How many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs? How many minutes to cook hard-boiled quail eggs?

Beginning housewives often ask themselves: “How many minutes do you cook hard-boiled eggs?” Experienced chefs are sure that cooking this product can be considered one of the most difficult processes in cooking, because just boiling them is not enough. In order for the appetizers to be tasty and appetizing in appearance, it is very important to properly cook the treat.

There are several ways to cook eggs, but they are often boiled soft-boiled, hard-boiled or “in a pouch”. To make them especially tasty, you need to understand how many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs or, for example, poached eggs. In this case, the shell should be removed.

how many minutes cook hard-boiled eggs

Cooking in hot water

Before you cook the product, you need to wait until it becomes room temperature. In a saucepan, you need to put a treat and pour warm water first, and then slowly turn the tap handle so that the hot one flows. So you can save time when cooking. The pan must be put on a big fire. It is important to ensure that the water covers them completely, but does not fill the tank to the very top.

When the water boils, you need to turn off the gas and allow the eggs to “infuse”. It is difficult to answer unequivocally how many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs in this way. Cooking time depends on what result is expected. To fully prepare the protein and yolk, you need to wait five to seven minutes. Soft-boiled boil for about three minutes, and "into the pouch", when the yolk is slightly liquid in the middle - three to three and a half minutes.

Thanks to this method of preparation, the protein is very tender, not "rubber". It is necessary to turn in different directions in the water so that they are cooked evenly.

how many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs after boiling

Poached eggs

There is a special device that is used to cook eggs according to this recipe. It has a scale by which you can determine the degree of readiness of eggs. In order for them to be welded to the state as needed, a timer should be set. Soft-boiled eggs are obtained when the mark reaches the middle of the soft and medium values. If you need to cook eggs "in the bag", you need to mark reached the line medium. The average value of medium and hard - hard boiled eggs. You don’t have to think about how many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs, it’s enough that the mark is set near the hard line. Poached eggs can also be cooked using silicone molds.

how many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs in the microwave

Poached eggs: a traditional way of cooking

To cook them without the shell in the usual way, you need skill. The product must be carefully so as not to damage the yolk, break into boiling water, where salt and vinegar are previously added. How many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs after boiling? It should be kept until they reach the desired degree of readiness. As such, they are most often used in salads and served as a side dish.

Traditional cooking

The simplest and most common cooking method is in cold water. Therefore, many housewives know how many minutes to cook hard -boiled eggs in cold water. After the water boils, the product should cook for about eight minutes.

To get soft-boiled, they should be put in cold water and after boiling, reduce the fire. They boil no more than three minutes. You can boil the eggs for one minute, and then turn off the heat and let them brew for five minutes.

To cook "in a pouch", you need to start the process of cooking in cold water, and after boiling, cook no more than four minutes.

Eggs are considered fresh for up to four days. During the preparation of such a product, the cooking time must be increased by several minutes.

Eggs will be cleaned much better if they are poured with cold water after cooking. So that they do not burst during the cooking process, it is worth picking up a small pan.

how many minutes to boil hard-boiled eggs in cold water

Quail eggs - tasty and healthy!

This product appeared in grocery stores relatively recently, so not everyone knows how many minutes to cook hard-boiled quail eggs . This delicacy contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, and also has a pleasant taste. If these variegated small eggs are cooked correctly, they will cleanse the body of radionuclides and stimulate brain activity.

It has long been no secret that the most useful are raw eggs. But not every consumer will risk consuming a product without heat treatment. Therefore, it is worth learning to cook quail eggs in accordance with all the rules so that they retain useful components.

Several ways to cook quail eggs

The technologies for cooking colorful treats may vary, but they are all quite simple and not difficult even for beginners. You can cook the product in the shell or without it, as well as using a microwave. The easiest way is to lower it in boiling water and wait a few minutes. Eggs must first be washed. You need to lower them on a spoon so that they do not break on the bottom of the pan. When the eggs are ready, you need to dip them in cold water.

how many minutes cook hard-boiled quail eggs

To cook colorful poached eggs, you need to put a pan of water on the fire and add vinegar and salt. After boiling, mix everything thoroughly to form a whirlpool. Eggs pour into its center one at a time so that the yolk is completely covered with protein. Stir until ready, and then you can catch the balls with a spoon.

How many minutes you need to cook hard-boiled eggs depends on what result is expected. To get soft-boiled eggs, you need to wait a couple of minutes. They cook hard, if you wait about five minutes. For poached one minute is enough. If you increase the time, the amount of vitamins and beneficial components will rapidly decline.

Eggs in the microwave

Not everyone knows how many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs in the microwave. Two minutes are enough for quail, and chicken is better to withstand three to four minutes. But you should know the main nuances: you can not use metal containers. It’s best to set the microwave to medium power.

how many minutes do you need to cook hard-boiled eggs

Tips and tricks: how to cook eggs

To make dishes with this product tasty, you need to ask how many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs and how to cook them correctly. Often, housewives are faced with the fact that they are poorly cleaned. To avoid protein damage, it is better to use older eggs. Their freshness is defined as follows: you need to lower the product into water. Lying ones will remain on the surface, and fresh ones will go down.

So that the shell does not crack during cooking, it is necessary to make a small puncture in the upper part. It is more convenient to carry out using a needle or you can use a special device. If boiled in salt water, their shell will be much better cleaned.

To determine where the boiled egg is and where it is raw, just twist them on a flat surface. Cooked will spin much better and faster than raw.


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