Propagation of strawberries with mustache and seeds

Strawberries (like strawberries) can reproduce in two ways. The simplest and least troublesome is the propagation of strawberries with a mustache. After a period of fruiting, the plant in the garden releases its shoots. In order for their greater number not to die, the earth around the strawberries should be cultivated: weed from weeds and carefully loosen. Thanks to this, the mustache is firmly rooted in the ground.

mustache strawberry propagation

Keep track of soil moisture. For some time, the shoots need additional watering. Proper landing of a mustache implies a shallow sprinkling of earth. Outlets should not be deep set. When propagating strawberries with a mustache, the first two mustaches from the bush should be used as seedlings, the rest should be cut off. By the early days of autumn, when the plants are strong and well rooted, they can be transferred to a permanent place. Lumps of earth from the processes do not need to be shaken off. This can lead to additional plant disease.

It is advisable to use old sockets for propagating strawberries or wild strawberries - after the first or second year they become low-yielding and are subject to numerous diseases. If during the fruiting of strawberries you notice painful fruits, it is better not to use this plant for further reproduction.

Strawberry breeding care
The second method of breeding involves growing a mustache. What does this mean? As soon as the plant released the mustache, they are carefully cut, trying not to damage the bush itself, and planted on the planting beds. Already there, outlets are gaining strength. For cutting mustaches, it is advisable to use sharp scissors or a knife. Remember that it is strictly forbidden to cut the mustache close to the plant. Leave a free edge of about 2 cm.

It is worth noting that, when propagating strawberries with a mustache, you can use both rooted shoots and mustaches without roots. There must be three sheets in the first, and two in the second. The remaining leaves are superfluous, they should be cut off. Roots are also trimmed (leave a length of up to 5 cm). Planting scheme is quite simple: the distance between seedlings should be from 5 to 15 cm. In the end, everything should be abundantly watered. In fairly hot weather, plants should be covered with non-woven covering material either before the weather changes, or for a couple of weeks. Shelter stimulates the growth of the mustache root system. Ah, how delicious fresh strawberries are! Care, reproduction should be carried out with high quality, the only way to achieve a good harvest.

propagation of strawberries by dividing the bush

Daily watering, weeding from weeds, periodic loosening of the soil becomes mandatory. In early September, plants can be moved to a permanent place.

The sufficiency of the development of the outlet is indicated by the presence of 3 leaves and a strong root system with a length of about 5 cm. Propagation of strawberries with a mustache is not suitable for small-fruited varieties and varieties without a mustache. They reproduce by seed. Seed planting occurs in March. Seeds are laid on top of well-moistened and fairly dense soil. The container is covered with film or glass and placed in the refrigerator, after three days they are pulled out into a warm place. Shoots should appear within a month.

It is also possible propagation of strawberries by dividing the bush. It is a particularization and is carried out, as a rule, in the spring.


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