How to drink tequila: what to eat and what to pour

To enjoy a drink, you need to know how to use it correctly. For example, it is advisable to drink lemonade chilled, and it is better to jam cognac with lemon. Similarly, those who choose tequila should know everything about their favorite drink. Otherwise it can not be. They should have a clear idea of ​​how to choose tequila, what to eat, how to drink, and what kind of dishes to pour.

Drink Rules

tequila than snack

Tequila has become quite popular in recent years. It is preferred by lovers of spirits around the world. As a rule, such a choice is made for various reasons. Most people unknowingly choose tequila. What to eat - for them it does not really matter. They simply pay tribute to fashion or act "for the company." But there are lovers who just enjoy it. Still, to begin with, you need to figure out for yourself how to properly use this unusual drink. There are several ways. The most correct, probably the one used by the Mexicans. After all, this is their national product. In many regions of Mexico, tequila is not eaten, but washed down with a special drink called Sangrita. It is a mixture consisting of 1 cup orange juice, 1 ounce (28.35 grams) lime juice, a teaspoon of grenadine and 12 drops of hot sauce. Tequila with sangrit is poured into two identical shots. Then slowly, savoring, drink tequila. And then also slowly, to the last drop, absorb the prepared mixture of juices. You can, of course, drink tequila in one sip, but then you will not be able to feel the whole bouquet of this drink. Those who drink tequila in this way than have a bite to eat are not interested.


Some people use tequila in its purest form, without drinking or snacking. This is quite bold and not everyone can do it. The most common American method, which is carried out according to the following scheme: "lick - drink in one gulp - bite." Everything is simple here:

  1. Salt must first be poured onto the outside of the palm and the same fingers hold a small piece of lime.
  2. Pour tequila into the stack.
  3. First, tongue lick salt off the palm of your hand.
  4. Drink tequila in one gulp.
  5. Have a bite of lime.

That’s all wisdom. But there are people who do not like lime. In this case, drinking tequila, than having a snack - they decide for themselves. It may be a slice of lemon. In Europe, they act much easier. They prepare the drink "Tequila Boom", which must be drunk in a special way:

  1. Pour tonic into a tequila glass.
  2. Cover with a palm.
  3. Raise the glass and hit it sharply on the table (perhaps that is why they use a special pile with a thick bottom for tequila).
  4. Drink in one gulp.

Sometimes at parties use another original option. To do this, do the following:

  1. Cut the lemon across and remove the pulp from each half.
  2. Dip the edges of the improvised cup in salt.
  3. Pour tequila inside.

Such an unusual method will please not only the owners, but also all the guests.

Mexican drink fortress

tequila how many degrees

Tequila is a product obtained in the process of distillation of a special variety of plants called "blue agave." Many people mistakenly consider this drink to be ordinary cactus vodka. But agave is by no means a cactus. This plant looks like aloe, and belongs to the desert lilies of the asparagus family. Ropes and ropes are made from its strong leaves, and juice is the raw material for the production of beverages such as pulque and mezcal. The core of the plant is considered the most valuable. The juice obtained from it is processed into distillate, from which tequila itself is subsequently made. How many degrees is this alcoholic drink? There is no single answer to this question. The strength of tequila usually varies between 35-55 degrees, but 38-40-degree varieties are more common in the distribution network. It should be noted that this drink is of two types:

1. Tequila, made only from agave alcohol.

2. A drink made from a mixture that contains no more than 49 percent of other alcohols.

This alcohol does not at all look like the famous vodka, since in addition to water and ethyl alcohol it also contains a huge amount of essential oils and a variety of higher alcohols. This composition allows you not to taste a special fortress. That is why tequila is very easy to drink. But then the hangover is guaranteed. That's the whole tequila. How many degrees it contains, you can’t say right away. It only becomes clear the next morning.

Right snack

what to eat tequila properly

Each drink should be consumed accordingly. In addition to the rules of drinking, there are also special rules that provide for the presence of certain snacks. Their presence on the table should be logically explainable. For example, how to bite a tequila? Correctly consider those who are sure that strong drinks should be jammed with something wholesome and high-calorie. In this case, any fried meat (pork, lamb or beef) is suitable. And in order to give the dish spiciness and piquancy, you can use special sauces. Mexicans prefer guacamole or salsa. They can be purchased ready-made or made yourself. For example, “guacamole” is a homogeneous mass made from the pulp of avocado, onions, tomatoes, salt, black pepper and cilantro. This mixture is perfect for a juicy steak, a delicious chop or deep-fried pita bread. Salsa is also not difficult to do. For this you will need: tomato, black olives, feta cheese, parsley, garlic, salt, lemon juice and olive oil. “Buritos”, which is a pita bread with a fried mixture of pork, corn, beans, onions, garlic, chili and spices, is suitable for such a sauce.

If there is no lemon

how to bite tequila other than lemon

What should be a snack for tequila? Definitely difficult to answer. There are many options, and everyone chooses the one that suits his taste. For example, Mexicans generally prefer their national drink to eat nopal cactus. The standard version with salt and lime is also not popular with everyone. The question arises: "How to bite tequila except lemon?" The Germans adhere to their technology in this matter. Instead of salt, they take a pinch of cinnamon, and replace sour lime with a fragrant orange. This combination of tastes is also quite interesting. And to emphasize the taste of freshly drunk tequila, you can eat something sharp after that. For example, mussels or prawns fried with garlic and onions. You can make a “sandwich” of chips, kiwi and boiled seafood. In general, there must be something spicy for a snack. For this, pickled cucumbers and pickled tomatoes may well be suitable . The main thing is that the amount of drink does not exceed the allowable limits. Otherwise, any snack will be unnecessary.


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