The technique of running for short and long distances. Proper breathing while running

To run or not to run? Of course, run away! Running has a positive effect on the body as a whole, improves the cardiovascular system and contributes to weight loss. Add as a bonus, strengthening immunity, improving metabolism and character development.

Read the article to the end and you will learn how to run, so as not to get injured, what is running for short and long distances, as well as much more.

So different run

Running is a natural physiological process for humans. Everyone can run! To do this with pleasure, long and efficiently, you need to know the basics of running technique.

The following types of disciplines:

  • Short-distance running, including barrier (up to 400 meters).
  • Mid-distance running, including hurdling (400 to 3,000 meters).
  • Long-distance running (over 3000 meters).
  • Relay race.

It doesn’t matter if you plan to run a marathon or a few laps in a stadium near the house. The correct technique is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the lesson and the prevention of injuries.

Testing the right running technique in athletics is the key to preparing athletes for competitions at any kind of distance.

Long distance running

A distance is called long if it exceeds 3000 meters. To be completely accurate, the distance should be more than 2 miles (3128 meters). The classic disciplines in sports are runs of 5 and 10 kilometers.

When practicing long-distance running techniques, the main attention is paid to the work of arms and legs, body position and breathing. Consider these points in more detail.

Hand position

Hands are working back and forth along the body. Try not to lead them out of the midline of the body. The middle line is the imaginary line that divides the body into two parts (right and left) exactly in the middle. In this case, rotation occurs with the shoulders and the body, which negatively affects the work of the runner's legs and his speed.

Shoulders must be relaxed. No need to lift them up, this will automatically lead to overvoltage. Do not squeeze your palms into a fist, this will give extra grip. Keep them straight or simply bend your fingers freely, as if you had a fragile thing in your hand.

Running hands

Hands should be bent at the elbows by approximately 90 degrees. Someone will have less, someone more. Find the best angle for yourself, but remember that running with almost straight arms is inefficient.

Housing position

The body should be taut, with a slight inclination forward. Watch the position of the shoulder blades, do not allow yourself to stoop, otherwise the lungs do not open completely and oxygen intake to the body decreases.

The gaze is directed straight ahead, do not lower your head and do not throw it up. This will lead to neck fatigue.

Foot position

For beginners, the running technique associated with leg work raises many questions. This is due to the fact that there is no single right opinion on this issue.

The study of technology begins with placing the foot on the surface. Conventionally, the foot is divided into 3 parts: the front (toe), middle and back (heel). There are several options how you can put a foot in the process of running. All of them are used in practice. We will talk about the most commonly used techniques.

Running from heel to toe

What does running from the heel mean? This means that first the back of the foot is placed on the surface, and then a smooth roll to the toe is made.

Running from heel to toe

Now you can hear the opinion that this method of setting the foot is not effective and leads to injury. However, if you have been running this way for many years, then this option is most likely suitable for you. It is only necessary to pay attention to the fact that the heel does not "stick" into the ground, and the foot is elastic. This will minimize your risk of injury.

Full-length running

When we talk about such a running technique, we understand that when landing on the surface, the middle surface of the foot first falls, often with an emphasis on its outer part. Then there is a roll to the heel and push. Experienced runners use this technique more often than from heel to toe.

Full Foot Running Technique

Running from the forefoot

This technique is complex; it may take several months to master it. But just such a running style is considered a standard not only among amateurs, but also among professionals. It is often called the natural running technique.

Try running barefoot without sneakers. Automatically, you will begin to land on the forefoot, and then roll to the rest will already be carried out. Remember this feeling and try to catch it again when running.

Forefoot Running Technique

This technique is difficult for beginners, because the bulk of the load lies on the lower leg muscles and ligaments of the ankle joint, which many do not have.

Run long - run right

With the installation of the foot on the surface, we figured out. Find the most suitable way for you, in which you can run for a long time and without injuries. In the photo below, you see that different runners use different techniques.

Different running styles

Separately, let's say about the step frequency. Step frequency is the number of runner steps in one minute. A step frequency of 180 is considered ideal. The higher the number, the less the impact load and the greater the speed. For beginners, this figure is usually less than 180. With regular training, you can increase it.

Avoid strong vertical vibrations while running, in other words, do not bounce up and down. The trajectory should be directed forward.

Keep your foot supple. If you hear the sounds “top” and “slap” while running, then most likely you are not working correctly.

Here's another tutorial on running technique (below).


Proper breathing while running is the key to successfully covering the distance. For beginners, there is a rule that sounds like this: if you can keep up the conversation while running, then you are breathing correctly.

Breathing should be smooth and rhythmic. Inhale and exhale must be done at the same speed. Most often, the following breathing method is used: inhale 2 steps, exhale 2 steps.

If you are just starting to run, then keeping an eye on your arms, legs, body, and even counting the steps for inhaling, exhaling is an impossible task. Therefore, just try to find the optimal breathing rhythm for yourself.

Abdominal breathing is recommended. With this type of breathing, lung volume is fully utilized. Breathe through your mouth or nose - choose for yourself. Most often, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. At distances over 5 kilometers, when oxygen demand is especially high, it is advised to breathe through the mouth to get the maximum amount of air at a time.

From the first step to the marathon

There is a separate discipline in long-distance running, the participants of which run 42 kilometers 195 meters. This is a marathon.

Haile Gebreselassie

For many beginner runners, a figure of even 5 or 10 kilometers is a welcome goal. What can we say about the marathon or even the half marathon race with a length of 21.1 kilometers! However, with the popularization of running, an increasing number of people who are not professional athletes want to conquer the treasured distance.

To make a dream come true, you need 3 components:

  1. Physical training.
  2. Time.
  3. The psychological attitude.

Long distance running requires a trained heart and blood vessels. In a short time you will not develop endurance indicators so much as to be ready to run more than 20 kilometers. And even more so, only one who has already mastered his cherished “half” several times can run a marathon. A training plan must necessarily include general physical preparation, as well as special running exercises to improve long-distance running techniques.

The average preparation period for a half marathon is 6 months, subject to regular training and a clearly thought out plan. This period may be more or less, depending on your age and initial level of training.

A distinctive feature of long-distance running is that it takes a lot of time. This requires high concentration and motivation. Your mental state is an important factor for a successful finish. Well, if you find a company of like-minded people for joint training.

On your marks! Attention! March!

A short distance is a distance of up to 400 meters for men and 300 for women and boys.

Short-distance running is dynamic and spectacular. At major competitions in this discipline, a large number of medals are always played. Relay racing is also referred to as sprinting. The segments in it are small.

The technique of running short distances has a number of features. Given the small length of the segment, the athlete simply has no right to make a mistake. Every nuance can lead an athlete to victory or leave without a medal.

Consider the 100-meter running technique as an example.

Conditionally, the race is divided into 4 phases: start, run, run distance and finish.

The sprint is most often used low start. The jerked, stronger leg is always placed in front. The shoulder girdle should be relaxed. At the “attention” command, it is necessary to transfer the body weight to the supporting leg, and raise the pelvis to the level of the shoulder girdle. After the “march” command, the force with which the push occurs is of great importance. It is important to hone your low-start running technique to gain an edge.

Ready to start

After the start, the take-off starts. His goal is to develop the highest possible speed. An important point is the position of the body and head. The body is inclined forward, the head is lowered. This is clearly seen in the photo below.

Starting run

The run ends at about the 30th meter, and then the distance starts. Here you need to raise your head, the torso will become less. Be sure to pay attention to the coordinated work of the arms and legs.

On the last 15-20 meters, the running speed will slightly decrease, however, you should try to maintain the pace as much as possible.

Features of the short-distance running technique:

  • staging of the foot with a sock;
  • high hips;
  • stronger tilt of the case;

Note that the sprint is considered more difficult than running at medium or long distances. However, it perfectly develops strength endurance and coordination, and also makes the muscles of the body work more intensively.

Get inspired by watching the 100-meter race by legend of the world sprint. Usain Bolt at the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Beginner Tips

So, you are determined to start running. Below are some guidelines to make your workouts more effective.

Choose the appropriate equipment. Pay special attention to the choice of sneakers. They should be well cushioned.

Run on a special covering or the earth. Asphalt is not the best choice in terms of shock load on the joints.

Follow the running technique, constantly improve it. For control, ask someone to shoot a short video during your movement. So it will be more clear to you whether you make technical errors or not.

Set up a training schedule and stick to it. The heart, like the rest of the muscles in your body, will work most effectively only with regular exercise. Increase the load smoothly. Increase the distance every week by no more than 10% from the previous one.

Include various types of running in your training plan: short, medium and long distances. Work not only on endurance, but also on speed.

Be sure to warm up before training and take time to stretch after a run.

Before long distances, be sure to eat foods rich in carbohydrates, this will provide the necessary energy. But remember that the optimal break between the last meal and running training is 2 hours.

On non-running days, perform a set of exercises for your arms, legs, back, and abs.

You can learn to run at any age. Running gives a feeling of freedom, psychological relaxation and a slender figure. Run long or run fast - choose for yourself. Work on your technique, set goals, and you will surely succeed.


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