Comparative characteristics of Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich. Confrontation of the people and government

In his work, Lermontov takes the reader to the sixteenth century, during the time of the unlimited power of Grozny. The main characters of the poem are the merchant Kalashnikov and the oprichnik Kiribeevich, and not the tsar at all. The writer raised the topic of dignity and honor. The work makes the reader think about such important issues as freedom, human rights, the causes of violence and arbitrariness, ways to protect yourself and your family.

Description of the Oprichnik Kiribeevich

comparative characteristics of Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich
A comparative description of Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich gives an idea of ​​the main characters of the poem. The Oprichnik possessed heroic power, he was brave, showed himself very well in battles, and therefore enjoyed the favor of the king. Kiribeevich very subtly felt the surrounding beauty, knew how to enjoy and admire it, so the beautiful wife of the merchant Kalashnikova Alena Dmitrievna could not pass his gaze. The woman immediately conquered the heart of the brave oprichnik, at her sight he lost the rest of his composure, his legs gave way, and there was fog in his head.

A comparative description of Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich allows the reader to compose the image of a popular favorite and a person endowed with power. The Oprichnik felt his impunity, therefore, having stepped over all moral laws, he began to pester Alena Dmitrievna. He is not aware that a woman does not like his impudent kisses, that by his actions Kiribeevich dishonors the Kalashnikov family. The Oprichnik was not ready to receive a refusal from Alena Dmitrievna and a challenge to a duel from her husband.

Confrontation of the merchant and the oprichnik

Kiribeevich and Kalashnikov
No one in the city, not even the tsar, knew the true reason why Kiribeevich and Kalashnikov decided to fight. The Oprichnik undoubtedly exceeded the strength of the merchant. A simple person from the people had nothing to dream of overcoming a professional warrior, constantly participating in fist fights. But moral laws were on the side of Kalashnikov, and Kiribeevich understood this very well. Confidence in the abilities of the oprichnik greatly weakened after the merchant said that he would fight until the last breath.

A comparative description of Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich shows that a person who is aware of his own right can defeat anyone. The Oprichnik lost his composure in an honest and open duel, so he died at the hands of the enemy. The merchant puts truth and honor, that is, the moral laws of the people, above all else. This is an iron nature who is able to stand up for the honor of her family. Death is better for him than dishonor.

The execution of Stepan Kalashnikov

Kalashnikov merchant and oprichnik Kiribeevich
The merchant did not want to admit the true reason for the duel, choosing the execution as the payment for the death of the best tsarist guardian. Ivan the Terrible was cruel, but also fair in his own way. If he knew what the fight was about, he would have mercy on Stepan. A comparative description of Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich shows that the preservation of dignity in the understanding of the people comes into conflict with social conditions. Lermontov has always argued that the formation of the properties of a person’s personality is necessary only on popular grounds.


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