of this continent are also crystal clear.

The medicine

When considering the pros and cons of living in Australia, this topic is highly controversial. The fact is that some immigrants believe that medicine in this country is better than Russian, while others do not. However, no one can deny that in Australia there is a huge variety of drugs to combat ailments, and hospitals have high-quality equipment for diagnosing diseases.

Medicine in Australia is under the tutelage of the state. That is why it is almost all free. Talking about their life in Australia, emigrants from Russia consider this quite common. Guaranteed in the country is also free medical care during natural disasters, in case of accidents, as well as against children, pensioners and pregnant women. There is also a network of paid clinics in the country. If we compare the wards in Australian public hospitals with the Russian, then they are much more comfortable.

Employed residents pay Medicare health insurance. It allows you to support the entire health system. The state pays the necessary amounts for the unemployed, and the employers for those who work.

In addition, anyone can arrange a medical policy for themselves. Open his commercial insurance companies. Ordinary insurance consists of 1.5% tax, which is monthly calculated from wages. This money will allow you to do the following for free:

  • take tests;
  • take an x-ray;
  • be examined by an ophthalmologist;
  • visit the local doctor;
  • call an ambulance;
  • be observed in a state hospital.

Interestingly, in Australia, doctors are not called to the house. Also, it is not customary to call an ambulance for the slightest trifle. A team of doctors will come home only when the issue will concern the life and death of a person.

Judging by the responses of immigrants, Medicare insurance is not available to everyone. It can be issued only by citizens, residents of the Union, citizens of New Zealand and immigrants of states that have concluded agreements with the local authorities on the treatment of patients. All other people need to arrange insurance on their own, using the services of existing companies.

Bad habits

In Australia it is not allowed to smoke while indoors. Alcohol is consumed only at home, in bars and in restaurants. Being drunk in public areas is strictly prohibited.

Only wealthy people can afford to smoke in this country and often drink. The state has set high prices for cigarettes, the price of which ranges from $ 18 to $ 20. Expensive in this country and wine. Its cost starts at $ 20. Beer in the store will cost $ 5, and the bar will offer it twice as much.


The Australian Union uses the British training system. That is why the knowledge acquired by students here is at an appropriate level. All training consists of six steps:

  • children from 6 to 12 years old receive primary;
  • from 12 to 16 years, students need to pass the middle junior level;
  • middle senior level with the issuance of a certificate of secondary education, students are aged 16 to 17 years;
  • students of 16-18 years pass the initial higher or secondary professional, after which they receive a standard certificate;
  • higher, to which persons over 18 are admitted and which ends at 22 with the issuance of a bachelor's diploma;
  • for those who wish to continue their studies, a postgraduate degree with a master's degree is available.

If you look at this system of education through the eyes of Russians, then there is no fundamental difference in these levels of education. However, gaining knowledge in Australia is very thorough. That is why many foreigners willingly come here to study. Moreover, diplomas of educational institutions of this country are quoted all over the world.

As for the cost of training, then at the university for the year he will have to pay from 6 to 20 thousand US dollars. In college, this amount is 3.5-6 thousand US dollars.

University conditions are pretty good. In addition, to help foreign students, special services are created in these institutions to help those who come to the country.

girl with australian flag

Schools in Australia are mostly public. And only some of them are financed by various religious organizations and private foundations. For immigrants, there are Ukrainian and Russian schools. They greatly facilitate the lives of those who moved to live in Australia.


The interest that citizens have to deduct from their earnings is a minus of living in Australia. After all, the amount of taxes in this country is rather big. Moreover, they are paid using a progressive rate. Depending on the income received, an individual sometimes pays up to 45% of the amount due to him.

So, if a person earns up to 18 thousand US dollars during a year, then he does not need to pay anything. With an amount of 20 to 50 thousand, the tax will be 17%, up to 100 thousand - 20%, etc.

Property prices

The country in question is one of the most expensive in terms of housing cost per average salary. In Australia, renting an apartment, for example in Sydney, will cost much more compared to Russia. For private homes, you will have to pay $ 400 per week, and from $ 200 to $ 300 for a room. The latter option is unacceptable for families of several people. But real estate prices vary depending on which city it is located in. So, for a week of renting a 3-4-room apartment in Sydney, you will have to pay $ 820, in Melbourne - $ 420, in Brisbane - $ 525, in Perth - $ 370, and in Adelaide - $ 410. Buying a property in big cities will cost 200-400 thousand dollars

High prices

The average family living in Australia, consisting of parents and two children, spends from 5 to 6 thousand dollars for various needs. Indeed, when compared with Russia, the prices here are quite high. For example, going to the cinema costs $ 20-30, and a visit to a restaurant will cost $ 50.

Great remoteness

Residents of Australia who want to travel will have to spend about a day on the road, spending time in tiring flights. That is why Russian immigrants do not often visit their homeland.

ocean and city

Also, because of its remoteness, the Australian market is not able to offer the inhabitants of the continent the services and goods that the rest of the world has already met. For example, new types of equipment sometimes appear on this mainland with a decent delay, which can be up to six months. The same applies to films. In Australia, they come out later than in Russia.

Sun activity

Directly above the continent are ozone holes. This leads to the fact that people in Australia are more likely to detect skin cancer. In order to protect themselves from this ailment, people have to wear clothes that would cover their body as much as possible, as well as use sunscreen.

There are problems in the ecology of Australia. They consist in desertification, soil erosion, as well as in the depletion of land reserves. In addition, the country has a very tense situation with fresh water.

After all the pros and cons of life on this continent are carefully studied, it is possible to resolve the issue of emigration to Australia. Anyone who was not afraid of difficulties and decided that there are still more advantages of living in this state will have to deal with paperwork. How to move to Australia? To do this, choose one of three areas. Let's consider them in more detail.

Professional immigration

One of the official languages ​​of Australia is English. That is why his knowledge is required for those who decide to move to live on this continent. To obtain a work visa, you will need to know English at a certain level, confirming your skills by passing exams.

man holds an Australian passport

A higher level of knowledge is necessary for those people who collect documents for emigration to Australia and apply for the posts of social workers, teachers, architects or accountants. In addition to high scores confirming the required level of the English language, you will need a diploma of education and work experience. However, for employment in some specialties, the last two points will not be required. In addition, a candidate for moving to a remote continent needs to score a certain amount of points. It takes into account knowledge of English, work experience, education and age. A similar system is built in such a way as to give the main preference to people whose age ranges from 25 to 40 years, with higher education and good knowledge of English. Do you need a visa to Australia for someone who meets all the necessary requirements? Yes. A candidate for a job is issued a professional visa. It includes a spouse or minor children. An Australian passport, as well as citizenship are issued after four years on the continent.

Business immigration

Knowledge of the official language of Australia will be needed by those people who decided to open their own business on this continent. It is worth noting that the country's authorities contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and innovative projects.

There are certain business visas that are issued to people who have already successfully conducted their business abroad, have property or personal savings worth more than 800 thousand Australian dollars. The turnover from their event per year should be from half a million dollars.

There is also a budgetary principle of immigration. It is suitable for those entrepreneurs who will open a new business or acquire an existing one.

Study immigration

A similar option is suitable for young people. At its core, it is a form of professional immigration.

guy and girl with australia flag

First, the student will have to choose one of the most popular specialties in the country for training. After graduation, the young specialist will have the opportunity to obtain a temporary graduate visa. The next step is a permanent work visa.

Immigration through study will require a well-thought-out plan of action and the right choice of profession. It is recommended to pay attention to the occupation that does not require work experience to confirm. These are such specialties as teacher, architect and some others.


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