What is the organizational structure of Sberbank

Sberbank is a financial institution known not only to the vast majority of Russians, but also to residents of other states. The reason is its scale, uniqueness, fame against the background of other similar institutions in the Russian Federation. In this article, we will focus on the organizational structure of Sberbank, which has no analogues in Russia. Let's start with a general acquaintance with the organization.

About Sberbank

The subject of our conversation is PAO, the largest Russian bank. Its founder is the Central Bank of Russia. It is the Central Bank that owns the controlling share package of this institution. Other shareholders are organizations and individuals.

Uniqueness is noticeable not only in the detailed organizational structure of Sberbank. He is also distinguished by the following:

  • Providing state guarantees for deposits.
  • Participation in an international program whose goal is the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.
  • Account maintenance, revenue and turnover of the federal Russian budget.

Organizational chart of Sberbank of Russia

Let's analyze the hierarchy of the components of this large banking organization:

  • The main body is the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • Second level: Supervisory Board. Revision Commission. A number of Committees of the Supervisory Board.
  • Next level: Board (including its chairman and president). Sberbank Committees. Board of the Bank.
  • Last level: A number of divisions of the central network of the bank. Territorial branches. Foreign departments.
    Organizational structure of Sberbank

The entire organizational structure of Sberbank can be divided into almost equal four shares:

  1. Head office.
  2. Territorial offices.
  3. Agencies and branches.
  4. Other branches of the system.

Meeting of shareholders

The management structure of this organization assumes the existence of governing bodies with established amounts of responsibility, a number of powers and rules for interacting with other components of the system. We pass to its top.

The main governing body of the organizational structure of Sberbank PJSC is the meeting of shareholders. Only it has the right to elect the board of the institution, as well as the supervisory board. Shareholders are both physical and legal entities. They are owners of both ordinary and preferred securities.

The main tasks of this part of the organizational structure of Sberbank:

  • Making decisions on the establishment of an organization.
  • Both the compilation of the Charter of the bank, and control over its implementation.
  • Approval of acts and documents related to the activities of the institution.
  • Selection of members of executive and supervisory bodies.
  • Both consideration and verification of reports on the activities of other structural units.
  • Distribution of revenue directions.
    PAO organizational structure

Structure management

The general management of Sberbank is the business of the elected Council. His key responsibilities are:

  • Definition of bank development vectors.
  • Control over the work of the board.
  • Approval of the annual report.
  • Control of investment and lending policies.
  • Organization of the activities of the audit and credit committees.
  • Chair selection.

Audit and Credit Committees

We continue to get acquainted with the organizational structure of Sberbank. As we have already mentioned, his Council creates two committees, each of which has certain tasks:

  • Credit: Formation of a credit policy of an institution, a structure of opportunities and funds that can be brought into work. Opening of investment funds. Activities related to trust operations.
  • Revision: Organization of selective and comprehensive inspections in the field of credit, settlement, foreign exchange work. Control over the implementation of legislative acts.
    Organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia (chart)

head office

We turn to the organizational structure of Sberbank branches. The main one here is the head office - it manages the smaller branches. Hence, his tasks are the following:

  • Analysis of the work of subordinate organizations.
  • Current and strategic planning.
  • Work on priority vectors of bank development.
  • Budgeting, financial asset management, liabilities, risks.
  • Studying the Russian banking market, state economy.
  • Control over in-structure cash flows, credit resources.
  • Providing the entire bank system with information about the activities of its units.
  • Conducting marketing analyzes in tandem with other organizations. This activity is aimed at studying the needs and wishes of customers, as well as the regional market, improving existing and developing new banking products and services.
    The organizational structure of the branch of Sberbank

Territorial units

Note that the activities of territorial structures are provided by the Sberbank security service. They themselves are busy with the following:

  • Analysis of the activities of their units in order to plan the most profitable credit policy.
  • Assessment of the current competitive environment.
  • Participation in regional economic development programs.
  • Improvement and expansion of settlement networks.
  • Implementation of the latest information technologies, which will help to more successfully manage both the bank's liabilities and assets, and staff, will facilitate interaction with customers.
  • Work on increasing the speed of financial transactions, which leads to an improvement in the quality of service.
  • Valuation and adjustment to changing market conditions.
  • General optimization of their networks, taking into account economic and social factors.
    PAO organizational structure

Regional branches

Regional divisions and branches are the most widespread in the entire Sberbank system. I must say that within the structure they are constantly being optimized based on the population density in a particular region, the number of bank customers. Much attention is paid to the preference by consumers of certain banking services.

The regional branches of the organizational structure of Sberbank have the full range of rights of legal entities. The balance of such a branch is an integral part of the single balance of the entire corporation.

The activities of the regional offices are based on the approved regulations. Based on it:

  • Branches in the regions have the rights of legal entities.
  • They are part of the Sberbank system.
  • In their work, they rely on acts that are adopted both by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and by Sberbank itself.

Here it is necessary to highlight specialized branches. They focus not only on individual and specialized banking services, but also on the development of certain areas of the financial business: work with corporate clients, operations with currency, stocks, etc.

Bank Organizational Structure


It is impossible not to separate separately such a part of the structure of Sberbank as agencies. They are considered the last link in the system - they were created at large institutions to work with the population of remote and sparsely populated regions of the Russian Federation. The range of operations they perform is limited - cash management services, salary transfers.

In the future, it is planned to replace agencies with mobile operating cash desks.


The structure of Sberbank has the following branches:

  • In terms of work with personnel - study of the labor market, selection of new employees, advanced training of real employees.
  • Public Relations Department - promotion and advertising, interaction with the media.
  • Risk management - a general analysis of risks in the financial market, building an activity policy based on them.
  • Office of Audits, Internal Control and Audit - control over compliance by departments with both all-Russian legislative acts and internal bank orders.
  • Security management - protection against unlawful actions of third parties, ensuring the safety of staff and visitors.
  • Legal - the development of model contracts, the issuance of licenses, certificates, legal expertise, and appearing in court on behalf of Sberbank.
    Organizational structure of OJSC

Organizational Functions

Consider the general functions of the organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia:

  • The turnover of funds received from the population and organizations.
  • Issuing loans to individuals and legal entities.
  • Settlement and cash services for the population.
  • Work with securities: issue, sale, purchase.
  • Commercial services: leasing, factoring.
  • Issue of bank cards.
  • Currency operations.
  • Consulting and informing citizens on economic issues.

Briefly, we examined the extensive organizational structure of Sberbank. Now you are aware of its components, their specific activities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44502/

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