Hair transplant: reviews, prices, photos

In the process of the natural development of the human body , hair loss occurs constantly. And if baldness occurs - a failure in the system, this can lead to mental disorders and poor health. Hair transplantation is an excellent option for decorating problem areas of the scalp and restoring self-esteem.

Hair transplant concept

In damaged and bald areas of the head, normal hair follicles capable of producing normal hair no longer exist. And the hairline, located in donor places, retains its healthy appearance throughout the life of a person.

Hair transplantation is a certain process of reassigning hair from areas with greater genetic resistance to bald areas of problem areas.

When did the hair transplant technique come about?

Dramatic changes occurred in the 20th century at the beginning of the 90s. With the help of new technologies in the field of aesthetic medicine, it has become possible to change the appearance of a person. Dozens or even thousands of people were able to get rid of their complexes and defects. Of course, thanks to new techniques, the problem of premature hair loss of the scalp was resolved. No wonder aesthetic medicine has become one of the leading areas. Hair transplantation to this day is a sought after service.

What is hair transplantation?

Transplantation is a hair transplant technique that does not require hospitalization with anesthesia. Normal hair is taken from the side and from the back of the head, then transplanted into areas with baldness. This is an amazing solution to the problem.

Many people falsely believe that the moved hair does not take root in a new place, but this is far from the case. Medicine in this area has reached incredible heights. Transplanted hair in a new place takes root well and does not fall out. They recover relatively briefly and continue to grow on the head throughout life.

However, it must be understood that hair transplantation is a private matter for everyone. It will help get rid of artificial and hair extensions, as well as wigs. She will be able to acquire natural, healthy and beautiful hair. With its help, you can get rid of different complexes, gain self-confidence and, of course, good mood.

What are the transplant methods?

In Russia, in particular in Moscow, there are two methods of hair transplantation:

  • Follicular (seamless) - this method is considered the most effective and modern in our time. One bulb is removed from the patient’s head with a special device and transplanted to the place where baldness occurred. With a shortage of hair on the head, they can be transplanted from other parts of the human body. You don’t have to worry that scars will remain. The technique does not require incisions during transplantation, so it does not leave scars at all. Undoubtedly, an excellent result. Hair will look natural. This method is slow, but effective. In one session, the specialist will transplant only 1000 bulbs. Such a procedure as a hair transplant - expert reviews focus on this - can be repeated only once a month.

  • Patchwork - this method involves a hair transplant only from the occipital and temporal parts of the head. Transplanted hair grows absolutely without problems, as it is not influenced by testosterone. 2000 grafts are transported per visit. But there are disadvantages to such a procedure as patchwork hair transplantation. Reviews of dissatisfied clients of the clinics confirm that it leaves scars in problem areas. It is still impossible to calculate the exact number of grafts necessary for the procedure, which leads to the loss of follicles. The transplant method should be repeated no earlier than six months later.

Where can I transplant hair in Russia?

There are many clinics for hair transplantation, both in Russia and abroad. Therefore, it is recommended to responsibly approach the choice of a suitable one. Stop your choice should be based not only on prices. You need to pay attention to the reviews, attendance and work performed by the clinic you like. Be sure to go to the doctor for a consultation. This service - hair transplantation - is very common in Moscow, and it is offered by many well-known prestigious clinics.

One of the honorable places for hair transplantation is occupied by the NAOMI clinic, which is located in Moscow. They have the latest and most effective hair restoration and transplant techniques. Highly qualified doctors of this clinic trained and trained in world centers on this topic.

Another well-known hair transplant clinic is the Real Trans Hair Clinic. It has existed in Russia for 17 years and pleases its visitors with excellent results. The clinic uses two methods of redistributing the hairline - this is Strip and FUE. The main service of the Real Trans Hair clinic is a hair transplant. Prices for this procedure range from 120 thousand rubles, which is considered relatively affordable, and most importantly - effective. Reviews from many satisfied customers confirm this.

Inteko Clinik Surgery Clinic also offers its services. Her technology is no different from Real Trans Hair. But prices are indicated in the range from 80 to 160 thousand rubles.

Next is the hair transplant clinic "Lysine - NO!". The technologies are the same, but the prices are different from other clinics. The minimum price starts from 55 thousand rubles, the maximum - 100 thousand rubles. is a hair transplant clinic. The only difference is that they call the seamless method TFI. And so - there are no more differences from the above clinics.

“Hair For Ever” is completely different from the others. Their technology is completely different. The methods of this clinic completely exclude surgical interventions, so they have the most unique hair transplant. Prices in this clinic - from 50 thousand rubles.

What are the causes of baldness?

Specialists in this field identify only two types of reasons - these are:

  • Various head injuries. It can be burns, scars, stitches and much more.

  • The effects of testosterone on the scalp. But alopecia is not manifested in everyone, but only in those who have the prerequisites at the genetic level. Observations showed that every third man on Earth aged 20 to 60 years old suffers from this disease. But not only the male part of the population suffers from baldness, women also have hair loss.

Key Hair Transplant Indications

Indication for the procedure of hair transplantation is exclusively the initiative of the patient who applied to the clinic. An important condition for a successful operation is the nature of alopecia. The required amount of hair for transplantation, which should have been preserved in the donor area, is required. The possibility of the procedure has an effect in cases where baldness was caused by hereditary or age-related changes, or some external factors. These include burns or injuries. If alopecia was caused by hormonal changes in the human body that led to uniform hair loss, then transplantation will not bring the desired result.


Alopecia is an occasion for constant stress and anxiety. No one needs another stress in an already difficult life, so it makes sense to get rid of the problem of baldness once and for all. Modern clinics with the latest techniques will help anyone who wants to get rid of this problem. If you need a hair transplant, a photo of this service can be seen in our article. A responsible step that requires careful preparation, both financially and psychologically. Remember that returning and maintaining attractiveness can positively affect your self-esteem.


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