What mattresses to buy: reviews, tips for choosing

In order to have a good rest at night, you need to go to bed on a comfortable bed. First of all, it should have a good mattress. Customer reviews indicate that this is not easy. This product does not belong to the category of frequently purchased, therefore, an error in the selection can be expensive.

What threatens a wrong mattress

In addition to morning stiffness, insomnia, owners of the wrong mattress expect such chronic diseases as arthritis, osteochondrosis, asthma.

mattresses reviews

Sometimes people suffering from diseases of the spine lie down without a mattress at all. But in this case, for a long time the body is curved in one direction. It is harmful and uncomfortable. A universal mattress should be comfortable in the first place.

Manufacturers call their products anatomical, or orthopedic, therapeutic. They indicate that they bend according to the bends of the human body. But the same product is not anatomical for people of different weights and stature. And it should be anatomical only for you.

The functions that the mattress performs

What are the requirements for this product?

  • The mattress should support the back during sleep strictly horizontally. The basis is responsible for this function. It can be spring blocks or latex.
  • The convenience of sleep, which gives a filler and coating.

Which mattress to look for

This largely depends on the weight of the person. If you are not overweight, soft and medium soft mattresses will suit you. If you can be considered complete, then hard or medium-hard is more suitable. If you are looking for a children's mattress, reviews recommend buying a stiffer model.

Going in search of a mattress, carefully measure your bed. The mattress should not be wider than it. Optimum will be a couple of centimeters less width.

mattress reviews

Look for a jacquard mattress. The cover should have a padding of synthetic winterizer. You can buy a mattress with a cover with a zipper. But customer reviews say they are quickly losing their shape.

If you do not find a suitable size, a mattress can be ordered.

Mattresses without springs

All mattresses without springs are divided into hard, medium hard and medium soft. Usually they consist of several layers. The characteristics of each of them determine the quality of the entire product.

Mattresses without springs can be made of solid latex, which is in a vacuum package. Latex can be natural or artificial.

Reviews of mattresses indicate that latex is softer than polyurethane foam, although both types are quite comfortable, have the necessary elasticity. True, a product made of natural latex is much more expensive.

which mattress is better to choose reviews

Apply natural sheets of coir - coconut fiber. But they are quite tough, so they are not suitable for people weighing over 100 kg.

As a filler, liquid and air can be used.

You should not think that such products are worse than spring mattresses. Reviews of many buyers suggest that they like much more such an unusual filler. Some don't like the way springs work.

Spring mattresses

In a mattress, springs are usually connected in blocks. If they are interconnected, intertwined, such springs are called dependent. An example is the Bonnel mattress. It can withstand heavy loads, has a low price. Nevertheless, reviews about mattresses of this type say that these are the most uncomfortable models. That is why medical specialists do not recommend acquiring them to people with spinal problems.

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Among the shortcomings can be called the accumulation of dust inside the mattress, the appearance of rust on the springs, sagging. Insects can start there and various microorganisms and even electromagnetic radiation can accumulate.

In products with independent blocks, each spring is located in its own tissue compartment. Therefore, each of the springs is bent under the influence of a specific part of the host body, without entraining neighboring ones. They, in turn, also bend to a certain depth. Therefore, the vertebrae during rest do not experience unusual static loads.

The standard number of 256 independent springs per 1 m 2 is considered . The price of such a mattress is about 10 thousand rubles.

However, not all mattresses are the same. In expensive and high-quality models, there can be several zones of elasticity, designed for various parts of the body.

Dear models, the price of which reaches 70 thousand rubles, up to a thousand springs per square meter. Models with the number of springs 500 pcs. on m 2 you can buy for 30 thousand rubles. Such a mattress provides an opportunity to relax and protects the spine from curvature. It is considered optimal for sleep.

The quality is also influenced by what types of blocks have spring mattresses. Reviews say that the most comfortable and high-quality are blocks called "honeycombs", "spring in spring" and multi-zone. They need to be paid attention to people with a weight exceeding 100 kg. They are comfortable for double beds.

Springs are usually not felt when using a spring mattress. This is due to the presence of interlayers, with the help of which its rigidity and elasticity are regulated. In expensive models, they use Nasa technology and the viscous and at the same time elastic material created by them - Tempur. He not only bends in the shape of the body, but also remembers it.

The assembly of such a mattress and its adjustment is not an easy task, requiring certain skills and craftsmanship. Therefore, the price of such high-tech products is usually higher than a thousand dollars.

Unfortunately, they are also subject to corrosion, collect dust and have the same disadvantages as previous models.


The filler can be such traditional natural materials as felt, wool, horsehair, and artificial (foam rubber, synthetic winterizer). More modern latex, coir also fill the mattresses. Which to choose? Reviews say that the mattress will be soft if it is made of 3 cm high latex layers. If a coir layer lies on the block, its surface will be quite rigid. And in the presence of 3 cm of latex, one - coir, and then springs - you get a mattress of medium hardness.

nice mattress reviews

In order for air to move freely throughout the entire volume of the mattress, many models have air vents.

When buying products from such materials, you need to ask for the availability of certificates of conformity.

Mattress base

The quality base for the mattress consists of a frame to which wooden lamellas are attached - elastic planks with a thickness of about 1 cm. In cheaper models, it is made of plywood.

which mattresses are better reviews

The base on the lamellas is springy, which makes it easier to sleep on the bed than on a hard surface (the same plywood). Underneath, air flows better.

Still wondering which mattress to choose? Customer reviews are advised to try to lie on it in the trading floor. Therefore, you need to go there in clothes that are convenient for this.

But lying down on one model will be clearly not enough to decide which mattresses are better. Customer reviews say that you need to try at least three models. Only then will you be able to choose the best one or look for more.

The mattress should not be too soft, because in the dream the spine will bend on it, and in the morning your back and head will hurt.

Maybe you need to choose very hard mattresses? Customer reviews say that they do not get enough sleep on them, they do not rest during the night.

You need to determine how long you have to toss and turn on the mattress in order to lie comfortably. A quality product does not require too many movements.

You need to pay attention to how much the mattresses cost. Customer reviews suggest that the cheapest of those worth buying should not be cheaper than 12 thousand rubles. Otherwise, you risk getting a thin product made of low-quality materials that cannot provide support for your spine.

A quality mattress will last you at least 10 years and will fully justify itself. The cheap one will soon become worthless, and you will need to spend money again.


Which mattress is better to choose? Customer reviews are advised to pay attention to such manufacturers:

  • Vegast is a Belarusian brand, one of the most bought. It produces mainly budget models. Many people like them. But there are reviews that the quality of the products does not match the price. The main complaints that the mattress quickly loses its shape and all its characteristics.
  • Ascona is a Russian manufacturer. Engaged in the production of orthopedic mattresses. Customer reviews suggest that company representatives often allow negligence in work, and products are defective.
  • "Ormatek" - produces high-quality springless mattresses from latex, cheaper than Ascon. In addition to products of the usual form, offers models for round beds.
  • Atmosphere is an English manufacturer of expensive, but high-quality orthopedic mattresses.

Where to buy

Modern people make more and more purchases through the online store, they also buy mattresses. Customer reviews say it is fast and convenient. No need to spend a lot of time shopping trips. Sitting at home, you can choose your favorite model, and even save.

mattresses customer reviews

The only, but very significant drawback may be that you can not experience it before buying. And what to do after your mattress is uncomfortable?

Such purchases may be justified if you already have a mattress of such a company, but you decide to purchase another one or have tested it with relatives or friends.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44347/

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