Rubber-based door mat: features, types and reviews

For hygiene purposes and to prevent the spread of dirt inside the room, a door mat was invented. It is used not only in the apartment, but also in the office, child care facility or hospital.

Rubber door mat

What does he look like

Entrance hall mats are used to quickly clean various contaminants from street shoes and prevent them from spreading throughout the house. The part of the mat that is located outside can be made of a variety of materials. But here the base, as a rule, is made of especially durable rubber, which gives the product tightness and resistance to constant abrasion and moisture. The lower part of the mat is made in the form of a lattice consisting of a variety of cells. They are capable of retaining moisture and dirt. At the same time, washing the coating is quite easy.

Door mat

What is used for

The door mat on a rubber basis performs several basic functions. Its main purpose is to protect the room from street dirt and moisture. However, in addition to this, the product performs a safety function for visitors. Often on a rainy day or when it is snowing outside, the entrance area becomes very wet and slippery. The rubber base has anti-slip properties, so the foot is firmly fixed.

In addition, the door mat absorbs the sound of heels and the sound of soles. Therefore, it is recommended to use in rooms with high traffic.

Variety of products

Depending on their main purpose, the following types of rugs are distinguished:

  1. Rubber mats in the form of a lattice, consisting of fairly large cells. It is well absorbed by large flakes of dirt and snow particles. Used mainly in front of the house.
  2. Rubber mats made up of small cells. Designed for thorough cleaning of the sole and have a protective function against dirt. Use in the corridor, vestibule of non-residential premises or the lobby. It is better if the product will have a width equal to the footage of the passage.
  3. A rubber-based door mat with a base made of coarse and fleecy material. Designed to remove residual dirt and moisture. They mean the last degree of purification, they are able to absorb up to 75% of contaminants. The topcoat can be completely different. However, the denser it is, the better. Preference may be given to polyamide. The long term of operation is provided by synthetic and dense pile.
Original door mat

To choose the optimal rug, you need to determine its location and main purpose.

Large-sized rubber mat

The option that is most suitable for outdoor use. Consists of large cells capable of retaining major contaminants and moisture. Such a product is completely not afraid of water, it is easy to care for, it does not absorb odors and maintains operational properties for a long time.

The rubber door mat adheres very tightly to the surface, which provides anti-slip properties. This is due to the characteristics of rubber and its sufficiently large weight. There are quite interesting options with special brushes that are located in each cell. With their help, dirt is removed quickly and efficiently. In addition, a beautiful pattern is formed. But with prolonged and regular use, the elasticity of rubber is gradually lost.

A similar rubber coating is used before entering the house, on flights of stairs and all kinds of descents. Thus, a protective and anti-slip effect is achieved. To extend the service life and preserve its properties, the rubber mat should be laid in a special recess on the floor and fixed using an aluminum profile.

Rubber mat

Indoor use is a rubber door mat with a base of fleecy material. It is used as the final stage of shoe cleaning and also performs a certain aesthetic role. There are many different options on the market, but for the acquisition to fulfill its role and withstand multiple frictions, the pile coating technology must meet all the requirements. In this case, the flooring also has additional protection.

The Step Clean door mat is very popular among consumers. It completely protects the house from the penetration of dirt, dust and moisture. A similar feature is the fibers that make up the outer coating. The super absorbent door mat has absorbent properties, so the hostess can not worry if someone enters the room in dirty shoes after cleaning. Fibers instantly absorb moisture and excess contaminants.

Mat Clean Step Mat

Mats with a rubber base and a soft base can be used not only in the hallway. Due to the different colors, many are used to protect the floor in the bathroom and provide an anti-slip effect. The great advantage of rubber is that it does not slip at all and does not fold at the edges. Some models, including the famous Clean Step Mat, are machine washable. At the same time, the absorbent properties are not only not lost, but become better, being activated by the action of water.

Super absorbent mat

Attention to the outer coating

When choosing a door mat, you need to look at its outer cover. If the base must be rubber, the top can be made of various materials. Moreover, the higher and thicker the pile, the better its cleansing properties.

The most common and budget option is a polypropylene pile coating. This product is easy to vacuum, shake or wash. At the same time, the rug retains its consumer properties for a long time, the surface looks dry and neat for a long time.

However, the pile coating, although it retains an attractive appearance for a long time, is still contaminated. You can extend its service life by contacting a dry cleaner. But most often, housewives just buy a new copy, because such a door mat is inexpensive.

A more advanced option is rubber-based products with dissected microfibres. They have a capillary effect, like living plants. The coating quickly absorbs water and dirt, reliably retaining the contents inside.

Door mat rubber

Application methods

In addition to home use, rubber mats are often used in public areas. They not only perform a direct function of protecting the floor from the spread of dirt, but also provide a host of others. So, in children's and medical institutions they are used to prevent accidental falls.

Quite widespread are similar products in industrial enterprises. They are used to prevent accidents and relieve fatigue during prolonged standing.

In a bathroom where there is a risk of falling due to wet floors, the use of a rubber-based rug is a must. It will protect against injuries and give comfort.

To maintain cleanliness in rooms where animals are kept, mud mats are often used . They are widely used in sheds and barns. In addition to protecting against dirt, they help clean up faster and more efficiently.

In this case, do not skimp, because the costs pay off in full. After all, the cleaning time is significantly reduced, and the floor covering acquires additional protection against adverse factors.

Entrance rug

Housewives reviews on rubber mats

The rubber door mat has different reviews. If you choose a coating with a quality base and top, then its protective properties allow you not to worry about the cleanliness of the floor. When choosing, it is important that the pile is as thick and higher as possible. In this case, it will provide the best cleaning from dirt and moisture absorption. However, such a mat will require more care and special maintenance. They are not recommended to be laid out outside the house and in public areas.

Low-pile coatings, according to the hostesses, are quite effective. Their application is much wider. Can be used in front of the apartment or laid in the hallway. If you choose a rug with a velvety or velor top in different shades, then it is quite possible to lay such a product in the bathroom.


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