How long does a decorative rabbit live?

When deciding to get a pet, future owners rightly begin to collect all the information available about it. The question of how long a rabbit lives can be far from idle, especially if there are children in the family who are always keenly concerned about the death of pets. And adults are often attached with all their souls to these cute animals. For this reason, when losing a rabbit, it is sometimes even difficult to get a new one.

how long does the rabbit live
So how long does a dwarf rabbit and a decorative rabbit live ? In fact, the answer to this question most often depends on the conditions in which the animal is kept. But speaking generally, a decorative rabbit can live on average about 7 years. Dwarf breeds live a little less - up to 5 years. However, these terms are arbitrary. In some cases, these pets can live from 10 to 12 years. This period is considered the limit for them.

The question of how long a rabbit lives depends largely on a balanced diet. In addition, it is necessary to provide the animal with conditions for freedom of action. To do this, select the appropriate cell. The fact is that these animals are naturally motile. For a dwarf or decorative rabbit, you need a dwelling of at least 90x60 cm in size. In addition, an animal needs to be released from time to time to run and frolic in freedom, of course, within an apartment or a country house.

how many domestic rabbits live

To a very large extent, the question of how long a rabbit lives depends on its breed. Lop-eared rabbits live on average a little longer than their counterparts with erect ears. In addition, it often happens that the animal, for no apparent reason, survives to record deadlines for its kind. Some individuals can feel quite well in 10 and 12 years. But this happens quite rarely. Usually dwarf rabbits already age 3 years old. Their abdomen droops, their eyes become unclear, and their hair is sparse. The animal loses activity.

Sometimes the question of how many domestic rabbits live depends on whether they have realized their ability to reproduce or not. Sterilized females can actually live much longer than their relatives, who periodically bring offspring (provided that they are well maintained, up to 12 years). Here it may be in the wear and tear of the body. After all, pregnancy is always the strongest load on him.

how many years rabbits live

Much depends on what kind of parents the rabbit had. That is, on how good the animal's genes are in relation to disease resistance. Rabbit breeders that breed animals for meat and wool, for example, pay special attention to this issue. Even if the rabbit has just the wrong bite, offspring are not allowed from it.

So, we examined in detail the question of how many years rabbits live. It depends primarily on the conditions of detention, the genetics of the animal and its breed. Buy your pet a spacious cage and feed him correctly. Let him run every evening at least for an hour. Only in this case will the rabbit feel great and will live for many years.


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