National Standard Bank: rating and reviews

National Standard Bank was founded in 2002. The owner of the financial institution is Axial Investments Limited, operating in Cyprus. The head of the managing apparatus is Maxim Zubov. In total, the bank serves at least 60 thousand customers. Deposits and loans, bank cards and safes, currency and exchange transactions are available to individuals . National Standard Bank in Moscow has 9 offices. Representative offices successfully operate in Oskol, Belgorod and Gubkin, in Voronezh and Novorossiysk. The ATM network includes about 59 devices.

A bit of history

bank national standard

The main office of the financial institution is located in Moscow. LLC operates on the basis of a General license under number 3421, which was issued on October 28, 2013 in connection with the expansion of the institution. The financial institution has the status of a full member of the Deposit Insurance Fund, acts as a member of the National Stock Association, takes part in the SWIFT and REUTERS payment systems. Moreover, the bank belongs to the category of associate members of the Visa International system and to the rank of affiliated members of MasterCard.

Strategic goals and their implementation

The strategic goal is to form a large financial institution of a federal scale, which would be open and consistent with all international standards. A priority is a transparent ownership structure and a broad client base. Based on the goal, a strategy was formed according to which already in 2007 the National Standard Bank redeemed 97.26% of the shares of CB RusYugbank OJSC, which is the largest in the region and has a very expanded network of offices and auxiliary branches. This gave an impetus to the active development of the enterprise.

Priority area of โ€‹โ€‹activity

bank national standard rating

The priority area of โ€‹โ€‹the institute's activity is the active development of partnerships with medium and large corporate clients, servicing wealthy segments of the population. Among the services are presented both classic offers and investment ones. National Standard Bank works closely with MSP Bank OJSC in the field of lending and guarantee support for small businesses and medium-sized enterprises. Taking part in the program from the Agency for Housing Financing Agency OJSC, the institution provides loans for the construction or purchase of finished housing. All efforts of the bank are aimed at meeting the needs of all customers. The work is based on professionalism and reliability, responsibility and a high corporate culture. An individual approach to each client contributes to the overall perception of partnership with a financial institution.

Place in CBR ratings

As of April 2015, the net assets of a financial institution amounted to 64 152 935 thousand rubles. According to this indicator, the bank got 88th place among Russian institutions, of which there are 778. The institute's net profit today, unfortunately, is equal to -175,055 thousand rubles, which drove the bank to 756th place in Russia. The institution's loan portfolio is 28,780,700 rubles, which corresponds to 99th place among the country's banks. The volume of deposits is 8 068 652 thousand rubles and corresponds to 159 place. The credit rating corresponds to category A + with the third lower sub-level of the rating (III).

commercial bank national standard

The outlook is rated โ€œstableโ€ according to the rating. Specialists in the short term talk about the high probability of the bank fulfilling its financial obligations, not only current, but also those that may arise as the institution works. If we talk about the medium term, then here the fulfillment of obligations will have a high probability with stability of both macroeconomic and market indicators.

Place in the rating of the international agency Standard & Poor's

National Standard Bank in Moscow

According to the rating agency Standard & Poor's, National Standard Bank received a short-term counterparty rating of B / B. According to the national scale, the rating of a financial institution corresponds to the value "ruBBB +". These indicators indicate a likely negative scenario for further developments. Bank ratings take into account moderate business position, moderate capital and income, weakened risk positions and average financial liquidity. A negative outlook is based not only on net banking indicators, but also on the state of the financial sector in Russia itself, which may have a certain financial impact on the institution. This moment has become the reason for significant differences between the assessment of domestic and international experts.

What do customers say?

bank national standard old oskol

At the first stages of its work, the National Standard commercial bank was exclusively engaged in servicing Usmanov's companies. Since 2004 , the financial institution began to take an active part in the issue of municipal bonds. A significant indicator of the active development of the financial institution was his purchase of RusYugbank, which was mentioned above. Most of the reviews about the financial institution talk about the many positive aspects of partnerships, including in the field of lending. This is what ensured a positive popular rating. Bank customers focus on the fact that a financial institution offers the opportunity to early repay a debt after six months after its completion. Mutually beneficial partnership in the aspect of lending is answered by many more investors, confirming the optimal terms of partnership and acceptable interest rates.

And even brokerage services are available

National Standard Bank (Stary Oskol, Moscow and some other cities where offices operate) offers brokerage services not only on the stock exchange, but also on the over-the-counter market. Clients can, through partnerships with the bank, purchase municipal and corporate bonds, sovereign and corporate Eurobonds and domestic foreign currency bonds. Cooperation is available under two tariff plans, which pleases investors, as it allows them to reduce the costs of paying for intermediary actions. According to one of the plans, the commission is 30 thousand rubles for any volume of operations, and in another way it varies from 0.01% to 0.2% and depends solely on the volume of turnover of funds.

Reviews of financial institution employees

National Standard Bank Novorossiysk

National Standard Bank (Novorossiysk, Moscow, Oskol and other cities where offices are located) is active. The staff is constantly recruited highly qualified personnel. According to applicants for vacancies, salaries in a financial institution are offered an order of magnitude higher than the average for the market. You donโ€™t have to sit in a bank without work, life is in full swing, various financial problems are constantly being solved. Each specialist has his own job. There are reviews of a very friendly team and respect from the authorities. The National Standard Bank, whose reviews are always heard in a positive manner, is trying to maintain a high level, both in working with clients and in relation to employees. The overall picture is complemented by official employment and a full social package that is provided to employees.

Attractive deposit programs for customers

An attractive range of deposit programs is available within the financial institution. According to customers, you can easily choose the most convenient partnership format. So, within the framework of the Pension Standard offer, a rate of 14% will be charged on ruble deposits. The minimum amount to replenish the account is equal to thirty thousand rubles, and the duration of the partnership will be 181 days. The program provides for dollar and euro accounts rates of 5% and 4.75% with a minimum contribution of 1000 units. The partnership lasts 271 days. National Standard Bank, whose rating differs significantly according to the estimates of domestic and international experts, offers partnerships under the Savings Standard program. Here the interest rate on ruble deposits will be 13%, on dollar deposits - 4.25%, on euro accounts - 4.25%. The duration of the partnership is identical to that in the previous program.

bank national standard employee reviews

It also attracts customers that, depending on the chosen partnership format, you can use services such as monthly interest payments, capitalization of charges, the possibility of replenishment or partial withdrawal of money from the account. The flexibility of the partnership allows everyone to choose a convenient format for accumulating funds. National Standard Bank, reviews of which are mostly positive, is now regularly fulfilling its obligations. Moreover, in the incredibly difficult current economic situation and despite the negative rate of return. The absence of problems is also indicated by the fact that there are no feedback from investors with statements that the financial institution does not pay bills.


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