"Wet chemistry"

Wet Chemistry came into fashion in the 80s. This term began to be called a special type of long-term styling with the effect of "wet hair". Today, this type of curl is called vertical with spiral curls.

It differs from all others in smaller curls, as well as a special effect that makes the hair look moist and shiny. It is carried out using specialized tools for creating perm, as well as a gel or foam designed for styling with the effect of "wet hair". “Wet chemistry” lasts up to three months depending on the type of hair.

To get light developing curls, your hair type must be suitable for this, that is, they should be soft enough, not too thick and preferably not very long (optimally - just below the shoulders). If the hair is long and smooth, you will get quite stiff, firm curls, which, under their own weight, can soon begin to diverge.

The “wet chemistry” procedure, which is not recommended at home, requires the attention of an experienced craftsman who can correctly assess how best to carry it out in order to achieve the best effect. This procedure is very laborious and time consuming.

Hair is wound in thin strands using a special technology on a large number of bones. The whole process takes about 3-5 hours (depending on the length and density of the hair). Curling preparations are selected individually by the master. Today, bio-compounds are very popular, which allow you to more carefully carry out the procedure, in a gentle mode.

If you still decide to carry out the procedure yourself, you will need special cone-shaped bobbins, a composition for curling, a comb with frequent teeth, a waterproof cape, a fixing agent, a sponge, a bowl (not metal), a measuring cylinder, three towels, protective gloves, a cream, warming cap, vinegar (6 or 9 percent).

It should be borne in mind that “wet chemistry” leads to a visual reduction in hair length, so if your hair does not reach your shoulders significantly, it’s better to grow them a little.

Wash your hair twice, divide the hair into strands (after twisting them around its own axis) and wrap them around the bobbin, starting from the roots, and not from the ends.

Lubricate the skin with a cream and tie a protective strip along the hair line. Wear gloves and a wrap. Prepare the composition for chemistry according to the instructions, quickly apply it with a sponge. Cover your head with foil. Soak the time specified in the instructions for the composition and rinse it with water, without removing the whooping cough. Apply a fixative to the hair, hold for 8-10 minutes. Remove the bobbin, leave the hair to "rest" for a few minutes. Rinse each strand thoroughly, apply a balm and dry your hair.

It is not recommended to carry out this procedure in cases where the hair is very weak or dyed. This type of chemistry is not suitable for all types of hair. On heavy and long hair, the waves will not last long and will have to be updated frequently. Although it looks like a perm on long hair is initially very impressive. With caution, you need to do this curl on greasy hair, since there is a risk of getting the effect of not “wet”, but dirty hair. Therefore, before the procedure, it is better to consult with a hairdresser.

For styling, it is recommended to use a hairdryer with a special nozzle-diffuser, using styling means for chemicals with a wet effect. It is better to choose products for elastic styling, which stick hair less. A hairstyle is done on wet hair using an antistatic comb. If you want to achieve a greater volume of hairstyles, you need to dry your hair and style it by bending your head down.

“Wet chemistry” like any other variety of this method of creating curls has a certain negative effect on the hair structure. It can be neutralized with nourishing shampoos, hair masks and balms. Specially created cosmetics for this purpose nourish, moisturize and give strength to the hair, restoring the natural structure, restoring their natural shine and stimulating growth.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4440/

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