How to increase the number of pull-ups

Many guys are wondering how to increase the number of pull-ups on the bar. First of all, you need to figure out what factors affect the increase in the number of climbs on the horizontal bar. Someone thinks that too much body weight is to blame . This is partly true, but by reducing your weight, you can also significantly weaken the muscles. Therefore, the main work should be carried out in a different direction. It is necessary to strengthen the muscles. First you need to get pulled about 15 times.

The set of exercises in this case includes pull-ups on the uneven bars and a low crossbeam, traction of the upper block to the chest or belt, as well as negative approaches on the horizontal bar. The bar for pulling up can be any, the main thing is that it is convenient. Legs should not help hands in work. In the gym, a great way to develop the right muscles is to work on the upper block. The pull of the block to the chest or behind the head will help strengthen the arms, the latissimus dorsi, and also create all the necessary conditions for the technical performance of the exercise. Do traction about three times a week. At least twice a week.

At the same time, other exercises should also be included in the training program. You can increase the number of pull-ups by making negative approaches on the horizontal bar. To do this, you will need a bench or other stand, which will help to lock in position with bent arms. That is, the first phase is omitted, it is done using a bench. But the second phase, in which it is necessary to descend from the upper position, is carried out in good faith. During the exercise, you can use the elements of static, lingering at the top point.

How to increase the number of pull-ups if it fails more than 15 times? To do this, you need to use two exercises: pull the block to the chest and pull up with the load. Training is divided into two parts. In the first part, you need to do the usual pull-ups to the maximum. The second part of the exercises is transferred to the other half of the day. In this part, you need to do the exercise, hanging a weight from the belt. It can be, for example, a pancake from the bar. In the gyms for this there are belts and hooks. Those who are interested in how to increase the number of pull-ups should remember that pulling the block to the chest is one of the most useful and effective exercises. Therefore, you cannot quit such classes.

As for the number of repetitions, in all cases they should be maximum. During the exercise with the load, you need to do about five approaches to the horizontal bar. The number of repetitions should be between 8 - 10. As soon as it starts to turn out more, you need to add weight. When performing regular pull-ups, you can apply one trick. It is necessary to take a break between approaches to the horizontal bar for no more than 30 seconds. In this case, a certain amount of pull-ups must be gained in total. For example, they can be from 30 to 50. At the very end of such classes, one can feel the muscle fullness. Such loads will quickly raise the number of pull-ups.

The latter method will help those who are looking for how to increase the number of pull-ups at home. To engage in such a program, you just need to install a crossbar at home. If there is a need to apply weights, then this problem can be easily solved. Even if there is no pancake from the bar at home, you can always find something that will replace the load. The horizontal bar itself can be made independently or purchased. It does not cost too much, unlike a full-fledged Swedish wall, so almost everyone can afford such a pleasure. During classes, the main thing is to remember to warm up for ten minutes. Warm up will prepare the muscles for the load. Thanks to her, you can reach new results and avoid injuries.


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