A steroid is ... muscle building

Everyone has seen huge “rolls” that are simply incredible muscle size. On the one hand, they are admirable, and on the other, there are many questions about how they managed to achieve this, what food additives they consumed, and whether steroids or other substances were used to quickly build muscle mass or not. After reading this article, you will be able to answer your question: “A steroid is what and why is it used?”

steroid is

In training, muscle growth stagnates

When a beginner just starts exercising in the gym, he wants to become like a man with a stone and powerful body as quickly as possible. From the moment of the first training, the body gives a great return on training: working weights quickly grow, a beautiful figure appears, and excess weight is burned . At some point, progress stops. The reason for this can be many factors: malnutrition, poor sleep, unsuccessful training programs, overtraining and others.

In the process of gaining experience, the athlete gradually corrects the above-mentioned shortcomings of his sports life, the results again begin to grow up, but not at the same speed as from the first days of visiting the training room. Gradually the peak of the form is achieved, and in order to improve any result in the exercise, one has to work even harder, and it is not always possible to do this.

Those people who are not engaged in for the high achievements of the bodybuilding world stop at this stage and simply start working on the aesthetics of their body, drawing lines between the muscles and removing excess body fat, that is, they work on the “quality” of the body.

But what about those who want to look like monsters that terrify ordinary people with the sight of their muscles? The answer may be the use of steroids.

androgen sports nutrition

Helps overcome the genetic barrier to muscle growth.

A steroid is a kind of muscle growth accelerator that helps increase the return on each workout, as well as reduce muscle recovery time.

In the world there are so many different myths about such drugs. Only a few athletes can honestly say that they use something other than sports nutrition. But if we compare the participants in natural bodybuilding competitions and those athletes who participate, for example, in the competition Mr. Olympia, then the difference is obvious.

anabolic steroids

In the body of any person, genes contain information about how big you can be, exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle. It is impossible to rise above this limit in simple ways. From this point of view, a steroid is a way to overcome the level of muscle development that is genetically embedded in the body.

What are steroids affected by?

First of all, they affect the hormonal background in the human body. In order to help the body surpass its natural barrier, it is necessary to stimulate the excessive growth of male sex hormones. The main one in the male body, which is produced in the largest volume, is testosterone, which is also called the "main androgen". Sports nutrition, which refers to simple nutritional supplements, can only enrich with protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, creatine, but is not able to affect the hormonal background to the necessary extent.

steroids drugs

And in order for the muscles to acquire super-volumes, it is necessary to give them a powerful impetus. To do this, you need to affect your own androgen. Sports nutrition in the form of protein shakes, carbohydrate bars, pretenders can only help the body get better returns after training and contribute to faster recovery, but only to the extent possible with natural methods.

With an increase in the amount of testosterone, an increase in muscle mass will be observed, which is impossible if only natural food is used. And this will allow to reach a new level with large volumes.

What types of steroids are there?

Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, a famous bodybuilder, repeatedly admitted that he used steroids to achieve his results. He said that then they were not a prohibited drug and they were used by almost all athletes.

Anabolic steroids are most often abbreviated as anabolics. Steroids affect testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. In the process of their use, protein synthesis is accelerated.

The following steroids can be called the most popular: testosterone, methandrostenolone, oralturinabol, stanazolol, methenolone enanthate, oxymethonol.

Are steroids legal in the Russian Federation?

Using steroids, the drugs of which are quite common, but are illegal on the territory of the Russian Federation (since 2003), athletes achieve visible results in bodybuilding in a fairly short time. The muscle mass that athletes used to develop in ten years, modern athletes can acquire in a year or two active training, using modern drugs.

In modern medicine, a steroid is a means of salvation for people who have a deadly lack of weight. For example, after leaving a many-month-old coma or after a complex operation. Some of them can be bought at the pharmacy, but no one will sell them to a strong and healthy-looking person without an appropriate prescription.

muscle building

To buy steroids, athletes use the black market, but no one gives guarantees for drugs there, and the next purchase may turn out to be just a fake, which will only harm health.

Before using, you must decide for yourself that you cannot do without them!

Building muscle over the genetic ceiling without the use of steroids is impossible, but you need to think about whether it is necessary, since the use of such drugs can affect later life and affect the athlete’s health in the best way.

You can consult with a trainer, a doctor about whether you can do this, and also find out what consequences and side effects are possible. Do not forget that sport is intended to improve human health, and not to exert a detrimental effect on his life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44366/

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