Do I need to iron the sheets after washing?

Such a household appliance, like an iron, is familiar to every modern person. Today it is in any home and is used regularly. Each housewife has her own rules for caring for clothes, but what about home textiles? We will try to figure out whether it is necessary to iron the bed linen and how to do it correctly.

Iron or not: that’s the question

Do I need to iron poplin linens

In Russia, the attitude to bedding is quite quivering. Dear and beautiful sets of home textiles, our compatriots still give each other for weddings and other significant celebrations. Many housewives like sets decorated with handmade embroidery and lace. The question "Do I need to iron the sheets after washing or is it enough to dry?" can seriously surprise the representatives of the older generation.

Just a couple of decades ago, home textiles were not only ironed after washing, but also starch, and sometimes boiled with detergents. Women who neglected these procedures were usually considered poor housewives. Time changes, in the arsenal of housewives new laundry detergents and machines with the “soft ironing” function appear. Today, some families don’t iron sheets and towels at all. Women who refuse to iron, boast of the appearance of free time and the simplification of their lives. At the same time, the other housewives, on the contrary, enjoy the ironing process itself. Some ladies hate folds on bedding and express their concern for loved ones with perfectly-cleaned bedding.

When is ironing necessary?

Ironing allows you to give things a neat appearance. Such treatment is useful to things from a hygienic point of view. The high temperature of the iron surface kills the larvae of bed and dust mites, microbes and bacteria. Do I need to iron the linens if one of the family members gets sick? It is advisable to resort to this method of disinfection.

The temperature of the iron should be at least 60 degrees, try to iron the entire area of ​​each product. It is simply necessary to iron the bed sheets and clothes of a person suffering from skin diseases. Hot ironing is also important for all things designed for young children. When ironing, baby bedding and clothes are not only disinfected, but also become softer. This is very important, as coarse folds of tissue can cause discomfort to the delicate skin of the baby.

The benefits of ironing bedding

woman ironing

Ironed sheets and duvet covers look very neat. Such a kit is not a shame to bed guests. Many people like to feel the smoothness of linen and enjoy the perfectly made bed. Ironed sets are much more convenient to refuel and store. It is necessary to iron home textiles made from natural materials. This simple procedure extends product life. Under the influence of temperature, cotton fibers are “sealed” and smoothed, so that the fabric retains its original strength characteristics and brightness of patterns much longer. During ironing under the influence of temperature, bed linen is disinfected. And this means that ironing bed linen is useful during epidemics, with chronic skin diseases and allergies.

Cons of regular use of the iron

Do I need to iron the sheets and towels after washing, because these items still crumple very quickly? Most housewives refuse to iron the sheets because of the complexity and duration of this operation. Quickly unscrew the duvet covers and pillowcases, straighten the sheets usually does not work even after many years of "training". On average, high-quality ironing of one set takes 20-30 minutes. What is especially disappointing, even high-quality ironed linen looks perfect only in the first day. Some types of tissues lose their hygroscopicity after heat treatment. And this is a serious problem, since even at normal air temperature everyone sweats in a dream. Do I need to iron the sheets if the room is hot? It all depends on your personal feelings. If you experience discomfort during sleep on the ironed set, you can try to refuse ironing at the next wash. Some housewives believe that ironed linen loses the smell of washing conditioner. Fans of aromatic fragrances should consider abandoning the iron.

Is it possible to do without an iron in the modern world?

Do I need to iron satin bedding

More and more women refuse regular ironing. However, often their home textiles do not look too untidy. What is the secret? The first and most important thing is to choose the right kits for continuous use. Do you think you need to iron the sheets of satin? For this type of fabric, regular ironing is optional. Satin, due to the special interweaving of threads, is not prone to the formation of numerous folds, looks smooth. You can safely refuse to use the iron by starting to regularly add conditioner when washing. Choose premium products, carefully straighten wet items and hang them to dry with a minimum number of folds and creases. A better result is provided by modern washing machines. Some of them have an easy-to-iron feature. If the question "Do I need to iron the sheets after washing?" You answer in the affirmative, you can try using a household steamer instead of an iron. The main advantage of this device is ease of use. At the same time, the steamer disinfects tissues no worse than an iron.

The secrets of proper ironing

Do I need to iron the sheets after washing

How to quickly and efficiently iron bedding? Use a flat surface for ironing. If there is no ironing board at hand, a table can replace it, do not forget to cover it with a dense cloth. Bed sheets are recommended to be ironed slightly damp. If it is dry, moisten the spray cloth with clean water. Normal bedding is enough to iron on the front side. If the products have embroidery, iron it on the wrong side as well. Large items, such as sheets and duvet covers, can be ironed by pre-folding twice. Before you start ironing, straighten all folds and assemblies. Move the iron slowly and carefully over the surface of the fabric to prevent new creases.

Do bed linens in other countries?

woman ironing clothes on the bed

You will probably be surprised, but not in all countries, women think about whether to iron sheets after washing. For example, in many European countries, duvet covers, sheets and pillowcases are simply washed and dried. Residents of Israel believe that only very poor housewife who cannot wash them well and properly straighten them for drying will iron the bed sets. In Russia, the attitude to ironing is twofold. Many women find it inappropriate to spend a lot of time "on such nonsense." At the same time, no less than the number of housewives believes that sleeping on an imperfect bed is simply indecent.

Do I need to iron the sheets after washing? Reviews of Russian housewives

ironed bedding looks neat

In household-related forums, one often encounters disputes among participants about the need to iron home textiles. Women who refuse to use the iron after each wash are happy to be exempted from this duty. In their opinion, instead of ironing, it is much more pleasant to devote time to other matters, a personal hobby or just relax. Mistresses, who always prefer to iron the bed, say that they are very pleased with the result of their work. For many of them, a perfectly made bed is a symbol of comfort and a prosperous life. If you believe the reviews, some women enjoy the ironing process itself. This simple and monotonous job can be done while watching TV or listening to audio books. Ironing has a variety of pros and cons. This means that each housewife must decide for herself whether it is necessary to iron bedding from poplin, and whether to do this with each wash.


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