Tea "Lux" cleansing: reviews, composition and properties

Tea "Lux" is used to cleanse the digestive tract and restore the digestive system. Every day, a large amount of toxic substances penetrates the human body. They complicate the work of the intestines, stomach, liver. As a result, malaise occurs, excess kilograms accumulate. One of the products that relieves the body of toxins, is a tea "Lux" cleansing. The sections of the article are devoted to the responses about the tool, its composition and properties.

general information

The human body needs to get rid of toxic compounds regularly. Cleansing allows you to activate the process of cell renewal. It contributes to the extension of youth. The accumulation of toxins in the intestines interferes with the normal absorption of vitamins and minerals necessary for maintaining health. And toxic substances have a negative effect on well-being. There is fatigue, fatigue. Tea "Lux" cleansing, according to consumer reviews, helps to remove toxic compounds, improve the immune system.

The product has a weak diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body. It is often used as one of the means to reduce body weight.

weight loss

The composition of tea includes medicinal plants that normalize the digestive tract and prevent dysfunction of the digestive system. Tea β€œLux” cleansing β€œNL”, according to consumer reviews, contains natural ingredients, thanks to which the product is well tolerated. For example, licorice improves immunity, and cumin eliminates gas formation.

In what cases is the product used?

Tea comes in a package that contains thirty double sachets. The weight of each of them is at least 3 grams. The weight of the entire package is 90 g. The drink is used in the following situations:

  1. The need to remove toxic compounds from the body. For example, at the initial stage of a program to reduce body weight.
  2. Metabolic disorders.
  3. The need to improve the general condition and functioning of the immune system.

In addition, β€œLuxe” tea cleansing, according to consumer reviews, successfully copes not only with the problem of excess kilograms, but also with other disorders (malfunctions of the female reproductive system, headaches, fatigue, menopause).

The composition of the product

The drink contains the following components:

  • Green tea. It provides the body with vitamins, as well as other useful substances (manganese, zinc, selenium, chromium). The component improves the immune system, the condition of the skin and overall well-being.
  • Alder bark. It helps with malfunctions of the female reproductive system (difficulties with conception, hormonal disorders, fungal, viral pathologies), normalizes sleep.
  • Hill hodgepodge. Relieves cramps, has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on the work of the myocardium, nervous system, respiratory and urinary organs.
  • The golden rod. Eliminates pain, improves tone. It is used to combat disorders of the kidneys and liver. Improves the condition and appearance of hair.
  • Senna. Helps to get rid of excess pounds, removes sputum from the respiratory tract, stops the flow of blood.
  • Licorice. Eliminates discomfort in the digestive tract.
licorice plant
  • Caraway. Helps to remove toxic substances from the intestines. According to experts, this component of Lux tea cleansing helps in case of cycle failures, depressive states, headaches.
  • Lemongrass. Promotes mood. Gives the drink a pleasant aroma and sour taste.

Product Advantages

Why is the product popular? First of all, the drink is made from components that give it an original taste, a pleasant smell. Tea lovers appreciated these properties. In the manufacture of the product Altai plants are used, the homeland of which is ecologically clean area. In the manufacturing process, special technologies for processing raw materials are used. They help the drink to maintain a rich taste and aroma.

drinking tea

How to take the remedy?

A bag is poured with a glass of hot water. Then the product is left for fifteen minutes. He must insist. The tool should be consumed three times a day. The recommended single dose is 100 milliliters. It is advisable to take it after a meal. Tea "Lux" cleansing, according to consumer reviews, is quite simple to use.

The tool must be taken in courses. After two weeks of taking a short break. Five days later, you can resume using the drink. The tool has almost no contraindications. However, before using it, you should read the information about the composition. Components may cause an individual reaction related to intolerance. In addition, the product is not recommended during lactation. The pros and cons of Cleansing Lux tea, reviews (with photos) are discussed in the next chapter.

Consumer Opinions

The tool has a fairly good reputation. Many managed to get rid of excess kilograms on the background of the use of Lux tea cleansing. Reviews and photos before and after applying the product prove this.

before and after losing weight

In addition, unlike many drugs designed to reduce body weight, this tool consists of natural components. It has a pleasant smell and interesting taste. Does not provoke addiction and discomfort in the digestive tract. The product helps get rid of swelling of the tissues. After completing the course, many buyers noticed that they were able to cope with the malaise, malfunctions of the reproductive system.

the bitter taste of tea

However, there are negative reviews about the action of Lux cleansing tea (β€œLux”). Some consumers did not like the taste of the drink.

In addition, the components that make up its composition can cause an allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44433/

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