Fireproof nightmare: purpose, method of application.

Among the huge variety of primary firefighting equipment, one of the cheapest and at the same time highly effective ones is fire-fighting cloth (nightmare) made of dense fireproof fabric.

Purpose of the fire sheet

case for a nightmare

The main task of fireproof fabric (nightmares) is to block the fire at the initial stage. Throwing the canvas on a flaming object, you can stop the access of oxygen, bring down the flame and thereby create a refractory barrier. The burning of several foci can be stopped with a non-combustible sheet, unlike fire extinguishers, which require recharging after use. The canvas is used until it becomes worthless. Often they are protected by structures and objects (containers with flammable liquids, gas cylinders) from thermal radiation and sparks during work with fire.

The properties

The canvas is a rectangular section of durable fabric made of heat-resistant fireproof material (fiberglass). The canvas area is three square meters. Its weight does not exceed a kilogram. The koshma is laid in special covers that allow you to remove the canvas quite quickly (in five seconds). Depending on the model (PP-300, 600, 1000, 1200), the fabric must withstand temperatures from minus forty to plus thousand degrees. At temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius, its shelf life is more than three years. The total service life should not be more than 7 years.

All types of materials from which the koshma are made do an excellent job of the high-temperature insulation function.

fire sheet

In the past, when modern means of extinguishing a fire were absent, the koshma was made from felted camel or sheep wool, and to give it fire resistance it was impregnated with a clay mixture.

Today, in addition to a felt-type firemouse, a fabric made from various types of silica fabrics that perfectly perform the function of high-temperature insulation is used. Such fabrics include fiberglass, tarpaulin or asbestos (mountain flax). They are coated with a special solution, which includes polysaccharides, gum arabic, guar gum, agar and other substances.

It helps to stop the spread of fire and save the life of a nightmare due to its excellent refractory characteristics.


In order for the canvas to be easily found, quickly removed and used, it must be located in a visible and accessible place. The nightmare should be located on fire shields (such as -, -, -), since it is part of fire fighting equipment. Mobile fire stands and shields are also equipped with canvases. Fire canvases are often found in cars, on vehicles transporting flammable liquids and gases, in chemical laboratories, in workshops and workshops.

Terms of use

fire sheet

Like any other fire equipment, a nightmare can only be used for its intended purpose. The canvas must be removed from the bag-case, spread out and take it in such a way by the handles so that it fits between the person who is putting out the fire and the fire. Further movement away from yourself should cover the hearth. The fire must be approached only from the windward side. When it is not possible to cover it, you need to try to bring down the flame with the help of a nightmare.

Each time the canvas is inspected for damage in the form of tears or burnt sections. Reused damaged cloth must not be used. Also, after extinguishing flammable liquids and oily substances, it is forbidden to reuse the nightmare, because chemicals can be absorbed into the fabric.

Application area

fire cloth

According to the current rules, fire-fighting nightmare is used to extinguish fires of various classes. Namely:

  • class A - burn materials that have combustible properties in the solid state;
  • class B - materials that have combustible properties are burned in a liquid state;
  • Class C and E - high voltage electrical equipment is on.


Fire koshma has a lot of advantages. Its main advantages include the following:

  • Due to the lack of carcinogens, there is no detrimental effect on health when used.
  • When exposed to high temperatures, the nightmare is resistant to shrinkage, does not conduct electricity.
  • It is highly resistant to aggressive environments (corrosion, decay, microorganisms, the effects of salt water), wear-resistant. Once purchased, the canvas will last more than one year.
  • Efficiency is high, although the cost is relatively small.


felt cloth

As such, the fire-fighting nightmare has no drawbacks. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the correctness of the method of its application.

Working conditions

It is forbidden to use open fire, chemically hazardous substances, and fuels and lubricants in places where firefighting koshma is stored. When the blade reaches its ultimate state (handles are damaged and there are visible tears), they are also forbidden to use.


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