Common folk remedies for constipation in adults

By constipation, it is customary to understand a rather rare or difficult bowel movement, while bowel movement may not be observed for two to three days. This phenomenon can be accompanied by discomfort in the stomach and intestines, gas formation and dizziness, as well as general malaise.

folk remedies for constipation in adults
Of course, in the event of a prolonged absence of bowel movements, certain measures should be taken, for example, alternative remedies for constipation in adults can help. It is worth noting that traditional medicine is recognized as more sparing, since it does not have too harmful effects on other organs. In principle, the primary means of constipation in adults are the mandatory observance of a certain diet, a balanced diet, as well as exercise. Only this will help prevent the absence of bowel movements. However, in the event that the problem already occurs, then you should try some folk remedies for constipation in adults.

Folk wisdom suggests drinking constipation juice, aloe vera, fresh potatoes, and try pickled cabbage pickle. At the same time, it is desirable that the cabbage is homemade. Another way that has a preventive effect is the frequent consumption of green apples, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole. However, do not forget about the need to find out what nature constipation in adults has. Folk remedies should be chosen depending on the cause of stagnation of feces.

constipation in adults folk remedies
Most often, alternative medicine suggests the use of medicines of natural origin, in particular, hay, also called the Alexandrian leaf. In addition, extracts of buckthorn, plantain and rhubarb contribute to the release of feces. Of course, any folk remedies for constipation in adults should be taken in compliance with a certain regimen and dosage. At the same time, alternative medicine provides special recipes for preparing decoctions to obtain the desired effect. Take, for example, the infusion on the root of horse sorrel, the preparation of which should be carried out as follows: pour two tablespoons of the dry mixture with half a liter of boiling water and hold in a water bath for half an hour. But at the same time, such a remedy should be consumed in a whole glass at night, otherwise, the desired effect will not be.

In addition, do not forget about preventive folk remedies for constipation in adults, which must be entered into your daily diet. An example of such products can be olive or linseed oil, which is preferably consumed on a tablespoon daily on an empty stomach.

remedies for constipation in adults
However, do not forget that even those traditional medicine that seem most harmless to you can cause some damage to the body. Therefore, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is a necessary measure. It is advisable to purchase traditional medicine in pharmacy chains, where you can find a large number of different herbal preparations.


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