Chinese incubator automatic: manual, reviews

China is an agricultural country. Therefore, a variety of goods intended for animal husbandry, there are many. Of course, manufacturers of the Celestial Empire and automatic incubators supply the Russian market . Among domestic farmers, Chinese products of this type are quite deservedly popular.

What models can be purchased

Incubators of various sizes are produced in China. The producers of this country supply the market with equipment designed for laying from 6 to 450 eggs. However, Russian farmers usually purchase models from the Middle Kingdom with no more than 48-56 eggs. The fact that large incubators discharged from China is extremely problematic. Do not bring similar products and suppliers. This is due primarily to customs regulations on the Russian border. Unfortunately, it is impossible to import products whose dimensions exceed the established ones from China to our country.

chinese incubator

In addition to models for 48-56 eggs, mini-incubators for 6-9 eggs are also popular with Russian poultry farmers. Such a technique can be a good fit, for example, for a small household in the country.

Design features

Most manufacturers of the Celestial Empire, as you know, prefers not to develop their own designs of various kinds of equipment, but simply copy European models. Therefore, most often, Chinese incubators are of quite good quality. Models from manufacturers in this country are easy to use and allow you to breed chicks with minimal loss. In incubators from the Middle Kingdom, in most cases, an automatic turn is provided. Also, almost all models have displays for controlling temperature and humidity.

In the event of a power outage, Chinese incubators give an alarm. Included with some models is including a foam cover. It is put on the incubator during a power outage to maintain heat. This minimizes losses.

chinese automatic incubators

Chinese models are usually made of fairly high-quality plastic. This material is durable and flexible at the same time. Therefore, during transportation, cracks do not appear on the incubator body. Also, plastic is quite convenient to care for.

Disadvantages of incubators

The advantages of technology from the Middle Kingdom, therefore, there are many. But Chinese incubators have, of course, disadvantages. Models are pretty comfortable and functional. However, the quality of their assembly on the network is often found, unfortunately, not too good reviews. After all, the Chinese usually collect incubators from cheap materials. Therefore, when buying such a technique, it must be carefully checked. The owner of a household, for example, should inspect the fixtures, which may be flimsy. You should also check the housing for cracks. Sometimes models from the Middle Kingdom are also understaffed.

Chinese temperature controllers

If desired, domestic poultry farmers can write out from China and this is an addition for the incubator. Chinese temperature controllers also have a fairly high degree of reliability. For example, the XH-W120 model earned very good consumer reviews . It has good quality and at the same time is relatively inexpensive.

chinese incubators reviews

Most popular models

Most often, domestic poultry farmers buy Chinese incubators of the following brands:

  • HHD 56S.

  • QW 48.

The Omsk models of joint Russian-Chinese production also deserved quite good reviews. However, the most popular among domestic farmers are incubators from the Celestial AI-48. These models are very convenient to use, they are quite cheap. Compared with domestic foam incubators, they serve for a very long time.

Instructions for use: preparation

Using automatic Chinese incubators, as already mentioned, is quite convenient. Instructions for their use are nothing complicated. Next, we consider how to properly breed chickens, goslings or ducklings in these incubators using the popular AI-48 as an example.

chinese temperature controller for incubator

The preparation of this incubator is as follows:

  • the egg turning attachment cord attaches to the control jack inside the compartment;

  • water is poured into the channels inside the housing.

There are two channels in this model. Depending on the humidity in the room, water can be poured into one or both of them.

Egg preparation

To bring out healthy chickens when laying the incubator, of course, you must comply with sanitary standards. Eggs for this purpose must be used exclusively clean. They should be selected from healthy manufacturers. Dirty eggs can be washed before laying. At the same time, keeping them in water for more than 4 minutes is not recommended. This can subsequently lead to the death of the embryo. It is also advisable to pre-fumigate the eggs using formaldehyde gas. The latter is prepared by mixing potassium permanganate (1 part) and formalin (15 parts).

The eggs themselves in the Chinese AI-48 incubator are laid with sharp ends up. When hatching, they are placed in each cell of the tray. Goose and duck eggs are incubated, removing the latter from the body. In this case, an automatic coup becomes impossible.

chinese incubator instruction

Instructions for the Chinese chick hatchery

Temperature adjustment using the AI-48 model is as follows:

  • once presses the "Menu" button on the control panel;

  • β€œ+” or β€œ-” is pressed until the temperature is selected;

  • the β€œMenu” button is pressed again to exit.

If desired, permissible humidity and temperature values ​​can also be set in this model before the alarm is triggered. To do this, press and hold the "Menu" button. Then, use the β€œ+” or β€œ-” to select the AL or AS mode, respectively. Then you need to click on β€œMenu” again and use the β€œ+” or β€œ-” buttons to select the desired value.

Reviews about Chinese incubators

Consumers' opinion about models from the Middle Kingdom was very good. Many poultry farmers consider incubators from China to be even better than domestic ones. The advantages of these models include not only ease of use. Many farmers note the fact that incubators from the Celestial Empire are very accurate in measuring temperature and humidity inside the building.

chinese egg incubators

Trays in Chinese incubators are usually provided quite durable. These models are also praised for maintainability. Finding the necessary parts for such an incubator in the market is relatively easy. The disadvantages of this technique, therefore, are not too many. However, on the market, judging by the reviews, unfortunately, there are a lot of defective incubators from the Middle Kingdom.


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