A magnificent city of great opportunity: Baltimore. USA

The city of Baltimore does not flash as often in the chronicle as New York or Las Vegas. But once visiting him, no one can say that he is boring or faceless. On the contrary, the number of lovers in the city is equal to the number of residents and tourists visiting.

However, Baltimore is one of the most attractive cities for tourists who visit the United States. It has 11 twin cities in the world, including Egyptian Alexandria, Ukrainian Odessa and Italian Genoa. Every year it receives thousands of visitors. The list of famous people who were born in Baltimore, USA, numbers dozens. It is a sin not to mention Billy Holiday, John Bolton, John F. Kennedy and many others. In addition, Baltimore is the birthplace of the American national anthem.

Also, it is worth noting that Baltimore is a leader among US cities in the number of museums. And the kitchen of this giant pleases with simplicity and great taste at an affordable price.

general information

Initially, that is, since 1729, Baltimore (USA) was one of the largest port cities. Today it is one of the leaders of industrial and political life in the States.

Baltimore usa
The largest settlement of Maryland is located in its northern part. The geography of the city is interesting in that it is located at the junction of the Piedmont Plateau and the Atlantic Plain. As a result, it is customary to divide it into “Lower” and “Upper”. Since Baltimore is located on a river, water bodies occupy more than 10% of the total area.

The climate in the city is defined as subtropical, and the average annual air temperature reaches 13 ° C.

The number of residents exceeds half a million, mostly African-American representatives. With such a developed infrastructure, it is surprising that less than 20% of residents can boast of higher education, and less than half received secondary special education .

The city's attractions

Since the city was a port capital for a long time, a lot of money was invested in this industry, which could not but leave an imprint on its historical and cultural heritage. So, the first thing the Baltimoreers advise to see is the Inner Harbor harbor, near which the main attractions settled.

You can not afford to miss the National Aquarium, which is home to a little less than five hundred species of fish. The Maritime Museum, which contains the history of shipbuilding not only in America, but also in the whole world, should not be ignored. This is an institution that the whole state is proud of. Baltimore (USA) presented the original architecture of the building, made in the form of ships, inside which are located various halls with expositions.

The western side of the harbor offers to climb the skyscrapers and appreciate the beauty of the area from almost a bird's eye view.

Music lovers should go to the “Upper Town” and visit the Peabody Conservatory, the oldest in the country, and fans of fine art will be pleased with a visit to the Art Museum.

Baltimore city in usa

Where and what to eat

Baltimore is a city in the USA that is ready to break stereotypes about food in this country. Contrary to popular associations with fast food, this area will surprise with an abundance of healthy, wholesome, and most importantly, delicious food.

The main feature of local restaurants is family recipes. Many small establishments in the city of Baltimore (USA) observe the traditions of their ancestors and prepare only those dishes that their parents and grandfathers preferred. Even despite the same menu, the taste of the simplest breads is different in every restaurant.

At the peak of popularity among Baltimorets, vegetables and salads from them. Their selection is huge. Even meat is usually served not accompanied by cereals or products from them, but in tandem with asparagus, potatoes, a mix of carrots and other vegetables.

Spices and salt are not abused here, because lovers of spicy food should either point to bring the right ingredient, or look for restaurants with the right cuisine.

Shopping and evening promenade

Baltimore (USA) will satisfy those who go to watch the world and at the same time update their wardrobe. All kinds of boutiques and shops are designed to leave satisfied the owners of a wallet of any thickness. At the weekend, go to the local markets where you can buy many things at discounts.

In addition, walking around the city, you can buy unique souvenirs for relatives and friends in small shops.

For lovers of nightlife, Baltimore (USA) offers a myriad of nightclubs and discos. If you don’t like the noise of electronic music, you can just sit in a cozy bar or go to a performance by musicians who play in every second bar.

Baltimore usa
Choose an institution that is further away from the hotel where you stayed. Often, nearby establishments are not particularly unique, but the prices bite there. And scammers flock in packs, because they like to cash in at the expense of a negligent tourist.

Memory knot

Going to Baltimore (a city in the USA), it is worth remembering some details:

  • Most often, the cost of a day in hotels does not include breakfast.

  • Do not be lazy. Supermarkets near the hotel are overpricing, counting on generous tourists who do not know the terrain. This also applies to all kinds of restaurants, cafes, canteens.

  • Grab adapters and adapters in Baltimore (a city in the USA), since the voltage is half the usual for us. Yes, and the sockets are not the same.

  • If you take children on a car trip, grab special chairs for them or pay rent. Their cost is much lower than the penalty for non-compliance with the rules.

  • Our coming of age does not convince local bartenders. Do not hope that they will sell you a drink if you have not reached the age of 21 according to your passport. This also applies to car rental.

  • Tipping is the key to a good relationship and the norm. If you have not left a tip, then this will not affect the external attitude of the staff of any institution. But they themselves will be known as an impolite and ungrateful client. Too generous presentations in the account are also perceived. Leave 10-15% of the order amount - this is the golden mean.

Mr. Baltimore USA
And most importantly - study the laws of the state before leaving to avoid trouble and not spoil the trip by unpleasant conversations with the police.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44489/

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