Dry shampoo Syoss: consumer reviews

dry syoss shampoo reviews

Not so long ago, a novelty appeared on the shelves - dry Syoss shampoo. Reviews for this product are also not long in coming. According to consumers, this is a convenient and practical thing, ideal for emergency cases. Have you turned off the water or is there simply not enough time to put your hair in order? Dry Syoss shampoo will help, the price of which, by the way, is not at all high. It is ideal for trips out of town, convenient for traveling.

The manufacturer has developed 2 types of shampoo: for weakened and thin hair and for those prone to oiliness.

The action of the product is based on the adsorbing properties of oats and rice, which first absorb the fat and dirt accumulated on the hairline, and then are removed.

Mode of application

So, you decided to try dry Syoss shampoo. Customer reviews provide information on the need to pre-protect clothing. This must be taken into account, otherwise the shoulders covered with white particles of shampoo will upset you before you enjoy the achieved result.

It would also be nice to lay the floor around - having no experience in use, at first you can spray the agent not very accurately.

Before use, the container must be thoroughly shaken and sprayed onto strands from a distance of about 20 centimeters. In order for the dirt to be absorbed by adsorbents, you need to wait a bit.

Rub the shampoo with a towel into the strands and use a comb to remove the particles that have absorbed dirt and grease.

dry syoss shampoo Price

Dry shampoo Syoss: reviews of the pros and cons

Most likely, the shampoo was designed to be able to tidy your hair when conventional products are not available. Therefore, those who apply it from case to case are satisfied with the result. This is especially true for owners of short blond hair. Among the advantages, consumers note an affordable price and economical consumption (to bring long hair into proper form, 5-6 clicks on the dispenser are enough). At the same time, the absence of silicone in the composition, which is poorly washed out, accumulates in the hair, making them heavier, and prevents the penetration of nutrients, is encouraging.

Negative reviews are more common. Among the shortcomings are the appearance of dandruff, the effect of an unpleasant film on the skin, as well as the fact that the hair quickly becomes dirty again and does not fit well.

Dark hair requires a more thorough combing of the particles, but this does not prevent brunettes from successfully using the product.

dry hair shampoo Syoss

For dry Syoss shampoo, reviews were divided into two groups: supporters consider the tool convenient and practical, and opponents pay great attention to shortcomings.

Each person’s hair is unique in its own way. Sometimes you have to try several traditional means to find the right one. The presence of two options for dry shampoo for different types of hair is an opportunity to choose the best product for yourself.

Syoss Dry Hair Shampoo is a great alternative to regular emergency cleanser. It is not recommended to use it every day, but if you still have to use it often, you need to restore your hair with masks or balms.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44417/

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