What is benevolence? Meaning, synonyms and types

It happened to you that everything went one to one, but not in a bad sense, but in a good one. That is, you are late for the train, but there is still no taxi and no, and then suddenly a handsome young man undertakes to help you out. Moreover, everything is legal and without risk, and you are in time on time. It is rare for a person in such a situation to think that someone is bewitching him, or, in other words, it is a good fortune. What it is? Consider today the meaning of the word "goodwill."


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Even without any dictionary, we can say that this is something positive. True, it is. But let's see for sure. So, an explanatory dictionary can help us dispel the haze of ignorance. It fixes the following meaning of the word "benevolence": "benevolence, favor."

The object of research is used in cases when something is revealed to a person, he enters the success streak of inexplicable or inexplicable luck. As a rule, they say not “goodwill,” but “luck.” The first seems now somewhat mannered and outdated, and the second is more appropriate in any situation. The common thing with nouns is that a person seems to agree with forces that are independent of him. Who, for example, runs the event or sympathy. This is all a dark and mysterious story. The reasoning will be clear when we consider the types of benevolence. This is ahead, but for now we need its semantic analogues.


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Given the book’s definition and some seemingly old-fashioned definition, the reader may need synonyms for the word “grace”. We can do such a service. So the list:

  • love;
  • mercy;
  • location;
  • sympathy;
  • preference.

Someone may be surprised when he looks at the first line, but goodwill is really a synonym for love, if we take more modest times. When, for example, the princesses, or rather, the kings organized “grooms contests”, it was the princess’s affection that decided the matter. Although this is rather a fairy tale plot, in reality a lot depended on the political interests of a particular state.

Otherwise, all synonyms are emotionally comparable with the object of study, and they can be safely used on occasion.

Grace of the authorities as a guarantee of a successful career

Boss with a cigar - stamp

The time has come to consider the types of goodwill. We do not plan to multiply entities and consider only two - the sympathy of people and the disposition of fate to a person.

A reasonable question arises: what is the importance of favor, for example, at work? Huge Imagine that you are hardworking, and the boss promotes only those who are useful to him or say compliments? Yes, a fair boss is just a treasure. After all, one always wants a person to be valued solely for business qualities. If the leader prefers hardworking, then honor and praise be to him. As a result, everyone will win. Unfortunately, without the sympathy of the authorities, one cannot make a career either in Russia or in Europe. Do not be discouraged by those who are unlucky, everything can change in an instant. Sometimes it happens that the boss does not favor, and fate showers with roses.

When someone asked God for you

Bergkamp Dennis in his youth

Probably everyone is fascinated by stories when they say that someone did not board a train or plane and, as a result, escaped from imminent death. This happened with famous people - Dennis Bergkamp and Alexander Abdulov. The footballer has since stopped using planes: he could not overpower himself. Although aircraft are much more reliable than cars. Car crashes still take a huge amount of lives. But a man still feels more confident on the earth than in the air. But sometimes the disposition of fate manifests itself in a less extreme situation. In other words, sometimes grace is something imperceptible.

For example, imagine a person gets up in the morning with a firm determination to find work. And here everything is one to one: he manages to get on a minibus, enters the door of that building on time and finds himself at the right moment in front of the bright eyes of the future bosses or his representative office - the mission has been completed: the work has been received.

Do you think all this is an accident? How to know. Another thing is, why are some lucky and others not? Yes, this is a question of questions. After all, someone gets stuffed up and gets on those trains and planes that as a result do not reach their destination. Here you can refer to the case or God. Both options are equally attractive and logical in their own way. The reader can choose for himself, as well as answer the question, what is the meaning of the word “benevolence” if, of course, someone asks him. Now this task is too tough for him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44493/

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