What is a taxi? The meaning and composition of the word

Every day, from morning to evening, cities live according to an already debugged system. People wake up, go to work, perform tasks, and in the evening they come home and relax. Trips are carried out in different ways: by private transport, by public, by taxi. The latter option is used more often when there is no way to get on the bus or trolley, or you have to carry a lot of luggage. Situations are different. If you try to give a definition, it turns out that a taxi is ... This is what will be discussed in the article.

taxi is


It is impossible to speak precisely of a country as the birthplace of the origin of this transportation method. Many scientists believe that the ancestor of a taxi was Ancient Rome. Residents installed a mechanical meter on the carts, which showed how far the distance was. There are too few confirmations of the theory, so it is difficult to call it a fact.

The following mentions of taxis date back to France and England in the 17th century. Just at that time in the second of them, the cabmen began to receive licenses for their work. Later, transport began to change, in the XIX century the first cars appeared, but the essence remained the same.

There are no exact facts about the development of the transportation method in the homeland of croissants, but the very word "taxi" of French origin confirms this.

meaning of the word taxi


As noted earlier, the origin of custom transport occurred in the XVII century. The first cabmen were engaged in this activity individually, the fee was also calculated from personal whims. There was no particular demand for this, not everyone could afford a taxi, because sometimes the price was too high.

Gradually, after two centuries, the work of transportation began to be controlled. The first offices appeared, where cars with drivers were hired, a standard unit of payment was established. Taxi drivers took the innovation negatively, because now they could not inflate the price of their own free will or hide part of the amount in their pocket.

In the XX century, a standard appearance of a taxi appeared - it is yellow and a checker. It came from America, where the transport vehicles stood out from the rest. Then the practice of ordering a car by phone in place was not practiced due to technology. The bright color was visible from afar, so it became much easier to find a driver.

Now everyone can use the services of a taxi, because it is fast, inexpensive and simple. People are so used to the abundance of transport in the city that they can not even imagine their life without it. Moving from work to home and vice versa can be difficult, because often buildings are located on different ends of the city.

kind of word taxi

The lexical meaning

In almost all dictionaries, the word "taxi" is interpreted as a vehicle that carries passengers at the right distances for a fee. The cost is determined by the meter. There are no features in the lexical meaning of the word "taxi". The only definition that can attract the reader’s attention is given by T. F. Efremova. She designated the taxi as a car, the fare in which is calculated by the tax. The latter should be understood as the norm (or indicator) established by the state. Currently, the above definition is irrelevant, because the price for the distance depends only on the service provider. There are too many similar offices, the fee varies depending on the region, so it is not possible to talk about a single state figure.


The word came from the French language and roughly meant a price counter. History does not provide accurate information, but with the help of logical conclusions and some available information, the following hypotheses can be deduced:

  • Taxi appeared much earlier than the first cars, respectively, this word can not be called a car, any transport is suitable.
  • The cost was determined based on the distance traveled, and payment was made in accordance with the meter.
  • Delivery speed was also not the basis of a taxi, this value appeared much later.

Thus, the original meaning of the word was far from modern understanding. Now, when ordering a car, people require the driver to quickly deliver to the place, in addition, different services offer different prices for the train. Interestingly, they are now paying not only for the distance, but also for boarding the transport.

taxi word composition


Now that I have some understanding in my head of what the word "taxi" means, let us turn to its morphology.

It is immediately clear that this is a noun. Its initial form sounds like a taxi. If you try to decline, then there will be no changes: the ending will remain the same. This situation arises in most borrowed words. They are Russified, but the design is preserved.

Permanent signs will be as follows: common noun (written with a small letter only if the author’s idea implies a different meaning), inanimate. The gender of the word taxi is average.

In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject and complement - it all depends on the meaning.

The lexical meaning of the word taxi


The composition of the word "taxi" is very simple. It has only five letters, so there are only two parts.

The first four letters are the root. He participates in word formation and gives the main semantic load.

The letter “And” at the end is the ending. It remains stable with declination, change in number and other variations.

If we talk about root words, it turns out that in the dictionary there is only a "taxi driver" - a person who is engaged in the transportation of passengers on this type of transport. There are some forms of the verb among the people, but in the confirmed materials the action is described using the verb "work" or "be".

Branches from the concept

Quite a long time a new type of transport began to appear in Russia - a fixed-route taxi. This is usually a medium-sized bus or passenger gazelle that has a certain line of travel and a fixed fare.

A special factor is speed. It is believed that a taxi is designed to quickly move around the city, so a more massive brother should try to obey this rule.

what does the word taxi mean

Price plays an important role. A minibus cannot call into the courtyard or into a remote corner of the city, because it has a certain “trajectory”. Due to this, the cost is much lower than that of a registered car.

Minibuses (the common name for transport) have become very popular with residents. In each city there are several types of this transport with different lines. It is enough to get acquainted with the information on the transport plate, find the desired stop (indicated in the order of the queue) and hit the road.

Interesting Facts

The meaning of the word "taxi" is understandable to almost all residents of not only Russia, but also the world, but few people know the features of this transport from different countries.

  • Most of all, a quick trip will cost you in England, namely in London. The name is "cab." Next in cost are German and Italian transport.
  • But China, on the contrary, sets the lowest prices for taxis. Surprisingly, most drivers are ladies.
  • Finland is a country introducing new technologies, so about half of applications for a car are sent through a global network.
  • Taxi appeared in Russia quite late - only in 1907. The first driver indicated on his car the following phrase "Cabman. Taxi by agreement", where a word close to the modern name of the vehicle meant "price".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44428/

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