Seven ways to save viburnum for the winter

Today, everyone knows about the invaluable health properties of viburnum. But not everyone can use it fresh to taste. Usually they wait until the first frosts strike, and the berry grabbed by the cold becomes pleasant in taste. But you canโ€™t eat it for a long time, and therefore the question of how to save viburnum for the winter becomes relevant. Here are some simple recipes.

how to save viburnum for the winter

Viburnum ice cream

We remove viburnum brushes from the tree, remove the spoiled and unripe berries, rinse, and then dry on a towel. Then carefully, so as not to mash the fruits, put the brushes in a container and put in the freezer. Viburnum for the winter is ready and suitable for making drinks, fillings for baking, decorating dishes.

Viburnum in sugar

The berries are separated from the brush, sorted, washed and dried on a towel. Then we put it in a glass jar, pouring sugar into it. On top of the sand layer should be such that the berries under it were not visible. For 1 kg of fruits of viburnum you will need 700 g of sugar. We close the prepared jar with a capron lid and put it in the refrigerator. A drink from candied viburnum helps to cope with a headache with high blood pressure.

how to cook viburnum for the winter

If you like sweet desserts made from fruits and berries, here's how to save viburnum for the winter.

Viburnum jam

Berries are picked in late autumn, when they are already in a frozen state. We rinse it quickly with cold water and grind it directly with seeds in a meat grinder or in a blender. Mix them with sugar in a one to one proportion, place in jars and put in the refrigerator. Unusual fruit drinks can be made from jam if a tablespoon of viburnum jam is diluted in a glass of sparkling mineral water.

Viburnum jelly

We wipe the washed and washed berries through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder to get viburnum juice. You can also use a juicer for this purpose. The juice is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, put the mixture on fire and heat, stirring constantly. After the sugar is completely dissolved, the jelly is poured into pasteurized jars. Roll up cans under tin lids and leave them upside down until they cool.

viburnum for the winter

Viburnum compote

It can be made from berries that are not seized by frost, but in this case, to remove bitterness, they must be extinguished for 2-3 minutes in an enameled pan. Then we put viburnum in sterilized jars and fill them with syrup (for 1 kg of water - 1 kg of sugar).

viburnum for the winter

Well know about how to cook viburnum for the winter, traditional healers. They simply dry the berries to make medicinal teas from them. In addition, jelly and even sweets are prepared from dry fruits of viburnum. How to keep viburnum dry for the winter?

Dried viburnum

We wash the berries not yet frozen, in a colander, wait for all the water to drain, put them on a towel. We let the fruits fade in the air and dry in the oven at a temperature of no higher than 60 degrees. We store dried viburnum in glass jars, cloth bags or paper bags.

And here is another recipe for how to save viburnum for the winter and pamper guests with it.


We sort out the frozen berries, rinse and squeeze the juice out of them. For 1 liter of vodka we take a glass (250 g) of freshly squeezed juice, a glass of water and 150 g of granulated sugar. We cook like this: first we dissolve sugar in water, then pour vodka and viburnum juice there. Mix well, pour into bottles and place in a dark place for a month.

Enjoying delicacies from viburnum, we must remember that in some cases this berry is contraindicated for use. They do not advise her to eat pregnant, because it contains substances that provoke uterine contractions. Among the ailments in which viburnum is not recommended are low blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, kidney disease, gout, and increased acidity of the stomach.


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