Veronica longifolia: cultivation, medicinal properties, photo

Veronica longifolia (chest grass, goryanka) is a grassy perennial of the plantain family, its height is from 50 cm to 1.2 m.The plant has a straight strong stalk, mostly bare or slightly pubescent, creeping long rhizome. Thick opposite leaves with prongs grow in a rosette. Flowers of a long-leafed veronica of a blue or bluish-purple hue, on the pedicels are located one at a time, in the upper part of the stem are collected in a brush. The fruit of Veronica longifolia is a box of slightly flattened shape. Veronica longifolia, the photo of which can be seen below, blooms all summer.

Veronica longifolia

Distribution and composition

Places of distribution of the plant are the European part of the CIS, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Veronica longifolia grass prefers wet meadows and riverbanks; you can also find it in thickets and shrubs.

The composition of the grass is mainly flavonoids, essential oils, carotene, nitrogen-free compounds, chlorogenic and ascorbic acids, coumarin, cardiac glycosides, caffeic acid, saponins, etc.

Collection and Harvesting

For medicinal purposes, use flowering shoots of plants. Veronica stalks are carefully cut, then they are placed on pallets installed in well-ventilated places (under a canopy, in the attic). The grass is laid out in a thin ball, not more than 5 cm. The raw materials are stirred from time to time.

Veronica longleaf photo

Well-dried grass must be packaged in paper bags or cloth bags made of natural fabric. Shelf life of raw materials is no more than two years, after this time the healing properties of the plant are lost.

Growing and propagation conditions

Fertile, moderately moist, or moist drained soils are best suited for plants such as Veronica longifolia. Growing and caring for a plant is not difficult. It grows well in open sunny areas. After flowering, the shoots need to be cut, the bush is updated due to a new growth.

Propagate the plant with seeds that are sown before winter. Reproduction is possible, which is carried out in spring or autumn.

There is another method of reproduction, which is called the method of green cuttings. It is produced in June-July. Young elastic shoots need to be cut into cuttings 5-6 centimeters long with one or two internodes and planted in a greenhouse in fertile soil, sand should be poured on top with a layer of 4-6 cm. In September, roots are formed. Cuttings that are rooted are transplanted into the ground.

Veronica longifolia is also used to decorate stony gardens, borders and flowerbeds. The photos show how you can use the plant to decorate the garden.

Veronica longifolia, medicinal properties

Medicinal use

In folk medicine, the aerial part of the plant and the rhizome are used. The first is harvested during the flowering period. Harvesting rhizomes occurs from September to October.

Veronica longifolia, whose medicinal properties have been known for a long time, is a good antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, hemostatic, choleretic, antispasmodic properties.

The aerial part of the plant is used to prepare infusions that have antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties.

The infusion is useful in the treatment of colds, coughs, shortness of breath, pulmonary tuberculosis, liver problems, headaches, digestive disorders, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids. They also wash the wounds, places of snake bites.

To prepare the infusion, one teaspoon of veronica longifolia is poured with a glass of boiling water. The tool is insisted for two hours, after which it is filtered. You need to take a quarter cup three times a day.

Veronica longifolia, growing

With diaper rash and sweating feet, freshly crushed flowers are used. Dried grass in the form of a powder helps in the treatment of wounds, festering ulcers, diaper rash. Poultices rid of lichen.

For the treatment of diphtheria and scarlet fever, the flowering tops of Veronica longifolia were fried in bacon, then used as poultices.

With diseases of the liver and bladder, the use of a decoction is effective. A decoction from the rhizomes of the plant helps with jaundice, headaches, endometritis, gastroenteritis, diseases of the bladder, mental disorders. In homeopathy, drugs based on the roots of the plant, which have good choleretic properties, are used.

To prepare a decoction of the rhizomes of a plant, a teaspoon of raw materials is poured into a glass of water, boiled for ten minutes on low heat, filtered. Eat two tablespoons three times a day, half an hour before meals.


Veronica longifolia is not used during pregnancy. Also contraindications for use are increased blood coagulation, severe pathology of the liver or gall bladder.


With fungal infections of the skin and nails, you can prepare the following remedy: freshly squeezed plant juice (200 ml) is poured with the same amount of alcohol, insisted for ten days in a cool place. Tincture is used to lubricate the affected areas two to three times a day, stored in the refrigerator.

For the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, veronica longifolia in the form of infusion is used. It is prepared as follows: dry crushed raw materials (three grams) are poured with boiling water (one glass), insisted for an hour and a half, filtered. Take a quarter cup three times a day.

Veronica longifolia grass

For external use, use the following infusion: ten grams of dry raw material is poured with boiling water (300 ml), insisted for two hours, then filtered. The tool is used in the treatment of eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, dermatoses, pyoderma, diathesis and rash in children.

For headaches, mental disorders, aches, as an analgesic after childbirth, an infusion is used, prepared from one teaspoon of crushed dry plant roots and a glass of water. The product must be boiled for five minutes, insist an hour, strain and take one or two tablespoons several times a day.

For the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, a tool is used that is prepared as follows: five grams of dry raw material is poured with boiling water (half a liter), insisted for two hours, filtered. Take half a glass up to four times a day half an hour after eating, in addition, infusion can gargle.

Of course, you can use such drugs only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, instead of benefits, you can aggravate existing and acquire new health problems.


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