Self-cleaning of the soil - meaning, steps and processes

Self-cleaning of the soil is a rather long and difficult process for nature. This is the procedure for converting harmful organic substances into useful inorganic ones. All harmful substances that enter the soil, after some time, are filtered and lose any negative and harmful properties.

Soil self-cleaning processes

The soil has the most unique self-cleaning properties. Soil microorganisms are engaged in this business. Also, the level of moisture, oxygen and physico-chemical properties play an important role. Soil microorganisms filter harmful wastes that enter the soil in the form of untreated water. Different solids are trapped in the pores of the upper layers of the soil.

It can be:

β€’ excrement;

β€’ animal remains and plant;

β€’ household waste.

The decomposition rate depends on the level of oxygen in the soil. An aerobic or anaerobic cleaning method helps the decomposition of organic substances.

Aerobic conditions

Aerobic conditions

Self-cleaning of the soil in this way is as follows:

β€’ fatty acids form in the soil;

β€’ then decompose into various gaseous substances in the form of methane, organic alcohols and carbon dioxide.

Fats themselves decompose much more slowly than carbohydrates. First, fats are broken down into fatty acids, and after that, the process described above occurs. With a lack of oxygen in the soil, many unpleasant odors of fatty and volatile acids are formed. Substances containing a large number of nitrogen compounds also enter the soil. Belong to the category of protein metabolism products. After going through the long stages of cleavage, they slowly turn into amino acids. Most proteins use amino acids as their energy material. Ammonification takes place at the beginning of mineralization. Urea is also involved in the mineralization process, which eventually turns into ammonia. In the final stage of mineralization, virtually all substances are converted to nitrates. After that, all plants receive nutrients.

Anaerobic conditions

Anaerobic conditions

To understand the importance of self-cleaning soil, it is necessary to study anaerobic conditions. Under such conditions, the soil is oversaturated with waste, resulting in a large moisture capacity and capillarity. In addition to nitrification, a denitrification process takes place, where nitrate microorganisms are reduced to nitrites, ammonia and nitrogen oxides. This occurs in conditions of lack of oxygen and contributes to the rapid restoration of the soil. Also, during denitrification, atmospheric air receives additional nitrogen saturation. The faster the soil is cleaned of organic pollutants, the faster biological pollution will turn into useful resources called fertilizers or compost. Basically, pathogens and helminth eggs die from drying out, which helps to cleanse the soil.

Humus formation

Soil formation

As a result of self-cleaning, humus is formed - this is a special organic substance that contributes to greater soil fertility. People call it humus. As you can see, organic components, which in one way or another got into the soil in the form of contaminants, are gradually turning back into useful substances. They can be used as fertilizers. Unfortunately, spore-forming forms cannot turn into something useful for the soil. To form humus, on average, the entire warm season is required before the first frosts begin. Composting requires an average of a year or two. If there are chickens in the farm, then it is advisable that they sort it out constantly, then compost will become a useful fertilizer much faster. Thanks to compost, you can significantly increase productivity without the use of chemistry.

Soil conservation measures

Wellness activities

To maintain the quality of the soil at a level that will not allow the development of various kinds of diseases, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures that will not only save, but also increase productivity. For this purpose, special examinations are created that:

β€’ engage in monitoring the sanitary condition of the soil;

β€’ carry out planning activities;

β€’ carry out hygienic rationing;

β€’ create legislative, technological sanitary conditions that contribute to the rapid and effective cleaning of the soil.

The most important aspect in the sanitary protection of the soil is the development of hygiene standards. These guidelines help determine how safe or unsafe a particular substance is for the soil. But all these standards are still poorly developed, since only 200 of them have been developed, while more than tens of thousands of such substances enter the soil.

Technical measures are aimed at creating waste-free or low-waste production at enterprises, as well as minimizing the possible level of pollution. To neutralize solid waste, you must:

β€’ carry out hydrolysis;

β€’ create incineration plants;

β€’ build biometric processing plants;

β€’ carry out composting;

β€’ categorize waste for future disposal.

Self-cleaning of the soil will be completely ineffective if, at the current pace of life and production, waste processing and cleaning of liquid waste are not carried out. For this purpose, sewage disposal or sewage systems are installed. If there is no way to equip your house with sewage, courtyards are needed. According to sanitary standards, they should be located at a distance no closer than 20 meters from the residential sector. To prevent contamination of the soil, it is necessary once a day to sprinkle a place near the toilet with bleach. If this is not possible, then you need to try at least once every 2 months to clean the cesspools.

Soil types

It is also necessary to equip such facilities with drainage so that waste pipes go into a reservoir and are cleaned there by hydrolysis.

Soil self-cleaning steps

They look like this:

  1. During decay, aeration occurs, that is, the absorption of oxygen; mineralization and formation of minerals; humification, i.e. the formation of humus.
  2. During fermentation, energy is absorbed, and fetid gases are formed in the form of ammonia, methane, hydrogen and others.
  3. Nitrification is an oxidative process.
  4. Denitrification - depletion of the soil with useful nitrogenous substances.

The article lists all the main stages of soil self-cleaning, as well as a set of measures that a person can carry out independently. The fact is that the soil can self-clean without negative human influence. Therefore, the task of mankind is to minimize the impact on the soil and reduce the amount of waste, because nature does not cope with them in full. If soil contamination continues at the same pace, then after 20 years people will not be able to eat clean and not contaminated food, which is very dangerous for health.


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